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"Voldemort has made horcruxes," Harry was pacing around the Gryffindor Common Room. He had gone to see Dumbledore while I went back to the common room. I made myself tea in the kitchen before I came back.

I took another sip from my mug. The memory from Dumbledore's office came back. Harry was catching onto things rather quickly. I brought the mug back into my lap, "I know."

"When Dumbledore leaves, he goes to find them," Harry said.


"How do you know all of this?" Harry asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Why?" Harry seemed baffled. "Tell me. I thought we were going through this together! But you always seem to be one step away of me!"

I could feel my heart breaking as I spoke, "We will...We are doing this together, Harry. There are just certain topics...These are dark object. Dark magic. This is far too dangerous for teenagers like us."

"But you know it's the only way to stop him," Harry knelt in front of me.

I placed my mug on the side table and put my elbows on my knees. I looked him dead in the face. I could see Voldemort within the depths of his mind as I stared into his eyes. It reminded me of all Dumbledore said. I began to cry. I grabbed his hands and squeezed them.

"Why are you crying, Bridge?" He got concerned.

"I'm just scared," I sniffled. It wasn't a complete lie. I was scared. For our friends. For our lives. Scared of losing Harry.

"Me too," he nodded. "But we'll be together. Do this together. In fact, Dumbledore found another one and he wants to go get it. I want you and I to go get it. Together."

I took a deep breath, "When?"

"Tomorrow," he answered.

I nodded, "Okay."

He stood up and I did as well. He hugged me; I hugged back. I held him like my child. I like him like I was the child. He was my brother and losing him was something I couldn't bear alone.


I walked up the stairs. Snape and Dumbledore were already up there, "Don't you think that you ask and take too many things for granted? Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to do this? Also hello, Ms. Meadows. Where's Potter?"

"Probably just leaving the common room. I knew you'd be here so I came early."

"That's irrelevant," Dumbledore answered Snape. He turned to me, "Are you going to be joining us now, Bridget?"

"Harry wanted me to," I nodded. "Are you guys...talking about...?"

"Yes," Snape nodded.

"I could, if you-"

"No," he snapped. "I will not put that burden on a child."

"You agreed to this, Severus," Albus turned to him. "There is nothing more I can discuss with you."

Snape didn't say a word as he flew down the stairs back out of the Astronomy Tower. I had lots of fond memories in that tower. One of my favorite places.

I heard footsteps. I turned and Harry was standing there, "Oh I thought you left later than that."

"No, just a couple seconds after you," he replied.

"Ah Harry," Dumbledore sighed. "You need a good shave when we get back." We all chuckled. Dumbledore continued, "Time flies by so quick. I remember when you both walked through those Great Hall doors to be sorted. I forget how much you've grown. Forgive my blabbering. I'm like a grandfather."

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