Saving Dobby

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"You three know that you have broken at least a few dozen school rules," Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

I gave him a nervous smile, "Hehe-yeah."

"And there is enough evidence to have all of you expelled."

I nodded, He won't though...right?

"So, it is only fitting," he paused, "that you should receive," he paused again, "special awards for your grateful services to the school."

I sighed in relief, "You couldn't you have just told us that instead of spreading it out."

"It wouldn't have been as much fun watching your faces," Dumbledore smiled.

"Well," I nodded looking to the boys, "thank you," We all said in unison.

"Of course," Dumbledore nodded. He walked around his desk holding papers, "Now, Mr. Weasley, could you run this to the Owlery. It is Hagrid's release papers."

Ron nodded, and took the papers. Ron waltzed out of the office. My attention went back to Dumbledore.

"I would like to thank you both, Bridget and Harry. I would like to think you showed me great loyalty in the Chamber. Nothing else, would've called Fawkes."

I turned and smiled to Fawkes, who seemed to be resting on his perch.

"Also," Dumbledore continued, "I can tell the something is troubling you. What would it be, Harry?"

I turned to Harry as he answered this question, "I've just noticed Riddle and I have quite a few similarities."

"You can speak Parsteltongue," Dumbledore nodded. "Voldemort can also speak Parsteltongue. And if I am correct, he must've transferred some of his gifts to you. The same night he gave you that," he gestured towards the scar.

"It was obviously an accident," I rolled my eyes.

"So if this is so," Harry questioned, "I should be in Slytherin."

"You do have some of the qualities needed to be a Slytherin," Dumbledore nodded, "but if it isn't how it's supposed to be, why did he put you in Gryffindor?"

"Because I had asked it to," Harry thought.

"Right, you are," Dumbledore smiled. "That's how you are different. It isn't our qualities, it's our choices."

I smiled.

"And if you need more evidence, take a look at this," Albus handed Harry the sword he has used earlier. It was all bloody and gross, so I took a step back.

Harry put it on a vertical way, "Godric Gryffindor," he read off.

I leaned my head over and sure enough it did say that.

"Only a true Gryffindor can pull that out," The headmaster smiled.

I smiled as well, that is until we heard the door fly open. I spun around and saw Lucius Malfoy. I rolled my eyes, "Ever heard of knocking?"

He just glared at me.

From behind me, I heard Harry's voice, "Dobby?"

I looked around Lucius, and there was a little house elf hiding behind his robes. "Nice to finally meet you, Dobby," I smiled to him.

"So this is your owner?" Harry asked.

"Wait," I stopped, "you serve the Malfoys?"

I saw Lucius glance down and mutter something under his breath; or he was speaking to Dobby. I glared.

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