Another Attack, Another Blame

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A day or two pass and I started to hear people whisper when Harry and I walk into a room. It's starting to annoy the crap out of me.

We were now in a study hall type thing. I was sitting on the right side of Hermione and Ron. I was working on my transfiguration. I glanced up, because I could hear some whispers. Once I glanced up, I noticed Harry was looking behind him. A group of Hufflepuff girls were glaring at Harry. They turned away as soon as I got eye contact. I rolled my eyes. I looked at Harry. He had a confused look as he looked to Hermione and Ron. He looked to me and I shrugged.

We both looked across the room a group of Hufflepuffs were staring at him. I glared at them and they turned away. Harry looked down the table and I did too. Ginny was even staring, and it wasn't the 'I fancy you' kind of stare. It was more of a confused stare. I mouthed the words, 'You okay?' 

She widened her eyes then went back to her work. I shook it off, and looked back to Harry. He looked mad. He looked at me, and raised his eyebrows. I nodded. He picked up his books, "Meet you guys in the common room." He got up and looked at me.

"Yeah," I picked up my books and quill, "see ya later," I need to be there for Harry. With rumors going around, it's not okay for him to go through. I walked around Ron and up next to Harry. I looked back at Hermione and Ron. They looked hurt, almost, that I would just leave them. I followed Harry as we walked by the table of students. They all watched as we left, and I glared at all of them.

We left and  as we were walking, I said, "Harry, don't listen to those people. They don't deserve-"

Then he cut me off, "Hold on," he held out his arm. "The voice, it's back."

Oh wow. A bit dramatic.  I rolled my eyes, "Then let's go."

He looked to me, nodded, and ran. I followed him. As we ran I could hear the slithering in the walls. The slithering went away as we ran into a corridor. I walked in, as did Harry, and I noticed that water was on the floor. Oh no. No, no, no.  I looked up, around the turn, and I was right. 'Nearly Headless Nick' was floating in the air, covered in a ghost fire. How can ghosts get set on fire? 

Then past the ghost was a body. I ran over to the body, and noticed that it was Justin. As in Hufflepuff, 'almost got attacked by the snake Harry was talking to', Justin. He was petrified. I touched the tips of his fingers just to make sure, and he felt like clay. I turned to Harry, who had gotten down next to me. "He's petrified."

He nodded, and I heard him squeak out, "Yeah."

"Why just us? Why are we close always close to it?" I asked, sighing.

"I don't know," Harry answered.

I heard walking coming into the corridor, and I quickly turned around. There stood Filch, "Caught in the act."

I heard Harry turn around; my eyes widened.

"This time I'll get you two out of here," And with that he turned and walked away.

"Wait!" I said, getting up.

"T-that's not what's going on!" Harry called. He got up by my side as well. As I walked over to the wall, there was no sound from the corridor except from my feet. Then as I leant up against the wall, Harry said, "Hey Bridget?"

"Hm?" I said closing my eyes.

"The spiders," I opened up my eyes and looked at him. He was staring at the ground. I looked to where he was, and there was a line of baby spiders were.

I looked up to him, "Why are they here?"

"I don't know," He said as we watched the spiders crawled up the wall and out the window.

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