The Chamber of Secrets

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Harry and I walked cautiously to a circular door. The door had snakes coming from one side.

"You ready?" Harry asked me as I stared uncomfortably at the door.

I sighed, and looked to him. Nope. I don't want to go and risk dying. I don't want to die in a pitiful way. All those thoughts came into my head at once, but all I could say was, "I guess so."

He grabbed onto both of my hands and looked me dead in the eyes, "Bridget, I won't let anything happen to you. As long as you listen to me. And close your eyes. Okay?"

I smiled a little, "Okay."

"Okay," he took a deep breath, "let's go."

He turned to the door and started to speak the gibberish again. A snake-like metallic thing slithered out of its hole in the door. It went through the outer side of the door, and vanished back in its spot. As it opened, my mind went wild. Say good-bye to life, Bridget. There's nothing you can do now. You won't be alive after this.

When it was finally all the way open, I saw this short tunnel shaped opening. Harry went first. At the end of the opening, Harry looked down. He turned to me and started to descend downwards. I stepped up into the place, and noticed there was a ladder. That makes sense.

I turned and walked my way down. I stepped onto the floor. It was went with-what I hope was-water. Harry led the way down the huge entrance. There were snake heads there ajar, letting their cement tongues out onto the floor.

Wow, I thought to myself, you'd never guess it was a Slytherin that made this.

As we got more towards the center, I saw a body lying on the floor. My instinct kicked in over anything else, "Ginny?!" I yelled and ran after the body. Harry was straight after me. I fell onto the floor beside the ginger, and gripped her hand. She was practically ice cold. I got up towards her face, and she was so pale. Paler than usual. I grabbed her face in my hands. No flutter of the eyes. I placed to fingers on her neck. After a few seconds, I felt a pulse. It was a slow pulse, but it was a pulse.

"Please be awake Ginny!" Harry yelled.

I fell backwards onto my knees and legs.

"She won't wake up," a voice behind us said loud and clear.

We both turned towards the voice. There was a male. I'd guess he was about 18. I looked in confusion at him.

"Tom Riddle," Harry spoke. "What do you mean that she won't wake up?"

"If we give her enough CPR I'm sure we can-" I started.

"No," the boy walked nearer, "she is still alive, yes. But it won't last."

"Are you...?" Harry's question trailed off.

"A ghost? No, only a memory," He answered with a slight chuckle.

For a moment, I got a cramp in my stomach. I clutched onto my abdomen. I gritted my teeth as the pain started to slightly increase. I doubled over onto my back shins more. I closed my eyes, and tried to control my breathing. 

"Ah," I heard the so called 'Tom Riddle' say, "you're a Mudblood."

"Don't call her that!" Harry stood up for me.

I heard footsteps walk around me, "Mudbloods aren't supposed to be down here. Bad things could happen. I could only imagine what would happen to you if you gazed at the snake."

"I told you not to call her that!" Harry yelled.

"Anyways," He continued, "I had been preserved inside that book for 50 years now."

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