The Protector

By justgeeking

120K 3.8K 820

They were famous. There was the Chosen One. The Brightest Witch of her age. Weasley was their King. But her s... More

Quick Author's Note
I Got A Letter
Keeper Of Keys
Diagon Alley
Platform 9 3/4
Welcome to Hogwarts
First day; First Classes
Lemon Drops
*Christmas Time*
Time Passes
Back to School
Obstacles Galore
End of First Year
Weasleys to the Rescue
The Burrow
Diagon Alley
Missing the Train...
Oh Boy...
First Day of Second Year
Rude Much
A Strange Detention and Hearing Things
A Little More Clear
The Library
First Quidditch Match: Year 2
Dueling Club
What to do...
Another Attack, Another Blame
Changing Into My Enemy
New Accusations and Theories
Out of my Control
So...We Followed The Spiders
Our Goon of A Teacher
The Chamber of Secrets
Saving Dobby
The End of Second Year
What'd You Do, Harry?
Weird Things
Attacked On The Hogwarts Train
A Nice Welcome Back
First Classes of Third Year
First Date In Hogsmeade
Sirius Black In The Castle
Werewolves and Annoying People
Not Enough Sleep
My Animagus
Second Date...?
Wondering About The Corridors
Good-bye Buckbeak
Being Badass
I Can't Believe It
Great Ending of 3rd Year
I Forgive You
Oh, Weasleys...
...The Quidditch World Cup...
The Mark
Welcoming New Schools
Triwizard Champions
My Romeo ♥️
The First Task
Dance Lessons
Yule Ball
Clues for the Second Task
The Second Task
The Pensieve
The Third Task
He's Back
Ending Fourth Year
Not A Way To Begin Summer
Order of the Phoenix
So Many Emotions
Our Hearing
Hogwarts Bound
Defense Against The Dark Arts
Not Alone
Umbridge At It Again
A Prophecy
Dumbledore's Army
Date Night
Practice and Practice
The Dream
Christmas Break
Hagrid's home
We Got Caught
Anger I've Never Felt
Hagrid's Secret
Fireworks 🎇
Dumbledore's Secret Weapon
The Department of Mysteries
Ending of Fifth Year
Summer Time
Welcome Back to Hogwarts
Potions Class
There Are Signs
Quidditch Season
The Three Broomsticks
Slughorn's Dinner
Harry Was Right
The Truth
Passing Time
Slughorn's Party
Holiday Break
Poison in the Drinks
Evening with Slughorn
Last Wishes
Rest in Peace
Beginning of the End
To The Burrow
A Crashed Wedding
Nearly Killed in a Cafe
Grimmauld Place
Invading the Ministry
Camping With Horcruxes
My Adventures With Ron
Back Together
Hello Hermione
The Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manor
Finally, He Apologized
Burying Dobby
Deciding the Next Step
Author's Note (Please Read)
Robbing Gringotts
Escaping on a Dragon
Aberforth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts; Back at Home
Finding Another Horcrux
Goodbye Snape
Losing Everyone I've Loved
Fighting For Love
The Happy Ending
Please Read
Thank You!

Special Lessons

818 29 9
By justgeeking

"Another minute or two and I-uh-could've lost my arm," I listened as Draco talked to Parkinson about his whole incident. Apparently, when I pushed him, he fell onto a pointed rock. Hurt him decently, but he would've had worse if I hadn't pushed him.

"Listen to the idiot. Laying it on a lot, isn't he? You did the right thing Bridget," Ron told me.

I kept reading my book, "I guess so."

"Well, lucky that Hagrid didn't get fired," Harry told us.

"No doubt his father will hear about it and send a letter though," Hermione spoke up.

I focused myself in my book. I was rereading the one on animagus. Making sure I knew what was heading my way.

I heard someone clear their throat next to me. I looked up. A boy from Hufflepuff was sitting on the bench beside me.

"Hello," I said out of surprise.

"Why hello. I'm Anthony Rickett," he extended his hand.

I've heard that name before, I swear, I thought. I took his hand, "Bridget Meadows."

The brunette nodded, "I've heard of you. You are very talented."

I smiled, "Why thank you."

"I was wondering if we could get to know each other. Like go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" He smiled sweetly.

"Uh-" I was taken back a little. I thought about what had just happened and smiled, "Sure."

He smiled, "Alright. I'll meet you there at 1 on our first trip. Or I'll owl you of a change happens." He walked back to his table and I went back to reading my book.

I felt eyes on me so I looked up. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"You aren't going to talk about What just happened?!" Hermione was excited.

"What's there to talk about?"

"Bridge, a guy just asked you out and you act like it isn't a big deal," Ron playfully punch my arm.

"Cause it's not. I like someone else, but I figured I give someone else a shot."

Hermione started to giggle.

"Don't even or I will throw my book," I laughed.

