The First Task

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Question of the Update: Do you guys like Broadway musicals, and if so which one's your favorite?

My Answer: Yes, and I don't have a favorite. I love so many.


I could hear the people screaming from outside of the tent. It was about time for the first task and my stomach was churning. I couldn't tell whether it was the fact that I was going to be out in front of people, or I was going up against a dragon. Either way, I had so much anxiety.

The others seemed the same too. They kept fiddling with something or pacing around. Dumbledore began talking to the crowd saying as it was about to begin. Harry went over to the edge of the tent. My instinct was to follow, but I decided against it for reasons unknown.

Only few seconds pass and Hermione jumps from behind the fabric. She came out at the wrong moment though. A flash of light illuminated the tent. Rita Skeeter came through the other side of the tent with her camera man. I began to walk towards Hermione and Harry, cause I had seen this coming.

"Oh young love," she giggled. "I think that you two are going to make the front page, unless things get more...interesting."

"I'm sorry," I blocked her view of the two, "but we have not given you permission to be back here."

"You wouldn't're jealous...right, Ms. Meadows."

"Of course not," I rolled my eyes. "They're both my best friends."

"Doesn't seem like it," she looked to her pad. I glared at her, partially hoping lasers would come out of my eyes. 

"This stand is for the champions and for friends only. You don't have any business being back here," Krum said (what might have been) his first words in front of me.

She gave a swift look to him then to the rest of us, "We got what we had wanted anyways. Good luck...champions." And she left with her crew.

Dumbledore popped up from behind Harry and Hermione, "Good morning, my young champions! Hither." We gathered around Dumbledore as if he were telling an old wise tale. "The time has come. You have no need to wonder anymore. The time that the will choose how the other tasks shall go. A-" he looked down to Hermione, whom he was hugging close to his side. "What are you doing in the tent, Ms. Granger?"

She looked to me, "I was wishing them good luck...I...I'll just...go." She whipped around and headed out to the crowd.

"Alright. Barty, the bag if you would," Albus stepped out of the way.

Barty Crouch rearranged the champions, and I continued to awkwardly stand there on the outside. I gave Harry a simply little smile when he looked at me. After they were settled, Albus gestured me towards them as well. I stood next to him. Barty turned to Fleur first, opening the velvet pouch. She reached into it. I saw her wince as she flung a miniature, lime green dragon into her palm.

"Ah, the Welsh Green," Barty nodded and headed towards the next person: Victor Krum. He didn't show any emotion as he pulled out a dragon that had matched it's name, "The Chinese Fireball," Barty taunted.

He them opened the bag towards Cedric. Cedric pulled out a light blur little dragon. "The Swedish Short-snout," Barty smiled. It was finally Harry's turn. Which means he get's...

"The Horntail," Harry muttered to himself as he gazed to into the bag. I nudged him.

"What was that, kid?" Barty leant his ear slightly, trying to listen more clear. Harry shook his head and pulled  out the miniature spiked demon.

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