The Protector

By justgeeking

120K 3.8K 820

They were famous. There was the Chosen One. The Brightest Witch of her age. Weasley was their King. But her s... More

Quick Author's Note
I Got A Letter
Keeper Of Keys
Diagon Alley
Platform 9 3/4
Welcome to Hogwarts
First day; First Classes
*Christmas Time*
Time Passes
Back to School
Obstacles Galore
End of First Year
Weasleys to the Rescue
The Burrow
Diagon Alley
Missing the Train...
Oh Boy...
First Day of Second Year
Rude Much
A Strange Detention and Hearing Things
A Little More Clear
The Library
First Quidditch Match: Year 2
Dueling Club
What to do...
Another Attack, Another Blame
Changing Into My Enemy
New Accusations and Theories
Out of my Control
So...We Followed The Spiders
Our Goon of A Teacher
The Chamber of Secrets
Saving Dobby
The End of Second Year
What'd You Do, Harry?
Weird Things
Attacked On The Hogwarts Train
A Nice Welcome Back
First Classes of Third Year
Special Lessons
First Date In Hogsmeade
Sirius Black In The Castle
Werewolves and Annoying People
Not Enough Sleep
My Animagus
Second Date...?
Wondering About The Corridors
Good-bye Buckbeak
Being Badass
I Can't Believe It
Great Ending of 3rd Year
I Forgive You
Oh, Weasleys...
...The Quidditch World Cup...
The Mark
Welcoming New Schools
Triwizard Champions
My Romeo ♥️
The First Task
Dance Lessons
Yule Ball
Clues for the Second Task
The Second Task
The Pensieve
The Third Task
He's Back
Ending Fourth Year
Not A Way To Begin Summer
Order of the Phoenix
So Many Emotions
Our Hearing
Hogwarts Bound
Defense Against The Dark Arts
Not Alone
Umbridge At It Again
A Prophecy
Dumbledore's Army
Date Night
Practice and Practice
The Dream
Christmas Break
Hagrid's home
We Got Caught
Anger I've Never Felt
Hagrid's Secret
Fireworks 🎇
Dumbledore's Secret Weapon
The Department of Mysteries
Ending of Fifth Year
Summer Time
Welcome Back to Hogwarts
Potions Class
There Are Signs
Quidditch Season
The Three Broomsticks
Slughorn's Dinner
Harry Was Right
The Truth
Passing Time
Slughorn's Party
Holiday Break
Poison in the Drinks
Evening with Slughorn
Last Wishes
Rest in Peace
Beginning of the End
To The Burrow
A Crashed Wedding
Nearly Killed in a Cafe
Grimmauld Place
Invading the Ministry
Camping With Horcruxes
My Adventures With Ron
Back Together
Hello Hermione
The Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manor
Finally, He Apologized
Burying Dobby
Deciding the Next Step
Author's Note (Please Read)
Robbing Gringotts
Escaping on a Dragon
Aberforth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts; Back at Home
Finding Another Horcrux
Goodbye Snape
Losing Everyone I've Loved
Fighting For Love
The Happy Ending
Please Read
Thank You!

Lemon Drops

1.7K 52 29
By justgeeking

We had just gotten done with our last class of the day, and people were starting to crowd the corridors.

I need to go see Dumbledore. I need to go see Dumbledore.

"Seeker and Chaser? First years never get chosen for House Teams," Ron was so excited by the fact that Harry and I were on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. "That means you must be the youngest Quidditch players in-"

"A century. McGonagall told us herself," Harry inturrupted Ron. He was holding his head up high.

"Be careful Harry," I said. "It's not nice to brag."

"Hey, well done Harry," George came up and placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"You too, Bridget," Fred came up next to me.

"Captain Oliver Wood just told us the news!" They said in unison. Sometimes when they did that, it would freak me out.

"They're on the team. Beaters," Ron explained as we were walking.

"Our job is making sure you two don't get rushed to the Hospital Wing until the end of the game," George explained as he scruffed up Harry's hair.

"Can't promise that though. It's a rough game, Quidditch is," Fred said. Sometimes it was confusing to tell who was who, but I was able to manage. One was a bit more built than the other.

"Terribly rough, but nobody has died yet," George explained.

"Some may not come back for a little while," The other one nearly yelled as walking away.

"But they always come back in a month," Then back to the other one, who yelled out to us.

I sighed and rubbed my head, I can't be in Quidditch. There's no way. I'll get myself killed.

