VIXX Imagines -Discontinued-

By ChloeCookie165

190K 6.1K 1.2K

Cute,fluffy, and sometimes angsty oneshots, short imagines,text conversations and fanfictions between you and... More

Captured // N
New student // Ravi
Music School // Leo
Teacher // Hongbin
Art // Ken
Amusement Park // Hyuk
Boyfriend // N
Manager // VIXX
Make-up // Leo
Teacher // Ken
Music // Hongbin
Bad boy // Ravi
Basketball // Hongbin
Father // N
Eternity // Hyuk
Slaves // Leo
Slaves // Leo // pt. 2
Slaves // Leo // Pt. 3
Slaves // Leo // pt. 4
Slaves // Leo // End
Preview:Voodoo Doll
Voodoo Doll // N
Voodoo Doll part 2
Crush // Hyuk
Flirt // Hongbin
Bad boy // Leo
Brother // Hyuk
The cover-up
N(the cover-up)
Leo(The cover-up)
Ken(The cover-up)
Ravi(The cover-up)
Hongbin (The cover-up)
Hyuk(The cover-up)
The trainee // N
Make-up // Ken
VIXX as pets
Vixx as your brother
VIXX as your best friend
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as a stalker
Cafe // Leo
VIXX in kindergarten
VIXX as your son
VIXX as boyfriend
VIXX as younger brothers
VIXX: Drunk
Vampire // VIXX
VIXX as boyfriends
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 2
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 3
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as younger brothers
Servant // Hongbin
Twins // Hongbin × Ravi
Vampire // VIXX // End
VIXX as brothers(Hyung line)
Car ride // Leo
Sleeping // Ken
Drunk // VIXX
Lost // VIXX
Lost // VIXX // Pt. 2
Memory // Leo
Drabble: Hakyeon
Drabble: Taekwoon
Drabble: Jaehwan
Drabble: Wonshik
Drabble: Hongbin
Drabble: Sanghyuk
Short Imagines
Buddies // Hongbin
Senior // Leo
President // N
Silence // Neo
Lies // Hyukbin
Cheater // Raken
Couples // VIXX
Blood // Hongbin
Blind // Hakyeon
Winter // VIXX (A/N)
VIXX as brothers
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Arranged Marriage // Jungkook
The End
Volleyball // Hongbin
Dare // Wonshik
Heart break // Jaehwan
Revenge // Hongbin
Poison // Taekwoon
Shadow Puppets // Hakyeon × Hongbin
Valentines // Ravi
Wizard // Sanghyuk
VIXX as vampires
VIXX as Dragons
Guardian Demon // Sanghyuk
Fake Date // Hakyeon // GA

Heist // VIXX

831 34 16
By ChloeCookie165

Hey there! Just a quick warning, this is a super long chapter so watch out. Also, this is the kind of chapter where it doesn't include, "you" the fangirl. Instead, it's just an imagine where VIXX work among themselves. With that said, enjoy! The below picture is a small collage I did of VIXX looking like full meals in their leather jackets.

"Is everybody here?"

Hakyeon asks, placing a stack of papers on the table.

Hakyeon was the leader of the heist group. He was the most experienced and was also the one who gathered all the members together. He was good at managing the members as well coming out with the outline of the plan.

Taekwoon hums, not really replying Hakyeon's question.

Taekwoon was the quiet one. He never really contributed much to the planning but when it comes to the execution, he was the best. He reacts calmly no matter how dire the situation may be. He also is capable to reading his members' thoughts and assists them in whatever they may need.

Jaehwan grins.

"Yeah, the whole team's here!"

Jaehwan was the chirpy one. He was always very energetic, allowing the rest of the members to get hyped up as well. He typically provides with the necessary equipment and costumes. Due to his personality, he had many connections and easy access to weapons and other illegal things.

Wonshik simply smiled at Jaehwan's response before clearing his throat.

Wonshik was also another quiet one. He rarely speaks but does contribute certain ideas to the plan. His speciality was in driving. He is good at directing attention away from their car as well as avoiding any police cars on the road. He always ensures the team's safety and never speeds unless necessary.

"Well, shall we get started?"

Hongbin asks, an eyebrow raised.

Hongbin was the meticulous one. He takes note of every small little detail in the plans and makes sure it's engrained into his brain. He ensures evidence is not left behind. Being the hacker in the group, he was typically in charge of communicating with the group and the shutting down of CCTVs.

"It's been so long since our last heist. I almost feel rusty."

Sanghyuk said as he cracked his knuckles.

Sanghyuk was the muscles of the group. Despite being the youngest, he was the tallest, bulkiest and the strongest. He was responsible with handling any security guards or body guards. He is good with any weapon but most of the time, he let his fists do the talking.

