Invading the Ministry

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"So, you're saying," I turned to Hermione and Harry, "that Umbridge survived the centaurs and made it back to the Ministry of Magic in one piece?" 

They nodded. 

"And she has our necklace?" 


"How in the world are we going to get into the Ministry?" I asked. "Aren't we all, if not just Harry, fugitives?" 

"We'll need a disguise obviously," Hermione nodded. 

"And I think I have the targets," Harry nodded towards the newspaper in front of us. 


I watched as Hermione picked the hair of the last lady, who I was to be; Caroline Adams: a speaker on trials for the defendant. She gave me the hair as well as a cup, "Remember our rules: don't speak up unless absolutely necessary-Bridget, try and act as normal as you can, don't screw up."  

"I feel targeted," I eyed the suspicious liquid in my cup. I placed the hair in. "Yeah, don't act all nervous. That'll make you suspicious." 

"Right," Hermione stood next to me. 

"This is mad." 

"Agreed," I nodded to Harry's comment. 

"Welp, so is the world," Ron replied. "Let's go find the horcrux."

We all took a swig of our polyjuice potions. It wasn't as bad as the first or second time. Maybe after doing it so much, you kind of get used to it. We changed into their clothes as our bodies and faces morphed. We stepped out onto the street. 

"I'm going to use the telephone booth," I told them as I made my way across the street. I looked around. Traffic wasn't that bad, so crossing didn't feel like life or death. I opened the booth. I typed in the code I saw Arthur had. I ascended down. I was plopped into the middle of a crowded and overflowing with people from everywhere. 

I began to walk with the people. A couple got dragged off by the police but I tried not to watch. I looked to the fountain and statues. They looked like real people. I tried not to focus on that fact. I continued on my way. I entered the elevator. 

"Level 5, Mrs. Adams?" The elevator guy asked me. I nodded. People piled into the elevator after me. It got shoulder-to-shoulder crowded. We reached Level 5. I exited as well as a couple of others. I began to look out for any office doors with the last name Adams. Luckily, I didn't have to search far. 

I entered the office. It was neat and tidy. She seemed like a prestigious woman. I looked around. I found a calendar with all of her trials. I checked the day. She had one at 9:37 AM. It was 9:32 AM. I had five minutes to get myself to the Department of Mysteries. 

I quickly walked through the hall and to the elevator. It opened I entered in. "What level, Mrs. Adams?" 

"Department of Mysteries, please." 

He nodded and pressed the button. We descended. I walked down the hall right as I got off. 

"Mrs. Adams." 

My toes curled by the sound of his voice. I turned to see Lucius Malfoy. He cocked his head, "You seem a rush." 

"I have a trial in two minutes, so if you don't mind me, I will be going." 

"I never remember you being so overconfident..."

"I'm not," I coughed. "I'm just in a rush. I will be late if I don't get there now. So-" 

"Is there something wrong with your voice, Mrs. Adams?" 

"I'm battling a terrible cold, if you have to know," I rolled my eyes. "Because of that, I slept in and going to be late. So, I will be going now. Have a great day, Lucius Malfoy," I quickly walked passed him. I rushed into the trial room. 

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