Out of my Control

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"Alrighty, listen up," Oliver Wood stood in front of us explaining our plan. I was sitting next to Harry and Fred. It's been a few weeks since my space in the room got destroyed. After I had told Hermione who I was with, she really didn't react much. Besides being in utter shock that she couldn't say anything.

Wood continued on, "We play our game, and Hufflepuff won't stand a chance." Wood picked up his broom and started to walk. We all followed with our brooms. "We're stronger, quicker , smarter."

"That makes you sound very arrogant," I smirked.

"It is helps us win, I will be arrogant," Wood said.

"They'll also be terrified that Harry with petrify them if they get close," Fred laughed.

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes, and shook my head.

As we got outside, I noticed Professor McGonagall walking down the steps towards us. "Professor McGonagall?" Wood asked.

"The match has been canceled," She stated. I furrowed my brows.

"You can't cancel Quidditch," Wood stated.

"Silence, Mr. Wood. Take your team and go to the Gryffindor Tower instantly," she demanded.

"What happened for it to be canceled?" I asked.

"Potter, Meadows, we need to find Mr. Weasley. There's something you need to see," McGonagall told us as the team walked away. I looked into McGonagall's eyes, they showed melancholy, and pity.

"What happened?" I asked as we started to look.

| Time Skip |

I was in shock to say the least. I took a deep, slow breath as I stared at her. There she was. Lying there. I felt as though she was looking at me, although she wasn't. I almost thought she was dead at the first sight of her.

"Hermione..." I muttered.

The voices around me faded in and out. I could barely hear understand them. It was like I was in my own little bubble. I understood that she wasn't dead, but she was close. If she would've looked at the wrong place...

"Bridget?" I heard a soft voice call me.

I slowly turned my head to my right. Ron had his hand on my shoulder. I turned back to Hermione, and put my hand on Ron's. There was silence for a little bit, and sorrow hung in the air.

"Do we know how this happened?" I asked.

"She was found near the library," McGonagall explained, "with this," she held up a mirror.

"At least she was smart enough to know not to look directly at it," I moved closer to her bedside. I felt Harry and Ron follow.

"Does the mirror mean anything to you three?"

I took a quick look at it, "I've never seen it before."

"Hm," McGonagall hummed in curiosity.

I reached forwards and grabbed Hermione's petrified hand. She felt warm, which mad me happy she wasn't dead. Her heart was still circulating like normal. What happened 'Mione?


I watched as everyone around me was talking away with friends, or playing chess with other. I was sitting on the Gryffindor couch with Ron and Harry. We haven't done much but talk. There wasn't much to do anyways. Hermione would usually blabber her mouth about O.W.L.s or a new fact she learned. It wasn't normal without her.

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