"I almost forgot our nicknames."

Jaehwan said. Hakyeon chuckles, agreeing with Jaehwan.

"I've almost forgot them too. Let's recap then. I'm N, Taekwoon is Leo, Jaehwan is Ken, Wonshik is Ravi, Hongbin is........."

Hakyeon frowns, trying to remember the name.

"I don't have one since nobody would know a hacker's identity anyways."

Hongbin said nonchalantly.

"Right, and Sanghyuk is Hyuk."

"Anyways. our last heist was extremely successful but at the same time, it garnered a lot of interest in the press and news."

Hakyeon stated, truthfully. Hongbin nodded, tapping his pen against the table.

"I mean, we did steal 10 million dollars."

Everybody nodded in agreement. Heists were rather popular where they lived but nobody had ever gotten away, scot free, except for them. This raised a lot of questions from both the public as well as the government.

Hakyeon rolled his shoulders back as he flipped through the stack of papers.

"Our next heist is going to be another big one. 100 million dollars are at stack here. If we manage to succeed........"

Hakyeon's voice trailed off, using the silence to grasp every member's expressions.

"That would be about 16 million dollars per member."

Wonshik broke the silence as well as completed Hakyeon's sentence.


"Now, the place we will be raiding is the infamous JJ bank. They are known to be used by the top 1% of the nation. We will targetting their main valve that contains the 100 million dollars."

Everybody nods, absorbing the information they were just given.

"Then, that should be quite easy then."

Sanghyuk comments. Hongbin presses his lips together, his eyes carefully reading the article in front of him.

"Not quite."

Hongbin glances up, the other members looking at him with confused gazes.

"If it was a normal bank, it would be very easy for us. But, the bank is known for it's very tight security. There was once where a bunch of people tried to rob them but they failed before they even got to the valve. Also, their CEO is known to visit their valve every morning and checks it very carefully."

Hakyeon lets out a small sigh.

"Yeah, that's the problem. But that can be easily solved. We just need someone to distract the CEO whilst the rest of us settle the security issue and grab the cash."

"The CEO is known to be a womanizer so a lady would be more likely to gain his attention and distract him enough."

Hakyeon says, glancing at the members.

"That means we need a lady. But who?"

Hongbin piped up. All of them immediately turned to him and stare.  Hongbin's eyes scanned all of their eyes, and he knew exactly what was going through their minds. He shook his head, quickly rejecting the idea.

"No way! I am not cross-dressing. Nobody is going to believe that I'm a lady with my wide shoulders and deep voice!"

Wonshik bit his bottom lip, agreeing with what Hongbin said.

"That's true......"

Jaehwan rose his hand quickly, shaking it widly.

"I'll do it!"


Everybody chorused, causing Jaehwan to pout and lean back in his chair. Hakyeon looked through the papers and clicked his tongue.

"I'll distract him then. The problem is how......."

Sanghyuk cleared his throat, gaining the attention of Hakyeon.

"The CEO is also famous for being money-hungry. So you could act as a potential invester. That should get him distracted."

Hakyeon grinned, giving Sanghyuk a thumbs up.

"Great. Then Sanghyuk will act as my personal body guard to make the scenario more realistic."

"Now, the bank has a lot of CCTVs, alarms, and sensors, we'll need to get rid of those."

Hakyeon glanced up at Hongbin who looked at him with a small smile.

"I'm guessing you'll take care of that?"

Hongbin's smile grew wider.

"Of course."

Hakyeon returned the smile.


His eyes shifted to Jaehwan.

"Jaehwan, you'll help us gather the suits, gadgets and devices we need. Is that okay?"

Jaehwan sat up straught and nodded.

"Of course. I can get any device you need."

Hakyeon smiled, flipping back to the first page.

"Great. Hongbin, tell him what we will need."

Hongbin curtly nods and turns to Jaehwan. He then starts to list the many things they will need, causing Jaehwan to be slightly flustered.

"H-Hold on....."

Jaehwan quickly regains his composure and starts to note down the list of things to get.

Hakyeon glances at the two of them bantering and he can't help but smile. He glances at the rest of the team snd continues explaining the plan.

"Next, we'll need someone stealthy and quick to slip into the room, grab the cash and bolt out of there."

Hakyeon scanned the members and pointed at Taekwoon.

"You'll do it. You're the fastest runner and you'll be able to convince anybody that suspects you. Your blank face also helps."

Taekwoon nodded, jotting down his role.

"Jaehwan, you can help Taekwoon with the cash. Stand guard outside of the valve in case anybody might walk by."

