Passing Time

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"Hey Harry?"

My best friend looked up and over to me. I hadn't spoken to him since that night. But after what Dumbledore had talked about, I felt as though I needed him. "Hey, Bridget."

I sat down next to him on the floor, "I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about? And it's 9:30. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"If I should, then you should too. And about the other night," I laid down and set my head on his lap. "I shouldn't have gone off on you. I was angry...really angry. So, I'm sorry I went off on you."

"Bridget," he sighed, "it's not all your fault. You were hurting because of Draco. I had antagonized this for a couple of months now. I had it coming."

"Just accept my apology, please," I looked up to him. "And have I ever mentioned how much I appreciate you? Cause I do. A lot. You're the best friend...I've ever had."

The conversation between Dumbledore and I was starting to get to me. I sighed and tried to compose myself.

"Alright, I forgive you," he looked down to me. "What's with this whole clingy Bridget Meadows? You don't normally like to be clingy."

"Right now," I replied, "I need to be clingy. Just...Just don't go anywhere. Please."

"I'm not going anywhere, Bridge."


I woke up the next morning. I checked my pocket watch. I was late for class. I waved it off and got ready. Wait, what about breakfast? Eh, I'll grab something.

I grabbed my books and headed out. People were just getting out of class. I saw Ron and Harry ahead of me. I ran to catch up.

"There's no stoppin' what Lav and I got," I heard Ron say. "It's all chemical."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes. "That's what it is."

"Hey Bridge," Ron smiled. "Wait, what do you mean?"

"I say it's all physical, Ronald," I chuckled. "It'll end soon enough."

I felt an arm pull me in the other direction. It was Hermione. "Well, good morning."

"Why are you talking to Ron? And...And where have you been this morning? I looked for you at breakfast-"

"I slept in," I sighed. "Needed the energy boost," I turned to her, "and Ron is still one of my good friends, 'Mione. I still care for him just like you."

"I do nothing of the sort."

"I can feel the lies pulsating from your skin," I chuckled. "And you know I'm right about this one. Right now, you're more angry than you are loving but it's still there."

She changed the subject immediately, "You and Harry need to meet with me in the Library to discus our project for History of Magic. Be there no later than 4:30."

"Can do," I told her and I headed into my next class. I sat my books down then sat down myself. Transfiguration. First year that I've had it without any friends. But I excel at it, so I was fine.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the kid, Marcus...Belmy? Blemy? Ah, I couldn't remember. All I remember is that we both liked the dessert Slughorn had after the dinner.

"Hey, it's Bridget, right?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Marcus?"

"Yeah," he nodded. I could've sworn he was a Hufflepuff, but I guess it made sense why he was in Ravenclaw. "So, I know that you've recently just become single..."

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