We both started laughing. The guys just looked confused. "Don't worry about it," I waved at the guys.

"Information! Information!" Seamus called out as he put the newspaper on the table. "Sirius Black is near!"

I got up along with my friends. We all got close to it and started reading it. "Dufftown isn't far from here," Hermione spoke up.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, would he?" Neville asked.

"I don't understand the reason why he would," I reassured him. "And if he would come around here, we have dementors. They'd catch him."

"That's the thing," one of the Gryffindor's spoke up. "He's like if you tried to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands."


The wardrobe shook uncontrollably before us. We were all in a huddle only a few feet away from it.

"Would anyone like to take a guess that what that is?" Professor Lupin asked us.

"A boggart," Dean and I answered in unison.

"Very well. Does anyone know what it looks like?" He asked.

"Nobody knows," Hermione's voice rang out. I turned and saw Hermione standing next to Harry and Ron. I was standing between Harry and Neville.

"When'd you get here?" Ron asked.

"She's been here the whole time," I rolled my eyes, saving 'Mione's butt.

"Its a shapeshifter. It takes the shape of whatever the thing fears the most. That's why it's so-" Hermione continued.

"They're so terrifying," Lupin finished her sentence. "But thankfully there is a simple charm that could recoil the boggart. Let's practice it, but without wands."

I nodded, letting him know I had his full attention.

"Now," Lupin cleared his throat, "repeat after me. Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus," we all spoke.

"Good, but a little louder and use pronunciation. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" We all said a little more confidently.

"Good," Professor Lupin nodded. "The one thing that will definitely get rid of a boggart is laughter. So you need to envision what will make you laugh. Mr. Longbottom, would you come up here and be our example?"

I looked back at Neville and smiled, "You got this Neville."

He sighed and nodded. He walked past me, and up to the professor. "Okay, Neville. What are you most frightened of?"

Neville whispered something, and Lupin didn't quite hear him so he asked for him to say it again.

"Professor Snape."

All is us started laughing. Same, Neville. Same.

"Yeah, he does frighten all. And am I correct that you live with your grandmother?" Lupin asked.

"Yes, but I hope it doesn't turn into her either."

We all started to laugh again. And Professor kept going, "Oh no, she won't. But I want you to imagine her clothes, and only her clothes."

"She carries around a red-"

"We don't need to hear. If you can see it, so will we." He went around and whispered something in Neville's ear. "Can you do that?" He asked.

Neville nodded. Lupin stood next to him, "Wand at the ready.," he unlocked the door. I had to stop myself from doubling over in laughter. The way 'Snape' walked out of the wardrobe made me want to laugh so hard.

The boggart started to strut towards us. "Riddikulus!" Neville shouted. The Snape's clothes began to morph into a tight green outfit, a bird hat, and a red feathered handbag.

We were all laughing. I nearly snorted but stopped myself. "Alright everyone form a line."

I got in front of Harry, and the other students piled up. Lupin put on some upbeat music, "Now I want you to know what you fear the most and make it something funny." The music started to play, "Ronald! You are up."

Ron stepped up to the plate. I knew what his was gonna be. Sure enough I was right. A huge spider formed and started to crawl towards Ron. He raised his wand, "Riddikulus!" The spider then had skates on.

Pavarti was up next. She was scared of a snake, but that snake turned into a jack-in-the-box. That wasn't funny to me, because I think those are creepy.

I was next. I stepped up, and watched as the jack-in-the-box rocked back and forth. I got out my wand, and got myself ready. It started to change and morph. Everything was silent. Then a box appeared. It was like a small room. Concrete walls. No windows or doors. Np was to get in or out.

Then terrible screams made me freeze. They were the cries for help from my friends in pain. My breath was taken away. My mind went blank as I listened.

Lupin's voice caught my attention, "Remember, Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" I yelled and pointed my wand at the thing. It morphed into a glass patio. It had my friends all laughing together and they were all snorting. This made us all laugh.

"Ms. Meadows," Lupin caught my attention. "You may be use the restrooms if you like, but I would like you to see me after class."

I nodded and ran down the line. I ran out of the class room. I made my way to a bench that was just outside the classroom. I shakily sat down and put my face in the palms of my hands. I took a few breaths. Just a boggart, Bridge. It was just a boggart.

I rubbed my face, and took another breath. I nodded and got up. I walked back and by the time I did, students were exiting. They were all complain how they weren't able to do it.

I walked in and the only one standing was Lupin, "You wanted to see me?"

He turned to me, "Ah, yes. I have talked to Dumbledore about your promise. The one to keep Harry safe. I now know that getting in front of him was the only way for you to protect him. So I would like to train you on how to do the Patronus Charm. After McGonagall gets done with her lessons with you, I will teach you. We've got it all set up."

"How'd you know about the thing with McGonagall?" I asked.

"We are close," he nodded. "She was my teacher when I came here."

