Welcoming New Schools

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I stared at the front cover of the magazine Hermione was reading. It had the picture of the Mark and it was telling about what had happened at the World Cup. I shook my head, "They shouldn't have published that. They want the publisity. They want people to read and get scared."

"Anything from the trolly?" the lady asked as she came up to our cube.

I got up and walked over to Ron's side. "A packet of Droobles and a licorice wand." She handed him and packet and rang it up. "On second thought, I'll just take the Droobles," he handed her his coin.

I came up, "Chocolate wand, and licorice wand, please." She handed me the chocolate wand first and rang up the total. I gave her the two coins, and she handed me both candies. I thanked her and went back into the compartment. I sat down and threw the licorice wand at Ron.

He caught it and smiled, "Thanks, Bridge. You're the best!"

"I know," I smiled and watched Harry stand at the door. He was about order when another girl came up and asked for pumpkin pasties. He looked at her. His face went blank. I smiled and started to shake my head and giggle.

"Anything sweet for you, dearie," the trolley lady asked.

"Oh, no thank you," Harry told her and came back in. He sat next to me and started to smile at nothing. I laughed and looked at him, "Oh wow."

"What?" he smiled to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him. I didn't even have to say anything and his face got red.

"This is terrible," Hermione looked to all of us. "The ministry didn't even have a contradiction. Isn't there security?"

"Oh, yeah. Tons," Ron nodded, "according to my dad. That's why he was so worried."

It went silent for a moment. I looked at all of them. Ron seemed slightly derpy. Hermione was trying to figure something out. Harry was staring off into space. "Harry?" I asked.

"Your scars hurting, isn't it?" Hermione asked.

"I'm fine, guys," he rolled his eyes.

"You know Sirius is going to want to know," Hermione sat back up.

"About the dream and World Cup," I nodded.

He nodded, "Yeah..."


We all got off the Hogwarts Express, and made our way into Hogwarts. The students ahead of us were crowding in one of the bridges. I jogged over to see what they were looking at. A small carriage was being pulled by a punch winged horses. They flew past us.

"That's something you don't see everyday," Fred laughed.

I shook my head and chuckled,This is going to be a very fascinating year.


"Since we are now sorted and settled, I would like to make some announcements," the headmaster's voice caught my attention. I whipped my head around towards him. He continued, "This year, your home will be shared with a couple other schools as well."

I watched Filch run up to Dumbledore as the headmaster continued, "Hogwarts has been chosen-" Filch got his attention and they started to talk about something. Then Filch nodded and ran back towards the door.

"Like I was saying," Dumbledore started up again, "Hogwarts was chosen to host the most extraordinary event: the Triwizard Tournament."

I smiled and turned to Harry, "Isn't this awesome?!"

The Protectorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें