I Forgive You

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I sighed in relief as I walked into my house. It was nice to be back and not have to worry about anything. I closed the door. My eyes caught someone holding a sign coming from the kitchen. I looked. My mother was there. She was holding a 'Welcome Home, Honey!' sign. The words were in the colors of Gryffindor colors. 

I just stared at the sign. What's going on? What's she planning? 

"I know," her voice was soft. I never heard it like that. "It looks ridiculous. It's just...I've been thinking. I've been so inconsiderate, and harsh to you since your father died. He was the last thing I had besides you, and it hit me hard when he died. I didn't have many friends, because most of them have died or never talked to me anymore.

"But that doesn't give me any excuse to treat you like a slave or like dirt. I was hurt so I buried my pain in men and drinking. That made it worse. Got me violent. It made me feel sorry for myself and I'd feel bad about hitting you; so I drank more. Which made it worse. I didn't want to apologize cause I felt like you hated me. 

"But, over the summer, I've began to sober up. I'm in a group and I go to meetings. I knew I had to make things better between you and me. So we could be almost like a normal family. Well, close to normal. I've been having these fantasies about us going shopping or watching television shows and talking crap on the characters. Like us going to the park, or you having this boyfriend over."  

My eyes were watering, because I've wanted that for so long. I've wanted an awesome mom-daughter relationship. Ones where we could talk about certain people we didn't like. I've wanted a normal one. And, now, she's apologizing for all the stuff she's done to me. All of the hitting; all of the verbal abuse. I wanted to forgive her. I wanted to hug her and tell her that I didn't hate her. But I was just standing there, letting tears fall down my face. 

"I know," she sniffed. "You probably still hate me. And a little apology won't fix much. But I'm really going to try to make this work and to fix our past. I'm really sorry about everything I've done." 

Her face grew wet with tears, and she sat down at the table. I slowly made my way over to the table. She had her hands in her face. I sat down carefully. I wiped away my tears and sniffled. What should I say?! 'Don't worry, I forgive you. After all that you've put me through it makes sense now'?! 

I decided not to say anything. I pulled on of her hands off her face and held onto it. She looked at me. I took the other one, and smiled soft. I gazed into her hazel eyes. They showed confusion, and sadness with a glint of hope. What? What's she doing? Does she forgive me?  Her voice echoed through my mind. 

"I do, forgive you," I told her. "But we'll start with baby steps." 


The bags landed on the floor with a thud. I groaned and flopped onto the couch. Mom walked into the living room as well and landed next to me; her bags falling onto the ground as well. We both looked to each other and laughed. 

"Today was exhausting," she laughed. 

"So much," I agreed. "Thank you for getting me that stunning dress. You really didn't have to."

"Oh, please," she sat up. "It's the least I could do." 

"But you need to stop trying to fix what happened," I popped my back. "It was a month and a half ago." 

"When you forgave me," she nodded. "But that happened for-"

"Eight years," I rolled my eyes. "I know." Then something hit me, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I forgot!" I got up. 


"I need to start packing up my stuff," I grabbed my bags. "I promised the Weasley's that I'd go with them to a Quidditch game, and get my school supplies with them." 

"Oh," mom thought for a moment, "okay. When's this?" 

"In a little over half a month," I smiled at her. "We'll get more time to bond...and I have a date soon," I groaned. 

"With the blondie?" she wiggled her eyebrows. 

"Yes," I laughed. "It's the 22nd." I turned and started walking towards the bedroom. 

"That's in two days," my mother laughed. 

I tripped on my feet and fell on the hardwood floor, "WhAt?!" 

She giggled and came over. She helped me up, "Yeah. That's in two days. Where are you going anyways?" 

"A café," I grunted as I stood and balanced. 

She cocked her head and gave me that mom look. 

"Camden High street, London, England," I smiled. 

"How in the world are you going to get there?" 

"Draco's mother was going to apparate us there." 


"Apperatition," I answered. "It a form of transformation-"

"I know what it is," she laughed. "Your grandparents used to do that all the time. But, why not use a car or some sort of vehicle?" 

"Because they don't necessarily like muggles, muggleborns, or squibs..." 

"But this Draco is dating you?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "He hasn't told his parents yet that I'm a muggleborn...or that we're dating...but to be fair I haven't told anyone besides you." 

She hummed and sat back on the couch, "Well, we can continue the television show once you get done with the packing you have to do." 

"Okay," I smiled and walked into my room. I set the bags on my bed, Here we go. 


Holy cow guys! We're already at the end of 3rd year!! I'm very excited because it's going to be a bumpy ride until the end. Hope you're ready! Should I do a question of the chapter or something before the chapter? It's all up to y'all. And I thank all of you, who are reading this series! I might not be as active with this story since I'm going into Highschool next week and I have a new baby brother in my house. I hope that you bear with me for a while. 

Much love <3! 

Chey =}

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