Malfoy Manor

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I got up from the ground. Things were starting to make sense as Ron was talking, "That fowl git. I don't think we can trust anyone anymore."

"He just wanted his daughter back, Ron," I groaned. "Just give the man a break."

"Yeah, he was desperate," Harry nodded. 

I still felt unsettled. The air wasn't right. Ron had gone to do the enchantments, but I felt as though he shouldn't have. I transformed myself into my animagus. I heard Hermione's voice clear as day, "Bridge? What are you doing?"

I sniffed around. I watched Ron freeze and I knew I was right. My nose and instincts were right. I began to bark. A lot. I saw these men all over. Ron and Hermione began to run. So did Harry. I followed after them. With me being a dog, I was able to run faster than a normal human being. That gave me a lot of advantages. 

I jumped over a spell that I sensed was coming right for me. We ran for a long while. I was soon leading my pack of friends through the woods on pure instinct. I jumped over a dead tree. I heard loud snaps coming next to me and behind me. 

Ignore them, Bridge. Keep going.

I couldn't. I stopped once I got up a hill. I looked down. Ron had been taken down by a snatcher. He was chained. I about ran down to him. My mind then began to think about Harry. I looked. He almost stopped to see Ron. I barked. That sure got his attention. 

I watched as Harry emerged from a tree overshadow. I barked again. He ran towards me. I heard an explosion. I looked. I hadn't been worried about Hermione because I knew how badass she was. But I watched as they all surrounded her. 

Harry ran towards her. She cast him with a sort of spell. I couldn't tell from the angle I was at. I didn't know who to help at this point. They were all in bad spots. They were all caught. Hermione was grabbed by a few. Harry, who did not look like Harry, was picked up by a few others. Ron had been beaten by other two. One of whom I completely recognize. It was the werewolf, Greyback. 

I ran towards my group. I barked like a mad man...or dog in this case. I tried to distract the snatchers as best I could so my friends could escape. That didn't work. 

I dodged every spell and curse thrown my way. I snapped at them. I reared my back up. I barked, trying to make them scared of me. That didn't work. One of them just laughed at me. I launched myself. I locked my jaw around one of the snatcher's ankles. My teeth suck in deep as I heard him yelp. Ugh! Human blood tastes disgusting!

 "Get this bitch off of me!" I heard him yell. 

I felt a hard kick to my stomach. I let go immediately. It hurt when he did that. I whined. I felt something hard wrap around my body and legs. I looked. They used Incarcerous spell to bind me in rope. 

"No! Don't!" Goddamit 'Mione.

"Keep it up, and this dog won't be the only thing getting put down," I heard the main snatcher speak. He went around asking Hermione and Harry their names. After they couldn't find Harry's, I got anxious. I watched and whined as he began to move around Harry's hair. 

"I don't think we'll be taking this round into the Ministry," He spoke. "Grab the mutt too. It looks a little familiar. Maybe they'll know."

I felt one of them grab me by the scruff of my neck. I was lifted. We apperated away. I blinked and we were somewhere I couldn't tell where it was. There was a large, black gate leading into a mansion. I felt the rope fall off of me as we got closer. "Don't even try to escape. If you do, I will kill you," the man holding onto me gripped me harder as he whispered to me. 

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