Yule Ball

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"This is bad," Ron complained. I looked up to him from my Astronomy homework. "We're the only ones here without dates."

I watched as Snape pushes Ronald's face back into his book. I looked back down at mine, and began to work again when he peeked up again.

"Well, besides Neville."

"Yeah, but he'd be able to take himself," Harry commented.

I shook my head and sighed, trying my best to block them out.

"It might interest you to know that Neville already has someone," Hermione whispered to them.

Ron groaned, "Great. Now I'm even more depressed."

"Maybe if you two would be actual Gryffindors and ask a girl you two would have one," I commented.

"Hey," Ron looked slightly hurt by my comment.

I heard the sound of paper moving, and I hoped it was them doing their homework, but when do they ever do that?

After a minute or two of silence, Ron had to speak, "Well, Hermione you're a girl."

I placed my head in my hand and continued to falsely read, This can only go well.

"Yeah, I thought that was pretty obvious," Hermione responded.

"Would you want to go-" smack.

I withheld my laughter and bit my lip.

"It's one thing for a guy to go alone, but for a girl it's just sad," Ron commented.

And this is where I leave, I stood up but I couldn't get away so quick.

"I'm not going alone! Somebody had already asked me before you! And I said yes!" Hermione whispered to Ron. I heard shuffling of books and papers as she got up from her seat.

I walked over to Snape and handed in my journal. I began to walk out when Hermione caught up with me, "Can you believe that?! Like can he not be such a-"

"Don't say anything you'll regret later," I told her with a smile.

She sighed, "It just...makes he frustrated I guess."

"I know, me too. But that's the way he is. You can't change that. And I don't think you want to," I told her.

She huffed, "I don't know. But I do know that we'll be getting ready together, right?"

"Yep! Plans are still on," I smiled.


I was sitting on the couch, watching Harry be in grief. He was laying down. His head was on my lap, and I was just patting him.

The common room door opened and a bunch of girls care rushing in helping Ron. Harry and I both stood up as they sat him down on the couch.

"It's alright Ron. It doesn't matter anyways," Ginny cooed.

"Whats happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, whats the matter with ya Ron?" Harry asked.

"He just asked our Fluer Delacour out," Ginny answered.

"You did it," I smiled. "You asked her out!"

"What'd she say?" Harry asked.

"Obviously no," Hermione spoke up.

Ron just shook his head and wore a disgusting look on his face.

She said yes?!" Hermione seemed astonished.

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