A Little More Clear

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"It's strange, isn't it?" Hermione asked as we walked up the stairs towards the Gryffindor tower. I was behind all of them. We all looked up to her. I have a feeling I know what she's gonna say.  "That you hear this voice. A voice only you can hear. Then Mrs. Norris get's petrified. It's just strange," She looked almost worried. 

"Do you think I should've told them?" Harry asked. "Dumbledore and the other?" 

"Are you mad?!" Ron asked.

"Well," I got up by Harry, "maybe telling Dumbledore isn't a bad idea, but not the other teachers." 

"Well, I don't think so," Hermione said. "Even in the Wizarding World, hearing voices isn't a good sign." And with that she turned around and started to walked up the stairs. We all followed after her. I was the last one into the Gryffindor common room. I could still hear a slithering on the walls. It was...weird. 

^^^ Time Skip ^^^

"Could I have your attention please?" Professor McGonagall got up from her desk. I was in my seat, sitting next to Hermione, in front of Harry and Ron. I had a brown ferret on my desk. Ooo, what's this for. The ferret was in a cage and moving back and forth. We all watched as she walked over to a stand with a toucan on it, at least I thought it was a toucan. "Today we are going to learn how to transfigure animals into water goblets," She pointed her wand at the bird. "Like so: one, two, three. Ferdivelto." And with that the bird transfigured into a water goblet. I widened my eyes, It's completely see through. 

She looked to all of us, "Now, who would like to go first?" She walked towards my side of the tables. I don't want to go first. "Ah, Mr. Weasley," we watched as she went over to Ron, "one, two, three. Ferdivelto." 

We all watched as Ron did the spell, "Ferdivelto." His rat turned into a goblet but it wasn't a good goblet. 

"You need to get that wand fixed Mr. Weasley," McGonagall walked back up to the front of the class. Hermione shot her hand up. Hermione?  "Yes, Ms. Granger?" 

"I was wondering," Hermione started, "if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." Everyone went quiet. There was a long pause before anybody said anything. All you could hear was the breathing of the students. 

"Very well," Professor McGonagall sighed. "You all know that Hogwarts is over a thousand years old, and was created by the four greatest witches and wizards of the time: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin." 

Well now I do, I thought as I straightened up in my seat. 

"Three of them lived harmoniously. One did not," She continued.  

"Three guess who," I heard Ron whisper. I spun around and glared at him. He put up his hands in surrender. As I looked back up to McGonagall, my eyes caught Draco's. I saw that his face went a light blush. He wasn't staring was he? 

"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students that were admitted to Hogwarts, " We watched as she through the desks. "He thought that magic should only stay in the family. Meaning only purebloods."

My eyes went back to Draco, yet he didn't seemed fazed. I looked about the room. I saw Pansy glaring and smirking at me and Hermione. I glared at her, then looked back to McGonagall. 

"Unable to sway the others," She continued, "he left the school. According to legend, Slytherin built a hidden chamber within the castle known as the Chamber of Secrets. Now before he parted, he sealed it. He made it to where only the heir of Slytherin could open the chamber. When the heir did return to Hogwarts, and unsealed it, he would release the terror within. The terror would attack those who Slytherin thought was unworthy of learning." 

"Muggle-borns," I heard Hermione say. 

Professor pointed to Hermione and nodded, "But naturally the school has been searched many times, and the chamber has not been found."

"Professor," Hermione piped up, "what does the legend exactly tell us lies within the chamber?" 

"It said that the terror within the chamber can only be tamed and controlled by the heir," She sighed. "They say the chamber is home to a monster." 

"Professor," I raised my hand, "has the chamber been opened before?" 

She looked around and sighed, "I think it's time to get back to our lesson," and she went on with talking. 

"I'm going to the library at the end of the day," I whispered to Hermione. "In case you wanted to come with me." 

She nodded and we listened to McGonagall go on with her lesson. 

*** Time Skip ***

"So is it true?" Ron asked as we were walking to a different class. "About the Chamber of Secrets?" I looked to him and nodded. I was standing beside Ron and the wall. 

"Yes," Hermione answered. "Couldn't you tell? She was worried. All the teachers are." 

"That's why I'm going to go to the library at the end to the day," I spoke out. "To see if there's any information about the Chamber of Secrets." 

"So if there is a Chamber of Secrets is real, and it really has been opened, then that means-" Harry was staying to us. 

"The heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. Question is: who is it?" Hermione finished his sentence. 

As Draco and his followers passed me, and he smiled at me. He didn't smirk like an annoying bastard. He smiled. I smiled back because I'm not the type of person to not smile at someone. Maybe I should've been sorted to Hufflepuff. 

"Let's think," I heard Ron say. "Who do we know that thinks all muggle-borns are scums." 

"If you're talking about Malfoy," Hermione said. 

"It's not Malfoy," I turned to them. 

They all groan in frustration. 

"I was right last year, was I not?" 

"Okay, okay," Harry said. "What about Parkinson?" 

"Yeah," Ron agreed. "You heard her, 'You'll be next Mudbloods'."

I shook my head, "No, I don't think so."

"I agree with Bridget in the Malfoy one," Hermione told us. "Why Malfoy?" 

"Well," Harry started, "look at his family. His family has been in the Slytherin house for ages." 

"So?" I asked. "Slytherin isn't a bad house. Well, it wasn't meant to be." 

"Maybe Crabbe and Goyle know," Ron told us. "We could trick them into telling." 

"Yeah, right," Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"They aren't that stupid," I told them. 

"There's a way we could do it," Hermione stopped walking. The rest of us did too, "Granted it will be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about 50 school rules."

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes. "I break a rule almost every month." 

They all giggled, "Well it's also dangerous...Very dangerous." Hermione got very serious. Come on. How dangerous can it be compare last year? 

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