The Protector

By justgeeking

120K 3.8K 820

They were famous. There was the Chosen One. The Brightest Witch of her age. Weasley was their King. But her s... More

Quick Author's Note
I Got A Letter
Keeper Of Keys
Diagon Alley
Platform 9 3/4
Welcome to Hogwarts
First day; First Classes
Lemon Drops
*Christmas Time*
Time Passes
Back to School
End of First Year
Weasleys to the Rescue
The Burrow
Diagon Alley
Missing the Train...
Oh Boy...
First Day of Second Year
Rude Much
A Strange Detention and Hearing Things
A Little More Clear
The Library
First Quidditch Match: Year 2
Dueling Club
What to do...
Another Attack, Another Blame
Changing Into My Enemy
New Accusations and Theories
Out of my Control
So...We Followed The Spiders
Our Goon of A Teacher
The Chamber of Secrets
Saving Dobby
The End of Second Year
What'd You Do, Harry?
Weird Things
Attacked On The Hogwarts Train
A Nice Welcome Back
First Classes of Third Year
Special Lessons
First Date In Hogsmeade
Sirius Black In The Castle
Werewolves and Annoying People
Not Enough Sleep
My Animagus
Second Date...?
Wondering About The Corridors
Good-bye Buckbeak
Being Badass
I Can't Believe It
Great Ending of 3rd Year
I Forgive You
Oh, Weasleys...
...The Quidditch World Cup...
The Mark
Welcoming New Schools
Triwizard Champions
My Romeo ♥️
The First Task
Dance Lessons
Yule Ball
Clues for the Second Task
The Second Task
The Pensieve
The Third Task
He's Back
Ending Fourth Year
Not A Way To Begin Summer
Order of the Phoenix
So Many Emotions
Our Hearing
Hogwarts Bound
Defense Against The Dark Arts
Not Alone
Umbridge At It Again
A Prophecy
Dumbledore's Army
Date Night
Practice and Practice
The Dream
Christmas Break
Hagrid's home
We Got Caught
Anger I've Never Felt
Hagrid's Secret
Fireworks 🎇
Dumbledore's Secret Weapon
The Department of Mysteries
Ending of Fifth Year
Summer Time
Welcome Back to Hogwarts
Potions Class
There Are Signs
Quidditch Season
The Three Broomsticks
Slughorn's Dinner
Harry Was Right
The Truth
Passing Time
Slughorn's Party
Holiday Break
Poison in the Drinks
Evening with Slughorn
Last Wishes
Rest in Peace
Beginning of the End
To The Burrow
A Crashed Wedding
Nearly Killed in a Cafe
Grimmauld Place
Invading the Ministry
Camping With Horcruxes
My Adventures With Ron
Back Together
Hello Hermione
The Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manor
Finally, He Apologized
Burying Dobby
Deciding the Next Step
Author's Note (Please Read)
Robbing Gringotts
Escaping on a Dragon
Aberforth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts; Back at Home
Finding Another Horcrux
Goodbye Snape
Losing Everyone I've Loved
Fighting For Love
The Happy Ending
Please Read
Thank You!

Obstacles Galore

1.1K 40 15
By justgeeking

It had just became nightfall and everybody had gone to bed. Hermione and I snuck out of the girl dormitories. After we closed the door, Harry and Ron were waiting for us right a few feet ahead. We all tiptoed down the stair and into the common room.

As soon as we were in the common room, I (and I guess the others) saw Trevor. He was sitting on the arm of a chair. Then he started to croak as soon as Harry said, "Trevor..."

"Shush Trevor, you aren't supposed to be here," Ron tried to shut the toad up.

I turned around, "It's not like somebody is going to hear the toad and wake up."

"And neither should you," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and Neville was standing up from the chair.

"Neville, you're up too," I mentioned. I had never really talked that much to Neville. To anybody besides these three people really.

"Because I heard you guys getting up," He said crossing his arms. "You guys are sneaking out again, aren't you?" He asked. I looked in his eyes; he was very upset and scared.