Ron then started to calm us down with some words like, "It the best game." and stuff like that. I noticed Hermione show up by my side.

I sighed, "Hey 'Mione."

"What if I can't play and just make a fool of myself?" I hear Harry ask.

"That's highly unlikely. It's genetic for you," Hermione stated.

"What?" I ask.

Hermione brought us to this glass cabinet filled to the brim with plaques and trophies. "Woah," I whispered. It was so shiny.

Hermione pointed to a plaque that said: James Potter.

"Woah! Harry! How come you never told me that your father was a seeker?" Ron nearly yelled. Well idiot, he never met his father, let alone know he was a wizard. I highly doubt he knew this.

"Because I didn't even know," Harry simply stated.

"And, Bridget, if you're worried like Harry," Then she pointed to a trophy. The trophy read: Eleanor Jackson.

Was that my grandmother?

"Well, guys, I have to get going. I'll meet you later, when we go back to the common room," I said, turning around and walking to my left.

"Where are you going?" He called.

"A Professor wanted to see me. I'll see you later," and I ran. That wasn't nessessarily a lie, so I didn't feel that bad about it. I was going to see Professor McGonagall to ask her where Dumbledore's Office was, so it wasn't a lie. I just didn't tell the whole truth.

I ran to McGonagall's room, and (thankfully) she didn't have a class. I looked in, and she was sitting at her desk, writing something. I walked in, up to her desk.

She glanced up at me, "Yes, Ms. Meadows?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me where Professor Dumbledore's Office is," I told her.

She got up and handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it, and it was a map of the school. "This should help."

"Thank you Professor," I said and ran out of her classroom. I went the way it showed me. I ended up at a Gryffin statue. I walked up to it, "Lemon drops."

It started to move and stair came out of it. I got on the stairs and it took me upwards. I love magic. It took me up to this door. As soon as I got off, it started to descend down. I knocked on the door. I wonder what he needed to see me for...

Snape came out of the door, and glared at me. I didn't nessessarily like him but you know, I didn't hate him either. I raised an eyebrow. He glided past me, leaving the door open, and the staircase came back up. Why was Snape talking to Dumbledore?

"Come on in, Ms. Meadows," I heard Dumbledore's voice echo through his office. I went in and Dumbledore was standing on his stairs. On one of the walls where he was standing were books on books. I loved books. They were my favorite thing in the world. I gazed in amazement.

"You like the books?" Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes, they are the best. Come child. We need to have a conversation."

I walked up to his desk, and he gestured to a chair behind me. I sat down and scooted as far up as I could to his desk. I LOVE his office!

"I first wanted to say congratulations on making the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I knew you had it in you."

I smiled, "Thank you, sir." I didn't know I did. I barely knew I was a witch. I'm still trying to get over the fact that this is not a dream.

"Now, let's get to the important stuff. I'm sorry that your mother never told you about your grandparents. They were great friends of mine. Your grandmother, Eleanor Jackson, was one of the best witches in my class. She was a great Chaser, and had Ravenclaw win almost everytime. She was an animagi too. An animagi is where you can transform into an animal of your choice when you choose. You will learn it later. I would recommend your third year. But her animagus was a Siamese cat. Everyone was friends with her, but her and Minerva were the best of friends. Talk to McGonagall about that your third year. She'll help you.

"Your grandfather, Matthew Fletcher, was a sly one. He was the funny one. Always getting into trouble for going off and doing something he wasn't supposed. He was an animagus as well. He turned into a Golden Retriever. He was a Keeper in Quidditch. He was great for the Gryffindor team. He'd always let Eleanor make at least one free shot. He was a trickster, your grandfather. Stupid too," Dumbledore chuckled.

I smiled and laughed.

"You look a lot like your grandfather, but act a lot like your grandmother," He told me smiling.

I lifted my glasses, "I have a question."

"I figured you'd have a few," He replied.

I took a deep breath, "How come my mother didn't get accepted to Hogwarts?"

He glanced down at his fingers, then looked at me dead in the face. I saw his blue eyes; they showed: pity, sympathy, sorrow, and passion. "Luckily, she wasn't born with any magical properties. By the time she was eleven...she couldn't be accepted. She became a squib; rather than have her get bullied at Hogwarts, your grandparents decided to keep her home. Raise her like a muggle."

"Why did you say 'luckily'?" I asked. My heart started to race. Why was it lucky to not have magical properties?

