Hogwarts Bound

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We were walking along the train station. I tried not to focus on the fact that Sirius, in his dog form, was right below me.

Harry followed him but I didn't. I figured it was best to not make a big scene. I stayed with the group and headed off to platform 9 3/4. Was about to go through when I realized I dropped a picture somewhere along the way. I ran through the maze of people and luckily found it. I looked up and Harry seemed to be panicking silently.

"Harry?" I grabbed his arm, which made him flinch. "You alright? You seem a bit pale?"

He nodded, "I just thought I saw...him...but I must not have."

"Let's go, Harry," I looked around before grabbing hand and rushing to the platform. We traveled on the train every year. I knew something was up with Harry on the train. I didn't say anything though. Figured it wasn't my place yet. He'd come to me when he was ready.

Hermione and Ron Just bickered the entire time. They were just like a married couple.

We arrived at the Hogsmeade station, just like every year. I felt someone grab my hand as I exited the train. I squeezed. The hand was all to familiar to me.

"Hey," I gave a small smile.

"Hey, how have you been holding up?"

I took a breath, "Fine. Happy to be back at Hogwarts."

"You know, you should probably see a doctor," Draco spoke up. "I mean, I know we've discussed this through letter but-"

I let go of his hand, "I'm not crazy, Draco."

"I'm just saying, babe, that something's wrong. You-know-who coming back?! It's crazy," he seemed genuinely concerned.

"I know what happened to me," I stopped walking.

"Then tell me," he stopped with me.

"I can't!" I was almost about to cry.

"Aye, Malfoy," Harry was walking over. "Leave her alone, alright? She's been through enough shit."

"Oh really, Potter?" Draco got defensive. "As if I didn't figure that out. She's been living with your shitty family all summer. Having to hang around with you all the time. I'd hate it too."

They got into an argument that almost got physical. Ron has to restrain Harry. It finally got to the point where I couldn't take it, "Stop!"

They both stopped. There was barely even breathing in the air. I looked to Draco, "We will talk about this later. Without them. But right now, I'm going to get on one of those carts and go the school. Now," I turned to Harry and the other two, "come on."

We waited for the next cart to show up. Neville came over, "Hello guys."

"Hey," we all said hello.

I saw from the corner of my eye that Harry turned around. I turned to see what he was looking at. I had heard of them before. And now I was able to see them.

I looked to see Harry's expression. He was in shock. I smiled and reached out to one, "These are Thestrals," I told him.  "You can only see them after you've seen death. As in, watch someone die."

"Guys, there's nothing there," Hermione piped up. "It's pulling itself as it normally does."

"No," I shook my head. "You just can't see them. Come on, let's get onto the cart."

We made our way to the back of the cart. Another girl whom I've seen before was sitting there, reading an upside-down magazine. She looked to Harry and me, "You're not going insane. I can see them as well."

We hopped on. I sat next to her since nobody else really wanted too. Hermione piped up, "Everybody, this is..." she paused as if thinking what to say, "Luna Lovegood."

"Oh, your father owns the Quibbler, right?" I asked.

She smiled, "Yeah."

"That's what I thought."

"You read the Quibbler?" Ron asked.

"No, but I've seen it around. Looks interesting."

"I like your necklace," Hermione gave her a compliment though she seemed uncomfortable.

"It's actually a charm to keep away the nargles," she whispered to us. "You know what sounds good? Pudding."

I nodded in agreement. I like this girl. She seemed chill. After the cart ride, we went into the school. We went through the whole sorting ceremony, which took ages.

As we began to eat, Dumbledore stepped up to say a few words, "Good evening, students. We have a few staff changes I would like to announce. First, Grubbly Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures since Hagrid is away for a temporary leave."

"I hope he's alright," I turned to my trio of friends who nodded in agreement.

"Second, I would like to introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge."

I looked down the table of teachers and spotted her. I took a big sigh, "This year is going to be hell."

Harry looked to be and nodded. I assumed he saw her too. Dumbledore began to speak again but was interrupted by our newest professor. She stood up and walked towards the center.

"Why do you say that Bridge?" Hermione asked.

"She was at our hearing," Harry explained. "Sides with Fudge a lot."

"Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore for your kind words of welcome," she smiled. "And it's wonderful to see all your happy faces smiling up at me."

Bitch, I'm not smiling.

"I'm sure we'll all become very good friends."

That was a funny joke.

"The Ministry has always had the education for young wizards and witches to be of utmost importance. Although every headmaster has brought along with them something new to the school, progress for the sake of going forward will be discouraged."

"Then why the fuck are we here?" I whispered to the twins, who stifled in their laughter.

"Let us maintain what needs to be maintained, ace what can be aced, and abandon practices that should be prohibited," she have an ugly little giggle. She went back to her seat as the school clapped for her. I didn't but most people did.

"What is this even mean?" Ron asked.

"The Ministry will be interfering with Hogwarts and their teaching strategies," Hermione spoke up.

"To prevent things that go against the Ministry," I added. "Like communism or something."

"Now, as a Hogwarts tradition, let's welcome Ms. Bridget Meadows forward!" A round of applause with cheers and whistles came.

Umbridge came forward to Dumbledore and I, "I don't think you should be doing this."

I smiled at her, and with the same attitude she had earlier, I said, "Good thing you're not the headmaster, sweety." I went deadpan and looked to the crowd of students, "Who's ready to start a great year?!"

They cheered. I nudged to the side for the music to begin, "Let's ruin this new Professor," I whispered to myself.

(Here's To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne)
I sang the first line:

All the muggleborns cheered. The purebloods were confused. I sang the song, and every once and a while I'd look back to Umbridge. Immediately she was shocked. A good sign.

We'll be running down the streets yelling,
"Kiss my ass!"

I looked her dead in the eyes. This will make for a great first impression. I went into the crowd and danced. For the first time in a while, I had forgotten all the bad. And it felt great!

I hit the last lyric with as much umph I had:
Here's to never growing up!

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