Potions Class

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The next day was hectic. Hermione and I were trying to cut through a sea of tiny first and second years to get to our potions class. I felt bad for McGonagall, who was in the middle of the chaos, trying to direct traffic.

We got through with enough time to not be late. We stood at the same table and waited for Slughorn instructions. As I was talking to Hermione, I noticed blonde hair over Hermione's shoulder. He was staring at me. We both blinked. I looked away before he did. I was going to have to talk to him about this.

"Ms. Meadows," I heard our new Professor from behind me. "Aren't your grandparents Eleanore and Matthew Meadows?"

"They were, yes," I smiled as I turned to Professor Slughorn.

"Well I was good friends with your grandmother," he told me. "She was one of the smartest in her class. And she was very witty. Talented too. I guess that's where you get it from."

"I guess."

"Well I hope you come see me sometime," he grabbed my hand. "I have so many stories to tell you about them."

"Sounds awesome," I smiled. He walked away. I turned to Hermione, "That was a little awkward."

She nodded in agreement. Slughorn got our attention and began to teach. I half wasn't paying attention. I couldn't stop thinking about Draco's attitude. When did he become such an asshole?

From over Slughorn's shoulder, I saw Harry and Ron finally showing up for class. Slughorn turned around too. I smirked.

"Ah, Mr. Harry. I was afraid you weren't going to join our class. And a friend has tagged along?"

"Ron Weasley, sir," I giggled at Ron's introduction. "You see, I'm garbage at potions. Like really, really bad. So I'm just going to..." he tried to get out by Harry blockaded the door.

"Oh that's nonsense," Slughorn laughed. "Any friend of Mr. Potter can be a friend of mine. Come on in and sit. Grab your books."

"We don't have any books, Professor," Harry told him.

"Oh get some out of the cupboards then," Slughorn waved him off before he began to teach again. "This morning I have made a few potions. Can anyone tell me what they are?"

Hermione and I shot our hands up. Slughorn chuckled a bit, "One at a time. Ms. Meadows, you'll tell me one, and Ms..."

"Granger, Professor," Hermione told him.

"Ms. Granger will tell us about the other one."

I stepped in front of the group of students, "This one," I pointed to the one down the row, "is Veritaserum. It is used to make anyone tell the truth to any question you ask."

"That one," Hermione steppes forward, "is..." I was more focused as to what Ron and Harry were up to in the cupboard. My attention came back when Hermione started up again, "This is Amortentia. It's the strongest love potion in the world."

I took a deep breath in. It smelt wonderful. I continued on, "It's said that the potion creates a smell to what the person likes so he or she will drink it."

"As an example," Hermione nodded, "I smell fresh parchment, freshly mowed grass, and spearmint toothpaste."

I smiled, "Oh really?"

"Well what do you smell then, Bridget?" She glared at me.

I took a step closer and got a better whiff, "I smell...freshly brewed tea, a fire that had just been started....citrus and pine," I got quieter on the last two.

Hermione and I returned back to our places. I saw Pugface take a sniff of Draco then turn to me. I didn't look at her.

Slughorn nodded, "Yes. Now this potion cannot make actual love. Instead it makes a power obsession. Which makes it the most powerful and dangerous potion in this room," Slughorn put a lid over the cauldron.

"What about that last one?" A random Gryffindor asked.

"That's Felix Felicis," I spoke up.

He picked up the small vile, "That is correct. It's also called Liquid Luck."

"It's very difficult to brew," Hermione nodded.

"That is correct," Slughorn nodded. "You can take one sip of this and you can do anything. At least until it wears off. And I have it as a prize. With the hour we have left, the first student to brew a potion called Living Death will win this small vile. It's on page 10. But, only one student has ever managed to brew a potion well enough to get the prize. Good luck."

I sat at a table with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I was right next to Harry, luckily enough. I opened my book and began to brew the potion.

One of our first steps was to cut small balled up insects that looked like large rolley polleys. They were too hard that you couldn't do anything with them. I looked over to Harry, who was putting it in.

"I thought you were supposed to cut it," I went over and looked inside his book. His was the same as mine only his had writing in it.

"No, crush it instead."


"The book says specifically that it needs to be cut," Hermione argued.

"But looks who's actually getting somewhere," I returned to my seat and did as Harry did.

Things weren't going very well for anyone. Seamus ended up making an explosive. I was surprised because he hadn't done that for a while.

Hermione was struggling pretty bad. She was using her own book. I was glancing at Harry's every now and again. He caught me though, "Hey, use your own book. That's cheating."

"It's not cheating," I replied. "It's using your resources. And technically you're cheating too. Someone write in and is basically telling you how to get around it."

Harry finished moments before I did. Which meant he got the liquid luck first. Slughorn tested his out with a leaf I assumed he picked from his classroom plant. He dropped the leaf in, and it dissolved perfectly.

"Ah yes! It's exactly perfect!" Slughorn sheeted. "One drop of that, and we'd all be dead!"

I watched as Harry stood there with the Liquid Luck in his hands. It wasn't fair. And I was going to figure out who wrote in that book.

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