My Adventures With Ron

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Ron and I walked for a couple hours. The effects of the horcrux had worn off. I had followed him all this way, so I had no clue where we were. I knew his arm wasn't completely healed, so we shouldn't be apparating. 

He turned to me, "I...I'm sorry Bridge. I really didn't want to get you dragged into this. And now I really want to go back."

I grabbed his arm, "I know. I needed to leave for a bit though, and you were my chance. So I took it. And we can't really apparate anywhere until I know for sure that your arm is completely healed. So let's just find somewhere to rest. Okay?"

He nodded. Then he smiled, "I forgot. I have one of those tents. Want to use that?"

I nodded, "Sure. I'll go do some of Hermione's enchantments." I went to the edge of the forest and did those protecting charms. I did it around the area of the tent. I looked back. He did a very good job, I must say. 

I walked in. It smelt like what a home smells like. I hadn't smelt that in years. I smiled and sat down on one of the chairs. Ron pulled out his wand. We sat in silence for a while until he spoke up, "So...Harry said you had extra information."

"I told him what I could."

"Is there something that you could tell me?"

I sighed. I needed to contemplate it before saying anything. I turned to Ron, "If you swear to me that you will never tell him until he figures it out for himself, then possibly."

"I swear. You can trust me Bridge."

I could feel my eyes start to water and my nose start to tingle, "Harry...Harry...has to die."

He sat up from lying on the bed. He looked concerned, but I tried not to make eye contact with him. He spoke up, "Like, he'll be dead by the end of this war?"

I nodded, "Yes. And Voldemort has to kill him. He has to do it."

He didn't say anything at first. He just had his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. I sat there and watched him. That's kind of what I felt like. Just a little more broken.

He looked up. His eyes were red. I saw a tear start to run down his cheek, but he wiped it off, "When did you find this out?"

"Last year," I nodded. "Right after every thing happen with Draco and I, I went to Dumbledore's office. That...That's when he told me about Harry, and about him. Basically told me his will." I stood up to calm myself down a bit. 

Ron stood up and hugged me with all his bear strength. It felt wonderful to share it with someone else. Wonderful to have someone comfort me besides myself just comforting me. My thoughts were interrupted by something warm and wet against my neck and shoulder. He was crying.


"He's...He's going to be gone. And I...I treated him like such a bloody git...We're losing our best friend."

I rubbed his back, "To be fair, he's been a little prick for the past couple of months. So, he kind of deserves it. Not the dying, but you yelling at him."

"Really?" Ron pulled away from me, wiping his eyes. He seemed to be the biggest baby I knew. And that made me kind of smile. 

"Yeah," I nodded. I pulled out my pocket watch. I looked up to my ginger friend, "We should probably get to bed...Oh shoot! I don't have any food."

"Neither do I..."

"We'll just get some tomorrow."

"Yeah," he went back to his bed. I chose the one above his . "Good night, Bridge."

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