Jaehwan stoped listening to Hongbin for a moment and acknowledged Hakyeon's statement. Hongbin smacks Jaehwan on the arm, causing him to grimace and shift his attention back.

Hakyeon glanced over at Wonshik, who looked at him with a blank stare.

"Wonshik. I trust that you will get us away safely?"

Wonshik snaps out of his daze and he quickly nods. Hakyeon claps his hands together and gives the team a big grin.

"Let's go get our well deserved cash."


Jaehwan pulls out his cellphone, dailing the number he hadn't dailed in ages. This person should be able to gather what he needed.

"Hello? It's me, Jaehwan."

"Oh Jaehwan, long time no talk."

Jaehwan chuckled.

"Yeah. I need another favour. Gather me these devices and meet me at our usual place."

"Another one?"

"This one is bigger."

"Alright, I'll gather it for you. See you, Jaehwan."

"See you, Seokjin."

The call shut off with a click and Jaehwan put the phone back in his pocket.

The next day, Jaehwan made his way over to the familiar building. He heads to the highest level and sees Seokjin standing there with a bag in his hands.

"Here you go."

Jaehwan smiles, grabbing the bag from him.

"Thanks, man."

Jaehwan quickly scans through the items in the bag and confirms everything is there. Seokjin pulls out two car keys from his back pocket and gently shakes it in front of Jaehwan's face.

"Here's the car keys. One is parked at the car park near the bank, and the other is parked at the usual place."

Jaehwan grins, grabbing the two keys tightly.

"Great. It's nice doing business with you."

Jaehwan gave Seokjin a hard pat on the back and made his way out of the building. As he started to walk away from the building, he glanced at the highest level to see Seokjin standing there. Jaehwan gives him a small smile and a small wave before leaving to meet the members.


The six of them, seated into a six seater car, parked near-by the bank and ready for action.

"Everybody have their ear pieces in?"

Jaehwan asked, adjusting his own. Everybody replied with a short 'yes', allowing Jaehwan to continue.

"Taekwoon, we should have our night vision glasses, gloves and bags."

"Hongbin, you should have your gloves, cloth and chloroform."

"Sanghyuk, you should have your weapons, just in case."

"Wonshik, you should have your gloves and extra pair of keys."

Jaehwan glances at Hakyeon and nods. They were ready to move out.

"Everybody has their appropriate attire on right?"

Everybody had on the same looking suits with leather jackets but it was modified accordingly to each person's job. Taekwoon and Jaehwan's pants are stretchier to make it easier to run. Hakyeon and Sanghyuk's shirt and pants are cut resistant in case a fight breaks out. Hongbin's jacket is completely matte to not attract any wanted attention. Wonshik's clothes are the most comfortable to make it easier for him to drive away. All their shoes are made to ensure foot prints are left behind but as a back-up, the soles of their shoes are bigger than their actual feet size to throw off any forensic investigation.

Hongbin rolled his shoulders back and placed a hand on the door handle.

"I'll go in first. When I'm in and turn off the CCTVs, I'll tell you guys."

Hongbin said, looking at Taekwoon and Jaehwan. The two of them nod, watching as Hongbin hopped out of the car.

Hongbin walked into the building first and headed straight for the information counter. Casually leaning against the table, Hongbin gave the staff a huge smile.

"Hi, could you give me directions to the washroom? I need to use it rather urgently."

The staff's eyes widened at the sudden request but quickly pointed out the direction, earning another smile from Hongbin.

Hongbin headed into the gents and saw a security tech standing in front of the sink. A glint in his eyes formed and he stealthly approached the guy.

"Pardon me."

The guy turns to face Hongbin, a suspicious look on his face.

"How may I help you?"

Hongbin smiles, hands behind his back.

"Could you tell me what this smells like?"

Without warning, Hongbin pulled out a piece of cloth soaked in chloroform, out of his jacket and pressed it against the guy's nose and mouth. Hongbin grabs hold of the guy's body as he struggles and flails around. A few seconds pass and the guy passes out. Hongbin removes the name tag from around the man's neck before placing the body on the toilet seat. He locks the toilet door from the outside and places a sign down.

Cleaning in progress


Hongbin slowly finds his way to the security room. As he walks around, he made an effort to find every single CCTV available in the building. Hongbin walks by the valve and notices the barcode scanner, finger print scanner as well as face recognition. He frowns and decides to simply shut off the electricity to disable the locks. Hongbin finally finds the security room and stands in front of the door. He waved the employee card in front of the scanner and the lock beeped to show that it was unlocked. With a small push, the door opened to show the room filled with screens, switches and computers.

