Aberforth Dumbledore

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It was dark when we apparated there. But as soon as we were there, an alarm system went off. It sounded like cats meowing or something. I looked to my friends, shit.

I watched as places began to lit up and people were yelling. I grabbed onto Harry and Ron. I drug them began some cloaked tables by a nearby pub. I could hear some people behind us checking every table.

I kept my back to the table and my head to one side. As they were getting closer, I was getting more anxious. Before they could get to us though, another siren went off a little bit away. I heard them running in that direction, and I actually took a breath.

We got up and ran down an alley way. We thought we were out, but we were stopped by a gate. A door on the side of a building opened, "Harry Potter! Come in here," a man whispered to us.

We all filed into the house one by one. I went in first to make sure nothing bad was going to happen. The man looked familiar, but I didn't want to say anything just yet. I jogged down the stairs into this guy's cellar.

"That guy..." Ron whispered to Hermione and I.

"He looked like Dumbledore," Hermione nodded.

"I think I might know who he is," I nodded. "And it's not Dumbledore."

We began to explore the new place. What caught my eye the most was a portrait of a young girl. Probably 14 years old. She smiled down at me. I gave her a small smile.

"Harry," Hermione's voice caught my attention. I looked over. It was glass...but with Harry's face. "I can see you in this."

Harry came over. He had a piece of glass in his hand. I had seen him mess with it before. And it was starting to make sense.

He came over and lifted it. The shape matched the broken piece of the mirror.

I noticed a guy walk in. I turned to him. Before I could say anything, he did, "What in Merlin's beard are you bloody fools doing here? It's too dangerous for you all to be here."

"Your Aberforth Dumbledore, aren't you? Albus' brother?" I took a step forward.

"It's been you who I've seen in here," Harry held up the piece of glass in his hand. "Did you send Dobby too?"

"Yes. Where is he?"

"I'm sorry sir, but he's dead," I spoke up.

"That's a shame. He was one of the few I liked."

"Who gave you that mirror, if you don't mind me asking?" Harry was standing next to me.

"A man by the name of Mundungus Fletcher about a year ago."

"That little thief," I rolled my eyes.

"He didn't have the right! That mirror belonged to-" Harry was interrupted by the brother.

"Sirius Black," he nodded. "My brother told me. He also said that you'd go mad if you ever found out that I had it. But then again, where would you be if I hadn't given that piece to you."

"He's got a point," I nodded.

The man left and came back with butterbeers as well as little cakes and bread. Hermione, Ron, and I snatched some up. Harry took his time.

"So do you hear from any of the other Order members much?" Hermione asked, before taking a sip from her glass.

I took sips and bites slowly as Aberforth explained, "The Order's done now. He's won. I would've figured you've heard. Anyone who disagrees is just going mad."

"I disagree," I tilted my head. "We aren't done until he's gone. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lazy and refuses to fight."

"That's unrealistic."

"You're a pessimist."

"Excuse me, but we need to get into Hogwarts. Sooner rather than later. We have a job from Dumbledore."

"Oh do you? Has it been easy?"

"Well...we've been hunting down horcruxes...We're almost certain the last one is in the castle. We need your help on how to get in."

"It's not the last one," I was about to take a sip, then realized what I said, "Shit." I took a big swig of my butterbeer.

"I would say that's more of a suicide mission than a job," Aberforth argued. "With how things are looking, you should go home and live while you can."

But he can't, you little git. Voldemort would find him again, and kill him there.

"Dumbledore trusted me with this."

"Why do you think you can trust him? Why should you believe what he says? While you were with him, did he ever mention me? Did he ever mention our dead sister?"

"Why should he-" Harry started.

"Yes," I looked up. "He never like sharing family or personal affairs. The only time he did, that I can remember, was right before he died. He wanted at least someone to know. He probably told Severus too. And I trust him. Because he's only done the best for my family, my friends, and me. He kept me safe. He kept Harry safe. He had stuff he was dealing with that he needed to take care of first. I understood that. And why do you care about us if you don't agree with us? You let us into your house and fed us. Why? Because you have an ounce of hope left?"

He stared at me. He knew I was telling the truth. He knew I had a point.

"We don't care what happened between you and Albus," Harry broke the silence. "We just need to get into the castle."

Aberforth gave a sigh. He looked over to the painting, "Go, do what you need to."

The young girl nodded and began to walk away. That shouldn't have been possible because it was a painting. But then again...magic.

"Where is she going?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." The man walked towards door of his.

A thought came to mind as I watched the girl walk away, "Was that Ariana?"

"That's what I was wondering as well. Did she pass away young?" Hermione spoke up.

"My brother gave up almost everything he had for power. Including Ariana. She was so loyal to him. And he gave her everything she could've ever wanted. Except for time. Still, it didn't seem to weigh on him."

"I'm sure it did, sir," I turned to him. "It makes sense why he'd want to protect us. To help us. Like you. Thank you, Aberforth."

"Yes. Thank you," Hermione told him as well.

He gave a silent nod before going behind the door. It was silent.

"Did Dumbledore really tell you that?"

"Yes, Harry. He did."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

I took a deep breath, "There are just some things you have to figure out. Somethings you have to learn."

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