Robbing Gringotts

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I looked at myself in the mirror. Technically, I wasn't myself. This bleach blond-haired boy was staring right back at me. It was strange to not be in my own skin.

I straightened out my black jacket, All good.

I slid my current wand into my shirt and held the other wand in my right hand. Let's do this.

I stood next to Ron, who was already someone else. Hermione began to walk up the hill as well. She looked too much like Bellatrix Lestrange. Only difference was her facial expression.

"How do I look guys? Did it work?"

"I hate it," I sighed.

"Very ugly."

"Gee, thanks Ronald," Hermione scoffed.

I looked down by the legs of Hermione. Our little goblin was carrying the Sword. I spoke up, "Go ahead and let Hermione carry it in her bag."

"Yeah, we'll give it over when we get in and out safely," Harry added.

After he set it in, we gathered in a circle. We disapperated within seconds of everyone holding on.

I opened my eyes to see that we were in Knockturn Alley. It gave me memories back to before second year.

Hermione looked around the outside. An older man walked by, "Hello Madam Lestrange."

"Hello. Morning."

I grabbed her back towards us. Before I could explain to Hermione what happened, the Goblin told her, "Morning?! Since when does Bellatrix say bloody morning?!"

"Watch it," Ron warned.

"If she give us away, the best thing would be to slit our throats before we get caught."

"We won't. But he's right," I had no choice but to agree. "Beatrix makes people fear her. You need to be...more..." I tried to come up with a word, "mad. Like be crazy. Think about how all these people are killing our people by the second."

"That puts a positive spin on things."

"Alright. Let's go," Harry bent down. We watched the entries of the alley way while Harry and Griphook concealed themselves.

We walked into Gringotts. It was silent except for the sound of working goblins. I was behind Hermione. I leant forward to whisper to her, "Remember, you could end all of them in two seconds. Strut instead of walk and hold you head up high."

Heeding my own advice, I walked as cowardly as I could. We began to walk once she gave a nod. Everyone was eyeing us; I could feel it. But they didn't say a thing.

We stopped at the very front. The goblin didn't look down to us; he just continued to write on his little pad.

Hermione finally spoke up, "I want to visit my vault."

I wished that she wouldn't speak like that. It could give us away.

Without looking to us, the goblin asked for identification. Hermione scoffed, "I don't think that's necessary."

Just give him your wand.

He finally looked up, "Oh. Miss Lestrange. Give me one moment." He walked off his platform to behind it. I got worried.

"I hate to wait, you know."

Just shut up.

I heard Griphook whispering from beneath the invisibility cloak, "They know that we're imposters. I think they might've been warned." I looked to Ron. He was nervous too. I'm pretty sure he could hear it as well. The goblins were paying the slightest bit of attention. I was only partially relieved.

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