So...We Followed The Spiders

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We started to walk farther and farther into the Forbidden Forest. Fang led the way, sniffing and snuffing in certain places. I was second, following fang. Harry was after me holding the lantern from Hagrid's. And Ron was behind us all whimpering and whining about how he didn't want to get near the spiders.

"Ron," I said, "please stop whining. It's annoying."

He went silent and we continued to walk. For some reason, I had this terrible cramping. I knew this feeling all too well, "Guys, we should go back. We're just getting deeper and deeper into the forest. We're going to have trouble getting out."

"Bridge is right," Ron added.

"We can't quit yet. We're almost there. I can tell," Harry kept going.

Fog floated wherever we went. You couldn't look but two feet without seeing fog. You could hear what I thought was a few owls making terrible sounds. We stepped over large tree trunks and there was a kind of nest. Now I really don't like this.

"Harry," I spoke up, "this really doesn't seem safe."

"I agree with Bridget," Ron stated.

"Shush, both of you," Harry was being quite rude.

Up ahead was a tree trunk that curved into an arch. All the baby spiders were hurrying inside. It's a spider's nest...

"Can we please go back now?" Ron pleaded.

"Come on," Harry led us both of us through the tunnel. As we traveled through it almost seemed like it was a dirt tunnel. Little baby spiders came through all around us. My mind kept tricking me into thinking some were on me, but I knew they weren't. As we came out through the other side, the trees seemed much larger. Almost like giants. The roots seemed longer as well. We made our way through the clearing-like circle. I heard a twig snap to my left, and I immediately took out my wand at the sound. Seeing as nothing was there, I took a deep breath. I lowered my wand and turned to face the direction Harry was looking at.

Through the triangular shaped opening through the tree trunks, I heard lots of twigs and branches breaking. I tried to get a better look and I saw huge webs.

"Who's there?" I heard a deep voice come from the direction I was looking.

"Don't panic," Harry whispered.

"Hagrid? Are you there?" It asked.

"We are Hagrid's friends," I piped up.

As the ground rumble beneath me, I grabbed onto the closest thing. That happened to be Ron...not weird at all. He looked at me and helped me steady myself. We looked through the opening. A huge spider came crawling through. It was about the size of a bus! I watched in curiosity and terror. Like those people in horror movies who hear a noise from upstairs and go to check it out...

"You...aren't you Aragog?" Harry asked.

"Hagrid has never sent out people into our nest before..." Aragog looked to me.

"He need help. He's in trouble. There are those attacks, like last time," I told him.

"They think it's Hagrid," Harry stated. I looked at Ron, and he was staring at something beyond the trunks.

"That is false," the spider got my attention once more. "Hagrid didn't open the Chamber."

"So, you aren't the monster?" I asked.


"Ha! I told you guys," I looked to Ron and Harry.

"That monster was born in the castle. Hagrid bought me from a traveler from far off," Aragog explained.

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