Hongbin glances behind his shoulder, makes eye contact with the CCTV right outside the door and smirks.


Hongbin pressed his finger on the ear piece, trying to listen for anything the other members could be saying.

"We're heading over to the CEO."

Hakyeon says as he and Sanghyuk made their way over to the CEO. Wonshik looks at the both of them enter the bank and leaned back in his seat. He plugged in his ear piece and listened to some songs. It would take some time until the others were done.

Hakyeon casually walks over to the CEO and quickly stops him from going further.

"Hold on for a minute, you're Mr JJ, right?"

The CEO's security guards immediately become alert and placed a hand on Hakyeon's chest, preventing him from getting any closer. Sanghyuk shoves the guard's hand away and gives them a cold hard stare. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes full of anger.

"Do not touch Young Master N with your filthy hands."

Hakyeon raises a hand, waving it slightly to tell Sanghyuk to move back. The CEO turns to look at Hakyeon. He scanned Hakyeon from head to toe, wondering if he should waste his time on him. The CEO notices the expensive and exquisite clothes Hakyeon is wearing and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

Hakyeon grins, removing his glasses from his face.

"Sorry about the glasses, I just didn't want anybody taking pictures or anything like that."

Hakyeon notices the CEO's interest is piqued and he quickly continues.

"I was actually interested in investing in your establishment. I wanted to expand my own business and thought that an investment would be the best."

"I've cleared all the evidence of our entering the bank. All the CCTVs are turned off, Leo you can go in. Ken, look out for any security guards that may be lurking around. I'll shut the electricity off so the locks will be unlocked. So when you're nearing the valve, give me a signal."

"Got it."

Hakyeon's ears twitch at Hongbin's and Taekwoon's voice. He notices the Taekwoon and Jaehwan enter the building and quietly moved himself to block the CEO's vision from them. Sanghyuk follows suit, distracting the body guards by moving in the other direction. Taekwoon quickly pulls Jaehwan and they slip by all of them.


Taekwoon and Jaehwan made their way towards the valve, quickly and silently. The two of them soon stood in front of the large entrance, both of them nearly gasping at the sheer size of the valve. There was a bar code scanner, finger scanner and face recognition.

Taekwoon put a finger over the ear piece, giving it a light press.

"We're here."

"Okay. Give me a second."

A second later, everything turned black, signifying the electricity was cut. The two of them grin, Hongbin was really good at these kinds of things. Both of them quickly grab their night vision glasses and put it on. Everything was clear again and they slip on their gloves before they start to pry open the entrance.

The entrance finally open and the only thing to say about the room was that it was filled with cash. Loads and loads of cash. Taekwoon quickly grabbed the bags to start filling it up. Jaehwan stood guard outside, looking out for any potential danger.

"You guys have 5 minutes. I can only stall the CEO for 5 more minutes."


"Oh my, what happened to all the lights?"

Hakyeon asked, his voice confused and afraid.

"I am not quite sure."

The CEO replies, embarrassed that this happened when they had a potential investor in front of them. He asks the body guards to check what had happened as he apologised to Hakyeon.

"I'm so sorry about this, this is the first time this has happened........."

Hakyeon used the CEO's rambling as an opportunity to warn Hongbin. He pressed a finger against his ear piece and whispered as quietly as he could.

"They sent guards to check the situation. Hongbin, you should switch the electricity back on and Leo, you better hurry up."


Almost immediately, the lights were back on and the CEO was more than shocked.

"I'm guessing they fixed the problem."

Hakyeon gave him a smile.

"I suppose so."


Taekwoon was finished with grabbing all of the cash and pressed his finger to his ear.

"I need some back up. There's too much for us to carry."

"Got it, I'm coming over."

Hongbin makes sure the CCTVs are still shut down then he rushes out of the room, ensuring the door was closed shut behind him. He made sure to left the name tag inside the room for extra confusion. As he rushed down the hallways, he smiled at the passing staff, making sure he was as friendly as possible. As he ran towards the valve he notices Jaehwan and Taekwoon trying to close the door. Hongbin rushes over and starts to help them. The door eventually shuts and the locks beeped. This should give them some extra time to escape.

All of them then quietly removed their gloves and shoved it in their pockets. Hongbin grabbed one of the bags and starts walking towards the entrance, making sure to avoid using the usual routes. Taekwoon and Jaehwan followed carefully behind. They eventually walk by Hakyeon and Sanghyuk, causally smiling at them to act friendly. The three of them quickly head over to the car and settled in their seats.

Sanghyuk glances up and notices the three of them leaving. He quickly calls up Wonshik and asks him to drive over to the front of the bank once the three of them were in. He then turns to Hakyeon and whispers in his ear.

