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We arrived to the Twins' joke shop. It was one of the only things left and open in Diagon Alley. It was jaw dropping how much they had in that store.

I smiled. The four of us split up. I went to Fred and George, "Guys! This place looks amazing!"

"Why thank ya Bridge!" Fred jumped down from their staircase which they both had been standing on.

George jumped right down with him, "For that lovely compliment from a lovely girl," he handed me a box of chocolates.

I looked in my pockets for some sickles or galleons, but Fred spoke up, "No need."

"For you it's free."

I took the box, "Oh you didn't have to do that."

"As long as it helps..."

"We don't care."

"What even are these?" I opened the box to see an assortment of chocolates.

"When you can't sleep, just eat one."

"It'll make all those nightmares disappear."

"Thank you so much!" I grabbed their hand one by one. I walked over to Hermione and Ginny, who were over by the by a tower of pink bottles.

"So you ladies are looking at love potions?" Fred and George came to see them. "They do indeed work."

"But from what we've been hearing, you don't need one of those," the other commented towards Ginny.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Aren't you dating Dean Thomas?" Fred asked.

"None of your business really," she set down a potion and walked away.

That just left Hermione and me. I looked around. I could feel eyes in my direction. I looked to Hermione, and she had glanced over to a guy who was definitely checking her out.

She set down her potion, "What to go look at something else?"

"Sure," we walked towards a rock looking display. "Who was that?"

"I have no idea."

"It looked like he definitely fancied you," I nudged her.

"He's not somebody I want to go for," She shook her head.

After Ron trying to bargain with his brothers, we decided to leave. A girl had said hello to Ron which I thought was adorable. Ron and Hermione getting hit on. How cute.

We left the store. I looked around to all the burnt up shops and ruined streets.

"I don't understand how Fred and George are doing it," Hermione piped up. "Most of the Alley is already closed."

"People need happiness these days," Ron commented.

"He's right," Harry and I agreed. Papers were flying all about the streets. Missing people flyers and Wanted flyers were littering the streets. It was sad.

But what Hermione pointes out was almost sadder. Ollivander's Wand Shop was in ruins. I opened the door to the abandoned place. The memories rang through my head as I stared into the black abyss.

"Hey guys," Ron caught my attention. "Come check this out." We all gathered around Ron and looked as he continued, "Doesn't it seem like Draco and his mother don't want to be followed?"

"That probably is," I nodded. "So we should leave them alone," I watched the blonde hair disappear.

Harry was out the door. I followed closely and quietly after him. Hermione and Ron were behind me. Here I was trying to mind my own business and I got dragged into this.

People were crazy. You could hear laughter and crying as we walked down the alleyway into Knockturn Alley. One guy we passed seemed to be praying or talking to himself.

We watched from behind a wall as Draco and Narcissa went into Borgin and Burke's. A light from above caught our attention. Harry led us up some stairs and on top of a roof. We were now on top of a roof.

I looked through the dirty glass. Draco was opening a special cabinet or wardrobe. No, he wasn't opening it just yet. I noticed Bellatrix began to talk to him.

Harry tried to pull himself up onto the top of the roof more. I pulled on his jacket, "Stop."

Right as I said that, someone came into view. We all ducked behind our side of the roof. I slipped and almost fell completely down the roof. Ron caught my hand. The only thing I got from that, was a bruise.

I slid down the rest of the roof and waited for my friends. They came down, "Good job guys. You almost got me killed."

"You wanted to come with us."

"Because I was curious and didn't want to be left out," I argued.

"Come on guys," Hermione spoke up. "Let's go. It's getting chilly."


The train was all sorts of ruckus. Harry has to close the door because it was so noisy. He sat back down, "What do you think Draco was up to? Especially with all those people."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Hasn't written to me since the beginning of summer. I'm going to ask him once we get to school later. But for now, drop it please."

"I bet it was an initiation."

"For what, exactly?" I closed my Quibbler that Luma had given me earlier in the ride.

"Don't, Harry," Hermione warned.

"I bet you Draco is now one of them."

"You can't be joking," I have him a look. "He would've told me."

"Are you sure about that?" Harry gave me the face back.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ron asked.

"Harry thinks Draco is a Death Eater," I told him.

"You're kidding right?" Ron asked. "Why would Voldemort want a coward git like Malfoy?"

"It wouldn't be because he's a coward," I looked to Ron. "As long as Voldemort can raises his numbers, he will. And if he would have it's be because of Lucius. But he didn't."

"Then tell me why he would be in Borgin and Burke's?"

"Because it's a store still open in Knockturn Alley, where all this people go to shop. Remember, you said you saw him there when you accidentally went there before second year."

"So you're telling me he was looking for furniture?" Harry asked.

"He could've been," I nodded. "He was looking at that wardrobe."

"It could've been a dark item," Harry rebutted. "Besides you heard what Hermione said she saw."

"I told you that I didn't know what it was," Hermione spoke up.

"I'm going to go catch some air and cool off," Harry grabbed something from above and opened the door.

"How are you going to do that? We're on-" and the door shut. I sighed, "A train. We're on a train. Where is he going to get air?"

They both just shrugged.

"He's going to get himself beat," I shook my head. "I bet he's going back there."

There was a bit of silence before Hermione spoke up, "Bridge, I know that you don't want to think about it-"

"Hermione, I know Draco. He's not one of them. I've been right for...what? Five years now? Trust me. He's not one of them. Now can we just, stop talking about it? Please."


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