"Wow," I was impressed. Then another thought came into mind, "Did you listen to our conversation on the train?"

He sighed, "Yes, I was."

"Did you know him? Sirius Black?"

He took a deep breath, "Yes."

"The rumors aren't true, are they?"

"Rumors?" He asked.

"About how Sirius ratted out where the Potter's were," I cleared it up for him.

"He did not do that," he shook his head. "We both were really good friends with him. A man named Peter Pettigrew is who did it."

"I knew it! So I was right once again," I smiled to myself. "But I will be excited to be getting taught by you. Thank you."

"Thank you," he smiled, "for protecting Harry."

"Of course! He's like my brother."

"Well, I will be expecting to see you tomorrow morning," he turned to go towards his office. "And don't tell anyone what I have told you today."

"I won't. See ya."


I'm too tired for this, I thought to myself as I stood in the doorway of the ROR. It was about 6:30 in the morning. On a Saturday. McGonagall thought it was best to bump the time up so I wouldn't have to go back to far, since I'm still learning how to use it.

Today was also my first date. So I was planning on going back and getting ready. The lessons would take about two hours all together; maybe more. The students were leaving at about noon, so it gave me plenty of time.

I walked in and sat down on the couch. I pulled out my pocket watch: 6:27 AM. I still had three minutes until she arrived.

About two minutes later, McGonagall came in followed by Professor Lupin. They came over to me. They both smiled as McGonagall spoke, "We are going to wait until your lesson with Professor Lupin gets over with to do my lesson."

I nodded and stood up, "Okay."

"Follow me," Lupin said. He turned around and started to walk towards an opening in the room. I followed after him.

He stopped and turned to me, "To do the Patronus Charm, you need to think of your most happiest memory. Use that. And say the words 'Expecto Patronum.'"

I nodded. My happiest memory? I thought. The happiest I've been...I was really happy at the last concert I did. The way everyone was brought together...yeah, I'll use that one. I took a deep breath. I got my wand ready.

With that thought in mind, I said, "Expecto Patronum!"

A small light came from the end of my wand. The light only lasted a little bit, then faded away. I put my wand down when the light was gone.

"How was that?" I asked.

"That was amazing, for being your first try. I've never known or seen a third year pull of their Patronus. Let alone their first time," He was shocked. "Although that memory you had did make you pretty happy, you need something happier."

Happier? How can I be any happier? Maybe I could make up a memory. Something that could happen in the future.

The thought of seeing and talking to my father and grandparents made me smile. We'd all be in a room with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco (even though right now he's being a total jack ass). I'd be showing them what I'm capable of. They'd be so proud!

I smiled and nodded, "Let me try again."

"Okay," he smiled.

I took a deep breath and put out my wand. I steadied myself, "Expecto Patronum!"

The light was definitely brighter.  A dog came out of the light. I knew that dog from somewhere. I swore I did. The dog ran around the room, barking and prancing. I smiled and laughed.

Then it hit me, That's a Golden Retriever!

The dog and lights faded away, and I stood there in shock.

I heard McGonagall clapping, "Great job, Ms. Meadows!"

"That was amazing!" Lupin laughed with excitement.

I looked to both of the smiling teachers, "So I did it?"

"Yes!" McGonagall grabbed my hands. "You did it! Your grandparents would've been so proud!"

I smiled, and started to laugh. The thought of my grandparents made me want to cry. I knew that they were watching me and protecting me. I just wanted to know how proud they were.

"Looks like I won't need to help you anymore, unless you want to learn other thing," he shrugged.

"We'll see," I smiled.

"I need to get going," Lupin checked his watch. "See you in class." He left and that only left McGonagall and me.

"Alright," McGonagall said to me, "I will go fetch the Mandrake leaf. You need to reread the book about this part. I will quiz you when I get back." And she left also.

I sat on the couch. "I've reread the notes and books five times," I whined to myself. "Don't swallow the leaf. Don't drop the leaf from your mouth. Keep it in for one month."

Then a thought hit me, "Oh no...I have a date. How am I supposed to be normal with it in my mouth?"

Then she came back in, "I've got it. Now are you ready?"

"McGonagall," I stood up, "I have a date today. How am I supposed to not swallow it, or look normal?!"

"I'll put an enchantment on it so it won't be noticeable to anyone else. The not swallowing part you have to do on your own."

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"What else should you do?"

"Don't swallow it. Don't drop it. Make sure you keep it on your tongue. Did I miss anything?"

"No, you did not. But you do need to take this seriously. Understand?" She raised her eyebrows.

I nodded, "Yes."

"Okay," she held out her palm to me. There was a mandrake leaf. I took a deep breath, and picked it up. This is it. This is the time.

I set it on my tongue. McGonagall tapped the side of my head, "There. Invisible. Now go get ready."

I nodded and left. Guess I won't be singing for a while.

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