"We have to leave. I've asked Ravi to drive over and he'll be here in a second."

Hakyeon turns to the CEO and gives him a bright smile. He extends his hand for a handshake and quickly apologises.

"I must apologise. My ride is currently here and I need to rush off. I am still interested in your establishment and would love to continue this conversation another day."

The CEO shakes his hand and the both of them exchange their numbers. Sanghyuk lightly pulls Hakyeon away from the situation and they both walk to the car. The two of them settle down inside and all of them let out a sigh of relief


2 minutes later, the silence in the car is broken by the radio.

A bank robbery has occured at JJ bank. An approximate of 100million dollars were stolen and police investigations are ongoing. There are zero clues on who the perpetrators are but it is said to done by a group of men. All vehicles on the road are to look out for any suspicious looking vehicles.

Everybody is on high alert and they notice the road block at the front. They were conducting vehicles checks for every single vehicle on the road. Wonshik curses, hitting the window. Jaehwan places a comforting hand on Wonshik's arm, trying to calm him down. Hakyeon takes a deep breath in as a police officer walks up to their car.

"Someone's coming."

They all quickly put on their masks and Hongbin and Taekwoon use their bodies to cover the bags of cash. Although the windows were all tinted black, they didn't want to take any chances. The police officer comes up to Wonshik's side and knocks lightly on the window.

"Please roll down the window, step out of the vehicle."

The officer's voice was muffled but clear enough to be understood. None of them moved an inch and the police officer knocked again.

"Step out of your vehicle now."

Wonshik's grip on the wheel tightened as he clenched his teeth.

"Hang on tight, guys."

He then switched the gear and stepped on the gas. The car jerked back in reverse, causing the officer to fall. Wonshik switched the gear back and drove forward, not caring about anything. He squeezed past the police vehicles and drove away.

Stop your vehicle right now!

The whirring of the police siren caused panic to course through everybody's veins.

"Wonshik! They're onto to us."

Wonshik frowns, not allowing the siren to throw him off guard.

"I know! But they won't be soon enough."

Wonshik seethes through clenched teeth as he turns a sharp left. He could hear the horns of the other vehicles blaring behind him but he didn't care. As the sounds of the horns seem to fade, the sound of the sirens returned.

Wonshik glanced at the rear view mirror to see the police vehicle right on their tail. He curses, quickly switching lanes and speeding up.

The radio then blasts another message causing Wonshik to curse again.

The perpetrators are suspected to be driving in a black SUV car. Vehicles on the road, make way for the police vehicles that are currently chasing down his vehicle.

Wonshik gulped as he shut his eyes for a second. He needed to gain back his composure and not lose his cool. He knew he needed to switch vehicles. He glanced at the extra pair of car keys and he quickly swerved to another lane.

"When I stop the car at the car park, we are going to immediately switch to the car on our right. Understood?"

Everybody's eyes widened in surprise but they nodded in understanding nonetheless. Wonshik continues swerving into different lanes before making a sudden U-turn. He quickly drove to the nearest car park and drove to the second highest level. He drove around for 10 seconds and quickly found the back-up car. They all exit the car with the bags of cash and quickly enter next car. Wonshik made sure to leave the car keys and jumped into the next car.

Wonshik stepped on the gas and sped off onto the roads. The sirens were still whirring but they no longer were chasing them. Everybody relaxes and Wonshik lets out a sigh of relief. Hakyeon taps Wonshik and the shoulder, giving him a small smile.

"Good job. You never disappoint."

Wonshik nods in approval as he continues driving back to their warehouse. All of them enter the warehouse with content looks on their faces. Hongbin, Taekwoon and Jaehwan set down the bags of cash on the table and zip open the bags. They pour out the cold hard cash and everybody couldn't help but smile. They all quickly distributed the money evenly into their individual bags. They all glanced at each other, gave each other a huge smile before walking out of the gates with hands full of cash.

"See all of you next year when I run out of cash!"

Jaehwan said as he ran off. Taekwoon and Wonshik head off quietly while Sanghyuk left on his personal motorbike. Hongbin approached Hakyeon and patted him on the back.

"Our leader really is the best."

Hongbin gives Hakyeon a grin before heading off on his own. Hakyeon lets out a content sigh as he looked down at his bag of cash. He smiled before walking off to his own home.

This was the power infamous VIXX robbers


Hello~ It's weird seeing me update two chapters in a row, huh? I saw this prompt somewhere and imagined VIXX in a heist situation. I also loved the movie Baby Driver so if you've watched it, you might see some similarities and recognise some scenes in this chapter!  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one :)

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