"Now Neville listen," Harry tried to reason with him.

"No," Neville stood his ground. "You're going to get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-I-I'll fight you," He put his fists up.

I sighed. Poor Neville, trying to be brave.

"Neville I'm sorry I have to do this to you," Hermione got out her wand. Oh no. "Petrificus totalus," and with that Neville froze up and fell to the ground.

"You know, you scare me sometimes," Ron piped up. "Brilliant, but scary."

"Sorry Neville," I said as we walked past him. I heard him mumble something but I couldn't make out what he said. I felt bad for him, I really did.

~ Another Time Skip ~

We were at the door now. That has Fluffy in it; the trapdoor; everything underneath the trapdoor. Going in was going to make our lives change. And we did. We walked in, and a harp was playing. Fluffy was fast asleep.

"Looks like Snape's already been here," Harry started. "And he put a spell on the harp." We all walked over to Fluffy.

It's not Snape.

"Is it bad I want to pet it right now?" I asked.

I turned to them, and they all nodded.

"Ugh," Ron groaned. "It's got horrible breath."

"Well, Ron, it is a dog," I pointed out.

Harry walked over where the trapdoor was, "Come on, we have to move it's paw."

We all walked over and pushed the paw off the door. We all knelt down beside the door.

I noticed that the harp stopped playing.

"I'll go first," Harry piped up.

"Guys," I whispered.

"I'll signal you for you guys to come down next," Harry continued.

"Guys," I got a bit louder.

"If anything bad happens, get yourselves out," Harry finally said.

"Guys," I spoke up.

"What?" They all turned to me.

"The harp," I said. "It stopped playing." I saw their faces grow with fright as they looked up. Fluffy was right above us, growling. We all screamed. "Everyone down, jump." I said.

Harry got in, then Hermione, then Ron, and finally I jumped. I almost got snatched though. We all fell onto some thick vine plant thing. Lucky that it caught us instead of concrete.

"Woah," Harry nearly screamed. I looked around to see what Harry was yelling about. The vines were moving, almost as though they were going to strangle us. It grabbed on to my wrists, then my ankles.

Oh, devil snare.

As if reading my mind Hermione said, "Guys, stop moving. If you don't it'll only kill you faster."

"Good job 'Mione," I complimented her.

"Kill us faster?! Now I can relax!" Ron struggled against vines.

She smiled, and with that we both got sucked underneath. We fell and the boys nearly flipped out, "Hermione! Bridget!"

"Oh now what are we going to do?!" Ron yelled.

"You guys have to relax," I yelled.

"Bridge? Hermione? Where are you?" Harry called back.

"Trust us, and do what we say," Hermione shouted.

Harry then fell next to us, Well now he listened.

"Harry!" I heard Ron yell from the top.

"He won't relax," I said simply, helping up Harry.

"HELP!" We could hear his desperate cries.

"What do we do?" Harry asked frantically.

Think, Bridge, think. Or there goes your nickname. THINK!

"Ugh," Hermione said, "I remember reading something in Herbology."

Herbology...Snare..."It was something having to do with light," I told her. "I just can't think of it."

Her face glowed up, "That's it! Devil Snare hates sunlight!" She took out her wand and pointed it upwards. "Lumos Hulem," She yelled, and I covered my eyes. Too much light.

Ron fell to the ground with a thump. I opened my eyes, and Ron was getting helped up by Hermione and Harry.

"Lucky we didn't panic," Ron wiped himself off.

I raised my eyebrow, Says you.

"Lucky, these two pay attention in Herbology," Harry pointed to me and 'Mione. I smiled at Ron.

"Well, that's one task completed," I said to them.

They all sighed and we moved on. The next room was a room full of flying keys and a broomstick. Why a broomstick?

We all walked up to the broomstick, and we all looked to each other.

"What's this all about?" Hermione asked.

I shrugged, and Harry replied with an, "I don't know."

I saw Ron head to the door, "Alohamora," Ron tried to get the door open.

