What to do...

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"You're a Parselmouth?! Why didn't you tell us?" I could hear Ron say from the couch. After I had left the dueling club, I went straight to the Gryffindor common room. I went up to the dormitories and grabbed my book about  hereditary superpowers. I went to my favorite spot, the willow tree, to think and read. I stayed there for about an hour just thinking.

After my time of reading and thinking, I went back to the Gryffindor common room. I saw that nobody was in there yet, so I laid on the couch. I was trying to fall asleep, until I heard the painting creak. I laid absolutely still and listened in on the conversation. 

"Parselmouth?" Harry asked. 

"It means you can talk to snakes," Hermione explained. 

"Well, yeah I can," Harry told them. "I accidentally set a python in my cousin Dudley once. So what? I'm sure most people here can do it." 

"No," Hermione whined, "they can't. It's not a very common gift. This is bad." 

"What? Why is it bad?" Harry asked concerned. "If I hadn't of told that snake not to attack Justin-"

"Oh," Ron sighed in relief. "That's what you said to it."

"You were there," Harry told Ron. "You heard me."

"I heard you speaking Parseltongue," Ron explained. "Snake language."

"I spoke a different language?" Harry seemed baffled. "But I didn't realize-" he paused. "How can I speak a language without knowing I can?" 

"I don't know, Harry," Hermione answered. "It sounded like you were egging the snake on or something. Harry, listen to me. There is a reason why the symbol for  Slytherin is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too." 

"Now the whole school's going to think you're his great-great-great grandson or something," Ron mentioned. Everyone's going to think he's the heir of Slytherin. 

"But I'm not," Harry argued. "I can't be."

"He lived a thousand years ago Harry," Hermione mentioned. "You could be." 

There was silence for a little bit, until Ron piped up, "Did Bridget know?" 

I sighed and sat up, "Yes, I did. But I totally forgot about it." 

They all turned to me in surprise, "Bridge...hey."

"Don't worry," I got up and walked over to them. "I heard everything. And I need to tell you guys something." 

They all looked at me with eyes wide open, "Don't worry. I can't speak Parseltongue. But I just figured out something," I told them. "When Harry was talking to the snake, and I was in front of the snake, I was looking into it's eyes. Then out of nowhere I could hear a voice. It was deep and raspy. I had no idea where it was coming from." 

"That's why you were so white," Ron explained. "You were as white as Malfoy's hair." 

I sighed, "Well, after I left, I thought about it and read some more. I think I might have read it's mind. I am going to talk to Dumbledore about it though. Like here soon." 

They looked astonished. 

I shrugged and went back over to sit down. They all followed me and sat next to me. "What are we going to do?" Ron asked. "One friend that people are going to think is the heir of Slytherin and another is listening to a voice." 

I glared at him. 

"Ron," Hermione told him, "they aren't bad. They can't help it."

Harry, who was sitting to the right of me, grabbed my hand. I looked to him. He smiled, "We are going to get through all of this together." 

I giggled, and squeezed his hand, "Like we promised." 
Just like we promised. 

&&& Time Skip &&&

Time flew by and before I knew it I was heading to Dumbledore's office. It was about 4 o'clock, and most of the halls were empty. I was almost there when I heard something. It sounded like it was slithering on the walls. Or in them. 

I walked a little faster, and the noise sped up a little. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster, and faster. My breathing got heavier. As soon as I got up to Dumbledore's entrance the noise stopped. I said the password and practically ran up the stairs. 

I knocked on the door, and heard his voice, "Come in." 

I walked in, "Good afternoon, Dumbledore." I closed the door and turned to face him. He was giving me the 'mom' face. "Sorry, Albus." I looked around and Fox (his phoenix) was standing on his pedestal. I smiled. 

He smiled and got up, "What did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Uh-" I walked closer to the desk, "I wanted to tell you that I might have heard a snake speak but it was in my mind." 

He raised his head and walked over to me. 

"I don't know exactly what it means but I heard something," I told him. "I read my book about hereditary superpowers but I barely understand it." 

He walked up his stairs leading to a porch like thing, and started to stare off to the distance. A bit dramatic huh? 

"Well, Bridget, I think you shouldn't be worried," He started. I walked up to Fox and started to pet him as Dumbledore talked, "I figured it would happen this year. With the Chamber of Secrets being opened and you being in a risky position." 

"Risky position?" I asked. 

"The monster living in the Chamber of Secrets petrifies any muggleborn that looks at it indirectly. It kills any muggleborn that look it directly in the eye. With you technically being muggleborn, you have those risks," He explained. 

I nodded, "So, what do I do?" 

"Take it one step at a time," He walked down and stood by me. "I know that next year, you will be taking animagus lessons from McGonagall so the last thing you will need on your mind is this. So just when it happens, stay focused, try and concentrate on the eyes and soul of who or whatever it is. You'll do just fine." 

I smiled, "Oh," I got serious, "Harry speaks Parseltongue." 

He nodded, "I thought so." 

"You thought so?" I asked, stepping away from Fox. 

"I'll tell you when you get older," He walked back to his desk. I walked after him, and was about to leave when he said, "I know you go out at night." 

I stopped; my hand was on the doorknob. 

"I know you go by the willow and sit and think. I don't punish you because I know that your grandparents used to do the same thing. I used to do the same thing. But I don't want you to go out this year." 

I turned around and he was writing down something, "Because of the..." I stopped. 

"The Chamber of Secrets? Yes," He continued writing. 

"Okay," I opened the door, "Goodbye, Albus." I walked out and started to head back for the Gryffindor Tower. I took my time though. Nothing bad could happen while I was out right? 

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