Holiday Break

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Hermione and I were wondering about the cabin of the train. I needed to stretch my legs and Hermione wasn't feeling so great. We saw Lavander leave from in front of a car door. I assumed it was Harry and Ron. We walked up to it. A whole heart with R + L on it.

I looked to the two boys and mouthed, You're screwed. I was dragged away before I could say anything else.

"Don't add coal to the flame," Hermione sighed.

"Why are you so upset by this?" I asked. "It's not like you were dating in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I realize it hurts, but not talking to him. 'Mione that could ruin the friendship."

"It's for his...our own good," she replied.


The train stopped at Kings Cross Station. As the plan went, we went to the Weasleys. They were truly family after everything last year. I couldn't be more thankful for them.


"So, Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Lupin asked Harry. I can listened in on a conversation I really didn't want to hear.

I was about to walk through when Tonks noticed me, "Bridget."

"Oh, hello Bridget," Lupin smiled to me. "Would you like to join us?"

"No, thank you," I smiled.

"I think Mrs. Weasley might need help in the kitchen if you're not up to anything."

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley."

"And if you need anything," Tonks smiled, "I'm here to talk."

"Might need that sooner than you think." I waltzed into the dining room/kitchen. The twins were playing around with some trinkets they had probably made.

"Do you need any help Mrs. Weasley?" I squeezed my way passed them.

"Oh no," she shook her head. "I've got everything from here." She turned to me. She grabbed my face, "You poor girl. I hope things get better."

"They will," I lied.

She hugged me, "Alright. Go hang out with the kids."

I nodded and entered the living room. As soon as I did, I saw Ron sitting in between Harry and Ginny. I shook my head, "Really Ronald?"

"What? I just wanted to offer up some pies."

"Ronald," I laughed. "Let's go. I need your help with something."

"With what?"

"Come on!" I went over and grabbed his arm. "God, men are clueless."

"Actually, Harry, Bridget, could you come with me before dinner?" Mr. Weasley asked.

I let go of Ron, "Sure."

We walked outside and I could feel eyes. Like they were staring at me through the tall grasses. I didn't feel safe until I was in Mr. Weasley's shed of Muggle things.

"So has you gotten my owl?" Harry asked.

"You sent him an owl?!" I asked. "Harry, Death Eaters could see it or intervene."

"I did, but Bridget right. Be careful about what you send," he warned. "Dumbledore's off on vacation, which was news to the Ministry. I supposed he wanted it that way. But the thing about Draco. I had sent an agent into Borgin and Berks..."

"Like a spy?"

"Kind of," he nodded. "I think what you are saying, that cabinet, is a Vanishing Cabinet."

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