My Romeo ♥️

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"So, Bridget," she looked at me over her glasses, "what's the deal with you and Mr. Potter? Young love perhaps?"

I rolled my eyes, Why did I even have to do this stupid interview? "We are just good friends, and aren't we supposed to talk about the tournament?"

"Yes, of course," she giggled, "but my readers don't want to get bored with that just yet. Do you ever get jealous of Harry's fame? He seems to be quite famous and you just seem to be his bestfriend. Is that all your known as?"

"Harry and I are best friends, yes, but I do not get jealous of him. I have no reason to. And people don't view me as just his best friend. I have my own name here." Her quick-writing quill kept scribbling and was getting on my nerves.

"Hm...So if you aren't in a relationship with Harry Potter, you must in a relationship with somebody, right?"

"Why does being in a relationship matter?" I asked.

"Because you couldn't be anybody with out someone else."

"That is false," I corrected. "I made my way perfectly fine without a man. I do have a boyfriend now, but I got him before summer started. I got my 'fame' here in first year."

"Well," she coughed, "let's talk about this boyfriend. You say you've been together for only a few months. Everything going smooth?"

"Yes, it is perfectly fine," I eyed her quill.

"Are you sure? You say that with such a sour voice and face," she commented.

"Yes, I'm sure. Our relationship is perfectly fine. And I wasn't making a sour face."

"You seem to be distracted by my quill," she tilted her head. "Would you like me to hide it?"

"No," I shook my head.

"Then let's continue. How do you like the champions? What are your views on all of them?"

"I don't know Victor Krum or Fleur Delacour very well, but Cedric Diggory is very nice," I smiled. 

"Is he your secret lover?" She smirked.

"What?! Absolutely not," I shook my head.

"Then why are you taking it so hard?"

"Because my actual boyfriend is amazing. I wouldn't ask for anything else."

She hummed and looked over to the quill, "Just a few more questions." I nodded. She proceeded, "Are you excited about being the Helper for the tournament?"

"Not really," I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't want to get hurt, but I need to be the protector. I will do the job I've been given."

"So, you'd say you didn't ask for this job, or did you want to be in it but weren't of age?"

"I didn't ask to be in it," I answered. "I didn't even really like the tournament, because people could've been getting hurt just for our amusement."

She narrowed her eyes, "Have you never heard of it before?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "I'm a muggle-born raised with a squib mother. I didn't even know Hogwarts existed until I got my letter."

"Oh, you're a"

"I guess so?"

"Okay," Rita Skeeter got up. "Our interview is over now. You may leave."

Thank Merlin!  I got up without another word. I quickly made my way up the steps and out of the broom cupboard. Nobody was there since they all got their interviews before I did. I made my way down the hallway towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

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