"It was work the try," I said, when Hermione looked at him as if he were stupid.

"Ugh," Hermione groan in frustration. "What are we going to do?"

Harry and I were still over by the broomstick. I was looking at it. And Harry was looking at the flying keys. Why a broomstick?

I looked to the keys, then the broomstick, "Oh," I said.

They all looked at me with confusion.

"They want us to fly up there and get the key," I explained.

"We're looking for a rustic, old-fashioned one," Ron said.

"There. That one. The one with the broken wing," I glanced over to Harry who was pointing. I looked over and saw the key.

"It's too simple," I whispered.

"Bridget," Harry looked at me, "you've got to do this."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can," Hermione stated.

"Did you see how you were at Quidditch? And the first time we were up in the air, against Malfoy?" Harry laughed.

I smiled. Maybe they're right. Maybe I can...

"Come on, Bridge. If Snape can get on that thing you can," Ron said.

"It's not Snape," I said grabbing onto the handle.

"Yes!" I heard the three of them say.

Then I felt pricks of tiny flying keys all over my body. I quickly got on the broom and sped off. Got to get these things off of me. I stopped and tricked the keys. I flew the other way. I only had seconds to spare, before they'd be all over me. I looked around and saw the key flying in the middle of a group flying away from me. I sped up to it, and grabbed it. Gotcha stinker!  I flew back down, swerving through the rods. "Harry!" I yelled. and tossed the key to him. I got to keep the keys away from them. Gotta keep going.  I sped around the rods once more then noticed the door was open.

"Come on Bridget!" They all called to me.

I zoomed through the door. I tried to stop quickly, but my broom couldn't do that. So I flew through the air a bit before hitting the ground. At least this is better than getting thrown in the air and hitting a tree.

As soon as I hit the ground, chest first, I could hear my friends coming after me.

"Bridget, that was amazing!"

"You did great!"

"Are you okay?"

I got up, and turned around. My friends were surrounding me, "Well, I'm better than I was after detention. And there goes task 2."

We all laughed, then I looked around. This place a graveyard or something?

"I don't like this," Hermione started to speak her opinion. "I don't like this at all."

"Where are we? A graveyard?" Harry asked.

"This is no graveyard," Ron walked up on this platform. "This is a chess board." As soon as he said that, the sides lit up with torches of fire every 2 feet or so. We decided to follow Ron.

"There's the door," Harry pointed out. We all decided to try and walk to the door; but the pawns pulled out their swords and blocked our path. We all stepped back, and the pawns put their swords away.

"Now, we have to play our way across the room," Ron got in front of us. "Alright, Harry you go to the empty bishop square. Hermione you go to the Queen's side castle. Bridget you are the queen. As for me, I'll be the knight."

We all went to our told positions. In mine was an empty platform and a flabby metal sword. So I picked it up, and stood my ground. Like a queen.

"So, what do we do now?" Hermione asked.

"Well the white move first," Ron explained. "Then we play."

The white moved first, and I glanced over at Ron, who was thinking really hard.

"Hey, Ron?" Hermione asked. "You don't think this will be like Wizard's Chess, do you?"

Ron thought for a little more, "You there, D5."

The pawn a little to my right moved to what I'm guessing is D5. The white piece took out it's swords and slashed the black pawn into pieces. I gasped. My mouth was wide open now. That's totally BARBARICK! Let's pray none of us will be in that spot!  I looked around and Hermione and the boys were astonished too.

"Yes, Hermione," Answered Ron, "I think this is going to be exactly  like Wizard's Chess."

As we continued to play, pieces were being flown everywhere. I got struck with some, but I didn't move a muscle. I stood still, except for breathing and blinking. I had a few scars and bruises but it could be worse. We need to win. We need to win. I prayed.

Close to the end of the chess game, there were barely any pieces on the board. As the white queen took down another one of our pieces I heard Harry from across the board, "Wait a minute."

"You know what I have to do now, don't you Harry?" Ron asked. "Once I make my move the Queen will take me. Then your free to check the king."

"No! Ron, no!" Harry called.

