End of First Year

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I picked up Harry, or attempted to; let me tell ya, that little sucker was pretty heavy for me. I put his arm around my shoulders and placed the Sorcerer's Stone in my pocket figuring that I would give it to Dumbledore when I saw him. I dragged Harry up the stairs and out of the dungeon place; took me a while though, probably about 30 minutes. There were so many stairs, and I had to find the right one with Harry slowing me down.

Eventually, I found my way out. As soon as I got out, I noticed I was on the brink of the Forbidden Forest, by Hagrid's house. I set Harry on the stairs, helping myself out of the stairwell first. Once I pulled Harry out, I headed towards Hogwarts. The moment I was in the pathway of the front doors, Professor McGonagall saw me. She running towards me, worry was all over her face.

"MS. MEADOWS?!" She called.

"Professor," I called out to her, "Harry. He needs help."

She got to me, "We all were so worried; Dumbledore and other Professors are in the Hospital Wing: waiting." She lead me to the Hospital Wing. Students were swarming around me as I carried Harry to the Hospital Wing. "Out of our way students," McGonagall pushed students aside.

I panted as we stepped into the Hospital Wing. Can't...hold...him...anymore... I saw Professors and Madame Pomfrey run over to me. I didn't even have to say anything for them to take Harry from me.

I felt the weight being lifted off my shoulders. I saw Harry being lifted onto a hospital bed. He's safe now. He's going to be okay.

"Ms. Meadows," One of the other nurses called to me. I glanced over and a nurse was standing by a bed. "Come. I need to fix you up."

I walked over and sat on the bed. With every stitch on my face, I winced a little. God, could she do it any faster? How many scars did I have on my face? After she was done, she left to help the other nurses clean up. I walked over to Harry, who they had just got done with. He was unconscious, and his arm was wrapped up. I sighed. I shouldn't have let him go in there alone. He got severely hurt. Maybe I could have prevented it. Maybe we would be in opposite places.

"Ms. Meadows," I turned around to see Dumbledore standing a few feet away from me, "I am very proud of you."

"How?" I asked. "I let him go in there alone."

"But you got him out," Dumbledore walked to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You got him out of the situation, and you let him fight his own battles. That's why I'm proud of you."

I looked up, and he was smiling at me. I smiled back. I yawned, I'm not that tired, am I? How long have I been up?

"I think you should go and rest," Dumbledore suggested. "You've had a long day."

Before I walked away, I reached in my pocket. I brought out the Sorcerer's Stone and gave it to Dumbledore, "You might need this."

He took it, "Thank you."

I nodded and walked out. As I was heading to the Gryffindor common room, I ran into someone. Man, I must be out of it today. "Oh, sorry," I said rubbing my eyes.

"Wow," I heard a familiar voice, "we need to find better ways of meeting each other." I took a better look at who I was talking to, even though I could tell by his voice. Malfoy was standing there, smirking, "Even though you may try, you can't out run fate."

"But," I said, "I can try." With that I turned back around and made my way to the common room.

"Why are you avoiding me? Do you hate me?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see Malfoy walking next me.

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