A Nice Welcome Back

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"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore's voice rang out loud and clear. "Now before we have a concert and feast, I would like to say a few words. First I would like to introduce our new Professor: Mr. R. J. Lupin. He will be filling in as Dark Arts teacher."

"Boom," I whispered to Hermione. She just giggled and rolled her eyes. We all clapped for Lupin as he stood up and bowed.

"Psst. Psst. Meadows. Potter," I heard whispering behind Harry and I. I turned around to see that little git(s): Pugface Pansy, Goyle, and a new kid.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Is it true that you and Potter fainted?" She giggled. "Like actually fainted?"

What made matters worse is she was sitting next to Draco. Like they're arms were touching. I was highly uncomfortable with it. We weren't dating but it made me feel bad.

"Actually we blacked out, but your too stupid to understand that so I won't explain it," I smiled and returned back to what Dumbledore was saying.

"Fortunately, his place has been taken by none other than our Rubius Hagrid," Dumbledore gestured to Hagrid, who stood up after a few seconds. We all clapped for him.

"What place is he taking?" I asked Hermione.

"Care of Magical Creatures," she said.

"Yes!" I shout-whispered to myself.

"I would also like to note," Dumbledore continued once there was silence, "that Hogwarts, until further notice, will be host to the dementors from the Azkaban Prison. They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds so they should not disturb our daily activities.

"But I have a word of caution, they do not know the difference between the one they hunt and the one that stands in their way. So I will tell each and everyone of you, give them no reason to do harm to you. It is not their nature to be forgiving. You know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If only on remembers to turn on the light."

It was silent as everyone waited for him to continue, "Now that I got that out of the way, I believe Ms. Meadows has promised us a show."

Students started to clap and cheer. I got up and ran down the aisle. I got up to Dumbledore, "I won't need any table today," he handed me the mic and nodded. I turned and students were up out of their seats waiting. The tables started to disappear. Once all the tables were gone, I got out in the crowd. The music started up.

(Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia)

Honey honey,
how you thrill me,
ah-hah, honey honey

Honey honey,
nearly kill me,
ah-hah, honey honey

I put my hand to my heart, and did a dramatic lean. I had practiced this song multiple times at home, so I had this in the bag. During the song though I would look at him a lot. Mainly because this song made me think of him. How could it not though.

I'd heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean,
you're a love machine
Oh, you make me dizzy

I ran with the pace of the song, matching the beat. I ran over between the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. I started to jump and sing with the beat.

Honey honey,
let me feel it,
ah-hah, honey honey

Honey honey,
don't conceal it, ah-hah,
honey honey

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