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A couple months pass by as if it were nothing. Dursley's treat me like shit, so I finally understood what Harry went through growing up. I'd love Hogwarts too. I do, actually.

Every night was the same. Harry and I would fall asleep. They had me sleep downstairs on the couch because they were afraid we'd do stuff. I'd fall asleep but wake up a few hours later from a nightmare or shooting pain. It was horrid.

We sat on the chain swings, Harry and I. The summer wind rushed passed us as it normally did. Harry and I were rarely stay inside the house. If we weren't at the park, we'd be at the library or post office.

Dudley and his friends had gathered together in front of us. They were all giggling about some kid which had run away crying.

"Good job, D," I rolled my eyes. "Picking on a ten year old is the perfect way to gain power."

"Oh no," he chuckled. "This time he deserved it."

"No one deserves to cry," I corrected.

"Besides, one to five. That's not fair. Nor is it brave," Harry spoke up.

"Says you," Dudley was getting defensive. "What's up with you, Potter? Scared of your pillow?" All his goons laughed with him.

"Why are you listening to him sleep, Dudley?" I retorted.

"I don't. With all his cryin and moanin, I can hear it through the walls. 'Spare Cedric! Please don't kill him!'" Dudley mimicked Harry's nightmares. "Is Cedric, like, your boyfriend or somethin'?"

"Don't listen to them Harry," I turned to him. "Ignore them. They can't tell their rights from their lefts."

"Oh shut it," Dudley was getting even more defensive. "Ya know, you were hot. Until I realized I didn't want to go for my cousin's sloppy seconds." All his goons laughed. That's when my anger reached its boiling point.

I stood up and marched towards him. I pulled out my wand, "I am nobody's seconds. Nor will I ever be sloppy. Do you understand?"

He looked at me. I could feel the fear he felt. Awe shit, I heard him think. She's gonna turn me into a pig again.

"Bridget," Harry grabbed my arm. I turned to him about to respond. Then I noticed what Harry was noticing. The once blue sky was turning dark gray really fast.

"What did you do?" Dudley noticed.

"Nothing," I stared at the sky. "I did nothing."

The boys must've noticed too. Dudley's posse had split up in their own ways. Harry, Dudley, and I began to run home. I was, of course, up front. The rain started up. I began to slip and slid in the mud, not on purpose though. I was too freaked out to do it on purpose.

With our home being far from this park, this meant we had to cross a lot of roads. By doing this, we'd go underneath, in some subway-like walking path. We stopped to catch our breath and get away from the rain. I leant against the wall, breathing rather heavily.

The air suddenly got cold. Like freezing cold. We watched as the light flickered and the entrance of the tunnel was beginning to freeze. There was only one thing that I knew that did that. What the hell are they doing out here?

"Dudley, Bridget, run!" I heard Harry struggling with something. I didn't know what it was a first.

I felt a bony hand grab my wrist. I whipped out my wand, but there wasn't enough time. It was starting to suck the soul out of me. I could feel the energy draining from my body. But I still tried. I hit the dementor with my wand. It let me go.

I stood up, "Expecto Patronum!" I yelled out. A shield of light illuminated the tunnel. But I only got mine out. Harry was still struggling and so was Dudley.

I focused on my memory; the last happy moment I had with my mother. My Patronus came out from my wand. The dog began to bark and run around. The dementors tried to go around it. But it was fast. Harry hit his dementor, and he was dropped.

"Expecto Patronum!" I heard Harry yell. His light spewed from his wand. The dementors fled from the tunnel as both our Patronuses chased them away.

The air felt slightly warmer, and the lights stopped flickering. Harry and I gave a sigh. Then a question popped into my mind, "Harry, why were there dementors in the Muggle world? Who were they trying to find?"

He looked to me. I could tell from his eyes that he was scared. I don't know, Bridge, I heard his thought.

We jogged over to Dudley. I nearly forgot he was there. He was breathing but in such a state of shock that he wasn't moving.

I turned towards one of the entrances as I heard shoes walking. Mrs. Figg, a neighbor who I had visited a few times in the past, was walking towards us. I tried to conceal my wand; I figured she was a muggle.

"Don't put away your wands just yet," she instructed us. "You might possibly need them."

She helped us carry Dudley back home. He was in no shape to walk, let alone stand up without help. The dementors did some damage on him for sure.

"Those dementors," she shook her head as we were getting closer to home. "Soon this world will be turned upside down with all these messes."

"Pardon me asking," I piped up, "but how do you know-?"

"Oh Dumbledore had me keep an eye on you," she spoke. "Both of you. Well with what happened recently. Sorry, by the way, for both of your losses."

"Thank you," Harry and I answered in unison.

"Wait, you know Dumbledore? How?" Harry asked.

She seemed to ignore his question, "Now, please go and stay inside. No matter what, please do not leave the house," she glanced around at the sky and surroundings before nodding to us and going back into her house.

Harry and I trudged into the house. We went in and set him in the living room. Of course, the Dursley's were surprised to see him the way he was. They began to check him out.

"We should take him to the hospital," Petunia held her big boy close.

"What happened, boy?" Vernon was confused and worried. "Who did this?"

Without saying a peep, Dudley pointed to Harry and I. My mouth went ajar, "You've got to be shitting me?"

"Well are you happy now? You've driven him to the point of madness. You've gotta be happy," Vernon went accusing us.

"Excuse me?" I laughed. "We saved his life."

"Oh I bet you did," he rolled his eyes. "I can't take you anymore. Either of you!"

The room fell silent as an owl flew into our house. He ran into the overhang, dropping out letter and falling to the ground. Ah, bet it's Herald.

The letter flew up on it own, opening up and speaking, "Dear Ms. Meadows and Mr. Potter. We have received information that at 6:33 this evening, you preformed the Patronus Charm and a muggle witnessed it. As a contravention to law 276 of the use of underage sorcery, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."

It continued on for a few seconds longer, but I had stopped paying attention. Did they just...they couldn't have...well...

The only thing that came out of my mouth was what I was thinking.

"You've got to be shitting me? That's a load of bullshit."

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