Last Wishes

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We apperated back on top of the Astronomy Tower. It was getting dark and cold outside. The atmosphere had changed. I didn't like it.

"You need to go get Severus Snape, Harry. Don't speak to anyone and hid yourself if someone comes," Dumbledore waved him off. "But I would like to speak with you, Bridget."

I turned to Harry. He gave me a nod before rushing off. He nodded and headed down the stairs. "Yes, Albus."

"What you did back in the cavern," he turned to me with a smile, "that was very smart. I'm so proud of you for even having the guts to do it."

I smiled, "Thank you, Headm-"

"Bridget," he looked to me.

"What?" I asked.

"You know it's time," he looked out to the grounds. "You can feel it."

I took a deep breath, "Yes."

"So for the last remaining time, call me Albus, like I asked you many years ago."

"Do you have to go now?" I asked, trying to hold back my tears. "We've barely...spent six years with you. You...You were supposed to kids."

"Bridget, we've been over this," he took my hands. "It's been an honor being your grandfather, you know. I'll make sure to tell him about you if I see him."


"I've decided," he spoke up, "after long times of contemplation, that I am giving Fawkes to you."

A tear rolled down my cheek, "Albus."

"Don't cry," he smiled. "I'm not finished." I took a deep breath and nodded. He continued, "I've made up a will already. You should receive it by the end of the summer. Also, I don't share personal, family related things. I was never close with my family but I feel as though you should know."

"I have a brother and a deceased sister. My brother is Aberforth Dumbledore. He lives in Hogsmeade. My sister sadly passed away when she was only 14. Ariana Dumbledore."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Someone should know," he looked back out to the grounds. "You be sure to spread light, Bridget. That is what will keep you alive. Don't be sad for me; it will do you no good to wallow in pity while the world keeps turning."

"Can I mourn for at least a little bit?" I asked.

"You may mourn for 24 hours," he smirked. "But by then I want you to continue on. Oh, and have either a lemon drop or licorice snap. For me."

"Of course sir," I nodded.

"And you can have whatever you wish from my office," he told me. "I've already spoke to Severus about it. He'll be fine."

"Wait what?"

"Snape will be replacing me," he replied.

"I feel McGonagall is much more deserving of that. No offense to Snape in any way, but..."

"I understand," he nodded. "But for the time being, he will resume my roll. Treat him with respect. And keep Potter out of trouble for me."

"I will protect like I promised," I nodded. "Until I know it's okay."

"That's my girl," he smiled.

Footsteps and creaking made my stomach drop. I turned as well as Dumbledore. Draco was standing across from us. He had his wand aimed towards us. I stood silently, staring at the boy I once knew.

"Good evening, Draco Malfoy," Dumbledore addressed him. "Why have you come up here tonight?"

"Is anyone else here?" He interrogated.

"No," I replied, fully knowing Harry was below us. I saw his face within the gray sky light. "Just me and I don't care wha you do at this point."

"Draco," Dumbledore interrupted my rambling. "I know that you are not an assassin."

"How are you supposed to know that?" He scoffed. "I've done things that I would've been shocked to hear about."

"Like what? Putting a curse on Ms. Bell, hoping that she would bring me a cursed necklace?" Headmaster asked. "Putting poison in a gift bottle? Excuse me for saying, but I say that it was weak of you to not just do it yourself."

He has a good point.

"Voldemort trusts me!" Draco argued. He lifted his sleeve to reveal the mark. I had to look away. But I could hear him, "He chose me."

"Then I will try my best to make it easy for you," Dumbledore raised his hands to surrender. Draco disarmed him. He turned to me.

I glared at him, "Don't think about it," I snarled. "I am not going to do anything. I'm going to stand here and pretend like nothing is happening." I turned to face the grounds.

"Very good, Draco," Dumbledore spoke. Clicked and footsteps were then heard. I whipped around in a heartbeat. Dumbledore spoke again, "You mustn't be alone. How are there others?"

"Vanishing Cabinet," I looked up to Draco when I said it. "Right?"

"Yeah," he smirked. "Another one in Borgin and Burkes."

"It's sister," Dumbledore nodded. "That's ingenious, but listen to me Draco. Many, many years ago, I knew a boy. He made all the wrong decisions. Don't be like him. Let me help."

"I don't need your help," Draco spat. He may have tried to seem angry or powerful, but in actuality he was scared. Almost in tears. He didn't want to do what he was doing. "I have to kill you, Dumbledore. I have to. Or he'll kill me...or worse," he looked over to me. Part of me understand. The other couldn't process what was going on.

Running was heard from our right. I turned. Bellatrix Lestrange and multiple other death eaters came in. I had to restrain myself. I couldn't look at any of them anymore, but I couldn't look away.

"Well, well, well," Bellatrix strolled to Draco's side. "Let's see who we've got here. Well done, Draco." She saw me and laughed, "Awe! And a bitch too! Two in one!"

"He only ordered for Dumbledore so that's the only one he will get," Draco got defensive.

"I won't tell anyone," I rolled my eyes. "I can't. You are everywhere in everyone. Who would I tell?"

She chuckled, "I guess that'll have to do."

"Good evening, Bellatrix Lestrange," Dumbledore acknowledged her. "I feel as though I should be introduced. You think so?"

"Sadly, we can't," she pouted her lips. "We have a bit of a tight schedule at the moment. Do it now Draco!"

"He's a whimp," one of the guys spoke up. "Just like Lucius." Not going to lie, that was a good one. "Just let me finish him."

"No!" Bellatrix snapped. "The Dark Lord made it very clear that Draco will be the one to do it! Let's go, Draco! Do it!"

I was getting real frustrated with her. All of them actually.

"No," Snape voice boomed inside my ears. My stomach dropped. I felt like I was going to be sick. I turned to Dumbledore. He kept his face towards Snape. I looked back to Snape.

"Snape," Dumbledore spoke kind and gentle. "I beg you."

My eyes began to tear. It was time.

"Avada Kadavra."

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