Weasleys to the Rescue

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Summer Recap: I spent the summer sending letters to Ron and Hermione. I also received some letters from Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore. They had heard students talk about how I can sing really well. They asked if I could to a little performance at the beginning of the year, Christmas, and the end of the year. I accepted their request. It would help me get out of my shell.

Harry and I hung out most of the time. I was sending letters to Ron about how Harry and I needed to get out of our terrible households. Mine wasn't as bad as Harry's though. Ron told me he'd come pick us up soon and that Harry wasn't writing so he knew something had to be wrong.

My mother didn't talk to me much at all the whole summer, but the Dursleys were extremely rude to both Harry and me. I asked Harry about the whole liking me thing. He said he didn't, which I sighed in relief in. He liked me as a sister, and I was satisfied with that answer.

"Well, I got to go," Harry got up off the swing. Harry and I had mostly gone to the park this summer. I didn't mind being in my house, but I didn't like the smell too much.

"Okay," I said getting up too. "Hey, I have a question. "

"Yeah," He looked to me.

"What would you say if Malfoy and I became friends?" I turned ahead and started to walk home. I hadn't really thought about it much that summer. I hadn't written to him either. I had to take what my friends think into account before answering his request.

"Uh...why Malfoy?" He asked, following me.

"Just answer. What would you say?" I asked, still walking.

"I would say your crazy, but if your instinct is okay with it, I'd be willing to give it a try," Harry said, laughing.

I nodded and smiled to my best friend, "Okay, thanks for the input."

"Wait," Harry said. Wow, did his voice get a little deeper during the summer? And I didn't notice? "Did Malfoy ask you to become friends with him?"

I sighed, "Sort of. I think it's a little complicated." We had just stepped back into our neighborhood. The street lights were beginning to light up as the sky was getting darker.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked in shock.

"I wasn't going to because you had just gone through something terrible, which I was right about, and I didn't want you to worry," I said. I still wasn't letting go of the fact that I was right about the whole Quarrel thing that happened last year.

As we arrived his house, he sighed, "Yeah, yeah. I know. Bye four-eyes," He walked up his drive way.

"Bye Flash," I yelled. I giggled and ran into my house. Then I did my usual stuff: laundry, dinner, dirty and clean dishes, and vacuum. I walked into my bedroom. I checked my pocket watch: 6: 50 PM. Great, still have about 5 hours until my mother gets home.

I sat on my bed, pulled out my Walkman, and played myself some music. I decided to listen to "Hurts like Hell" by Fleurie.

How can I say this without breaking,
How can I say this without taking over
How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone

I sang my heart out as Iris watched me. Bet she thinks I'm crazy, I thought as I picked up my hairbrush. I used it as a microphone to sing.

I loved and I loved and I lost you,
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell
Yeah, it hurts like hell

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