"We believed that your mother would've became a part of Voldemort's army...we knew that she would've became a death eater," He said.

I looked down and my hands, and I could feel me getting teary eyed. I took a deep breath, "Well, makes sense now that you tell me that."

"Your grandparents died because of your family, Bridget. I had a discussion with them about you, once you were born. They wanted you to come to the school, because they knew you would be okay here. They left, and they never came back to see me. I found out from your mother, who sent me an owl, saying that they were dead. It happened when you were one. They were playing with you in the Living room, and your parents were both there. You were all having fun and were getting you to walk. Voldemort had went in with Bellatrix Lestrange. She was just as bad. This was right before they went to the Potter's.

"Your grandparents refused to join their army. So they pushed them away from you and your parents. They were about to kill you and your parents. But your grandparents ran out in front of them. They died," Dumbledore stopped.

I lowered my head. They died saving me, so I could go to Hogwarts. They died for my mother and father who were muggles. Voldemort killed them. I felt the tears start to overwhelm me. I took a couple slow breaths, letting myself calm a little. I wiped my eyes before any tears could fall.

"They were so brave, Bridget," I heard Dumbledore say. His voice cracked, and I could tell he was starting to tear up just talking about.

I really needed that after leaving my home. It was a house, because what supposed to make it a home wasn't there anymore. Love wasn't in that house. I looked at Dumbledore, "Thank you for telling me."

"Of course. Your father died from the witch Bellatrix Lestrange. He was out of your house, and he had to go inside to get you a toy. Your mother was at work in London. Bellatrix came and was talking to you outside, because she was thinking about kidnapping you. For what reason, we don't exactly know. We thing she wanted to raise you so you could do wicked things. But your father came out at the wrong time. She turned and killed him just like that," And he snapped his fingers, making me flinch.

"Bellatrix decided to leave, because she saw your mother coming down the road. You were outside, crying and your mother ran and saw her husband. She lost her lover and she neglected you, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't take you in. She wouldn't allow me. I tried multiple times, but she is a stubborn woman."

"It's fine," I told him. "I understand." He looked at me and smiled. His eyes didn't change except that pity turned into empathy.

He got up, "Sit there for a moment, I need to grab something." He walked over to a shelf that was on his bookcases. There was a box. It was cardboard box. He brought it back over, and set it in front of me. He sat down, "Here. Take it."

I did as I was told. I set it on my lap, and looked back to him. I'm confused.

"I wasn't going to give it to you until Christmas, but that's too far away."

I opened it, and inside were some books, a photo album, two varsity jackets, and a pocket watch. I got out the pocket watch. On it was a Griffin.

"Oh, yeah. That was your grandfather's. I got that for him on his 13th birthday, because he was always late for class," Dumbledore told me.

Sounds like someone I know, I thought and giggled to myself.

I opened it. "It should still work," Dumbledore said.

I smiled, "Thank you, for all of this Professor Dumbledore." How could I repay him for giving me all this?

"Please call me Albus," As if he read my mind he said, "Now I need you to do something for me."

"Of course," I said. "I'll do almost anything."

"You and Harry are good friends, correct?" He asked.

I smiled, "Yeah."

"I need you to protect him. In the common room, classes, out of Hogwarts, everywhere. Do you understand?" He told me.

"Yes, but Professor Dumbledore-"

"Albus, Bridget," He interrupted me.

"But Albus, I normally do protect Harry. You mean in another way, don't you?" I asked.

"Yes. In any case that you see Mr. Potter in a predicament you will need to save him. Can you do that?" He asked.

"Yes," I nodded. "I can."

"Promise me?" He said sternly.

"I promise, Albus, that I will do everything in my power to help, protect, and save Harry in a time of need." I promised. If we need to do a pinkie promise, I won't be willing to do that.

"Great!" He said smiling.

"Before I leave, I would like to ask, how well do you know Professor Quarrel?" I asked. I still had that sneaky suspicion that he was up to something.

"Not very. I only talk to him on certain occasions, why?" He replied.

I furrowed my brows, "I don't like his eyes. They give off a feeling that makes me feel he's not alone."

He cocked his head, "Okay," he stopped. I got up and I was about to walk out with the box, then Albus said, "You know, your grandmother could do the whole 'reading peoples emotions through their eyes' thing too."

"Goodbye Albus," I said as I opened the door. I headed down the stairwell and headed back to the commons.

Should I tell Harry?

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