"Don't Ron!" I called. There's no way he would do that. Give up his well being for us. SO we could catch Quarrel.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Ron's going to sacrifice himself," Harry explained.

"No! You can't! There must be another way!" Hermione cried.

"Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not?" Ron asked.

I turned to Hermione, who had her head down. She looked as though she was going to cry. I felt like I was going to cry. Ugh! Feelings!

"It's not me that has to go on. Not me, not Hermione, you 2." Ron mentioned to Harry and me. Why did he say me?

I saw Harry look at me, as I look at him, and we nod. I had to help him. I was his best friend, and I promised.

Ron looked ahead, and we watched as he lead himself into danger. The sad part was we couldn't help him, or save him.

"Knight to H3."

His horse went forward to H3,I'm guessing, and stopped. We watched as the Queen turned and made her way towards Ron. I wanted to cry and scream. To make it all stop. But I knew if I did, we would lose a chance of winning and not getting to move on. I hated watching him, and not being able to save him. Being out of control of something I could control. I closed my eyes. I can't watch.

I heard the shwing  of the sword, and the crush against the horse it made. I heard Ron yell out in pain. I heard him hit the ground, as well as the pieces falling to the ground after him. I heard it all, but I didn't see it. I heard it, but I couldn't control it. I let out a tear, and I opened my eyes. The Queen had replaced Ron's spot. I could see Ron's body lying around pieces of concrete or whatever this was. Out of the corner I saw Hermione move, so I looked over. She was about to walk out of her square, "Wait!" I yelled to her. She stopped and looked over at me. "Don't forget, we're still playing."

She nodded and went back to her place. I could feel the tear roll down my cheek. I had to stay strong for a little bit longer. Harry looked to me. I nodded. He walked up to the Queen, "Checkmate."

Her sword hit the ground, and as soon as I heard that, I bolted to Ron. I got there first. We all knelt down beside him. He was still breathing. I wiped the tear off my chin.

"Take care of Ron, then go to the Owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right, Bridget and I have to go on," Harry instructed Hermione.

"You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard," Hermione said.

"Not as good as you," Harry admitted.

"Me? Books and cleverness? There are more important things," Hermione replied.

I feel as if they could snog at any minute. Like there is serious tension.

"And Harry, Bridget, just be careful."

I nodded, then looked to Harry. He nodded and smiled. We both got up and walked away. We walked up until we got to this weird Roman type looking building structure.

I turned to Harry, "I can't go with you anymore. You have to do the rest of this, mostly by yourself. I'll be here when you get out. Yell for me if whoever's in there is killing you. Okay?"

He smiled, "Okay, but I think I'll be alright. I just want you to know though, if I don't make it, I think you are the bestest friend I could've ever had. Your smart, funny, pretty, brave, and kind. I think the world of you." Then he kissed my forehead, and ran into the building structure. I sat on the steps.

Please don't let this mean he 'like' likes me. I don't like him back in that way. I guess I have to see once he comes back.

I sat on the steps for only 5 minutes when I noticed that fire surrounded where Harry was with whoever was in there. Oh NO! HARRY!  "HARRY!?" I screamed.

"I-I'm okay!" I hear him yell back.

Oh thank god. If he dies, I don't know how I am going to live with myself.

About 1o minutes after the fires breaks out, I heard a man screaming. I got up and ran down the stairs. I could barely make out anything with the fire. The man's screams echoed through the chambers.

Then the screams stopped for 2 minutes before I heard Harry's. Once I heard Harry's scream, a ghost figure flew out of the flames and into me. Knocking me down and into the stairs. I got up and dusted myself off.

I got in front of the wild flames, "Aguamenti,"  I shouted. Water bursted from my wand and onto the flames. With hisses and pops, fire vanished. I shook my wand and put it back into my pocket. I ran down the steps and over to Harry. I sat down beside him. I knew he was unconscious. In his right hand was the Sorcerer's Stone. I brushed his hair out of his face. He had cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to get us out of here," I told him.

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