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I walked into the Gryffindor Tower right next to me. People watched Harry, almost in fear, as we were walking around. People would smile at me though, and compliment me. I thanked them of course. But it was just awkward.

I glanced down at a newspaper that Seamus had been reading. I looked at the headlines, What is Potter Plotting? I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore it.

Harry, instead, tried to be polite, "Did you have a good holiday, Seamus? Dean?" Harry asked.

"Mine was alright," Dean nodded his head slowly. "It was better than Seamus's though."

Seamus slammed his newspaper on the desk before standing up, "Ya know, my mum didn't want me to come back."

"Oh and why is that?" I asked, rather sarcastically.

"Because of the two of you," he snarled.

"Hey, don't go blaming us for your mothers ignorance and fear," I stood in front of Harry.

"My mother's not ignorant!" Seamus was getting defensive. "She's only been reading on the Daily Prophet. They've been saying some nasty things about you and Dumbledore."

"She's the one who believed them," Harry scoffed.

"Nobody else, besides you two, were there the night Cedric had died."

"Then of course the Daily Prophet must know, right?" I stood my ground.

"Just go read it like your stupid mum," Harry waved him off.

"Don't you dare call my mother stupid!"

"Well he already did," I spoke up. "And we'll degrade anyone who calls us liars."

"Woah, what's going on here?" Ron came walking towards Harry and I.

"They're absolutely mad," Seamus pointed towards us, "that's what's going on."

"You'd go mad too if you went through what we did," I spat. "Hell, you wouldn't last two days without going to St Mungo's."

"Can you even believe what she's saying?" Seamus asked. 

"Yeah, I say I do," Ron nodded, stepping in front of me. "Anyone else got a problem?" Nobody said a word.

I could feel my heartbeat speed up. What it was from, I had to idea. I turned and began to climb the stairs to the dormitories. Harry followed, then Ron. I went straight to the girl's dormitories to start unpacking and get away from the bullshit.

I pulled out a slip of paper, Meet at astronomy tower, 8 PM. I tucked it away into one of my books. After a while, I went back out to go see if the twins had anything they could give me for sleep.

Ron caught up with me before I headed down the stairs, "Hey, do you know what's up with Harry?"

"No, why?"

"Because he's been very aggressive lately. Like, a little ruder than normal. I figured it was from everyone talking shit behind his back."

"Yeah, and probably from not getting enough sleep," I mentioned.

"Maybe. Well, I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Thanks, Ron," I grabbed his arm lightly. "I really appreciate it."


The graveyard.

I was back in the graveyard.

How? Why? For what reason, I didn't know. The door opened to the small house. I caught a glimpse of inside. It seemed like the halls in the department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic.

Out came Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. I had only seen her in papers, but it felt as if this was real.

He smirked, "Back for a second round, Meadows?"

"What you just standing there for, filthy inbreed?" Bellatrix slowly glided forwards.

I took a few steps back, "It's not fair to be against one."

"Don't you remember?" The witch giggled a maniacal giggle. "It was fair."

I turned behind to what she was gesturing with her hand. Harry was lying on the ground. I ran over, "Harry?! Harry, wake up!" I shook him. But he was gone. He had been gone. His skin was pale with a slight tint of blue.

"Now, let's finish what we started," Voldemort sounded as if he was right behind me.

I felt a hand grip the back of my neck. I was being choked. I couldn't breath. I grasped as my neck, as to try and get the thing off me.

"It's time," his voice rang in my head. "Crucio!"


I awoke with a scream. I felt someone grab my arm, "Bridget! Are you alright?! You were choking on something and you weren't breathing-"

"I'm...I'm okay," I nodded. "I just...need a glass of...a glass of water."

"Bridget, maybe you need to see Dumbledore."

I shook my head, "I'll be fine. It was just a nightmare."

"Nightmares don't occur in real life, Bridge."

I got up. I tried to ignore what she said and went to get my water. I came back and everything was normal. I couldn't stop thinking about my dream though. What was it's meaning?

I pulled out a spare notebook I had and we out e everything down. If it gets worse or something happens, I could show it to Dumbledore and everything will be fine.

Yeah, I told myself. Everything will be fine.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it was a short chapter. It'll be longer the next time. But you guys got spammed with long stuff last time. I hope you're enjoying the book. I plan to keep it going until the end, of course. If you have feedback, I'd love to see it in the comments as well as any questions you have. Don't forget to vote on these chapters, please! I'd love to see this story get a little huge.

Anyways, hope everyone's having a safe holiday! Keep smiling.

~ Cheychey

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