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Oh my god.

It's all done.

That. Was. CRAZY!

I'm so happy. What about you guys? What's your feedback to give me? Did you enjoy it?

Well, I will be writing a different story with a modern-day Hogwarts. It won't be in the same universe as this story, but it will have Harry, Neville, and Draco as professors. My friends and my OCs will be the main characters. It's now published, and it's called Diamonds in the Rough. Check it out?

I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have given me. You guys were my motivation when I was writing this story! I will be redoing some chapters because...yeah...I think I've already explained it.

But yeah. That's all folks. That was such a rollercoaster. I don't know what else I can do to fill my time now. Besides all these other ideas I can't put into words.

I hope you all have learned something from this. I haven't really, besides my lazy work ethic. And I guess that love conquers I guess.

Fun fact about this story: took me two years to write, but not really. I started it in 2017 then stopped and finished it in 2910-2020.

Here are a few questions:
• Who do you think would've played a great Bridget Meadows?
• What would be Draco and Bridget's song?
• What would you change in the story or something that you didn't like?

Also, I love all of your comments! They make my day so much! I wish Wattpad had a like button because y'all are hilarious.

Love you guys! Thank you so much!
This is Chey-Chey (Bridget Meadows) signing off.

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