Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanf...

By TheWinterSawsbuck

158K 6.1K 2.4K

For Rona, making it into the highest level dance class offered was her most prized honor. It stayed that way... More

--тωєиту σиє--
--тωєиту тωσ--
--тωєиту тняєє--
--тωєиту fσυя--
--тωєиту fινє--
--тωєиту ѕιχ--
--тωєиту ѕєνєи--
--тωєиту єιgнт--
--тωєиту иιиє--
--тнιяту σиє--
--тнιяту тωσ--
--тнιяту тняєє--
--тнιяту fσυя--
[6K SPECIAL] ¢нαяα¢тєя q&α (closed)
¢нαяα¢тєя q&α αиѕωєяѕ
--тнιяту fινє--
--тнιяту ѕιχ--
--тнιяту ѕєνєи--
--тнιяту єιgнт--
--тнιяту иιиє--
--fσяту σиє--
--fσяту тωσ--
--fσяту тняєє--
--fσяту fσυя--
--fσяту fινє--
--fσяту ѕιχ--
--forty seven--
--forty eight--
--fσяту иιиє--
--fιfту σиє--
--fιfту тωσ--
--fιfту fσυя--
--fιfту fινє--
--fιfту ѕιχ--
¡ hiatus alert (again) !
--fιfту ѕєνєи--
--fιfту єιgнт--
--fιfту иιиє--
--ѕιχту σиє--
--ѕιχту тωσ--
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 1)
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 2)
--ѕιχту fσυя--
--ѕιχту fινє--
--ѕιχту ѕιχ--
--ѕιχту ѕєνєи--
--ѕιχту єιgнт--
--ѕιχту иιиє--
--ѕєνєиту σиє--

--fιfту тняєє--

912 40 23
By TheWinterSawsbuck

Wednesday, November 16th; FMF: Saturday, November 19th

"Aww, aren't they cute~" Grace cooed, seeming disgustingly infatuated with the two people standing across the room. Chanyeol, who was standing next to us, raised his eyebrow a bit at her, focusing on the two as well. 

"I mean yeah, Sana's cute-" Chanyeol began playfully, getting elbowed in the back by Isabella before he could end the statement. She opened her mouth to say something, Chanyeol only laughing and letting out some incomprehensible squeaks, likely of plea for her to let go. When Isabella finally did, Lyra nudged Grace once. 

"I think she and Jimin are just talking." Lyra mentioned, "You like to make every pairing in here a couple." 

Grace let out an exasperated, "So?" which was followed by a soft mumble from Lyra. 

"Not every pairing here is a thing." she whispered, likely trying not to be heard by the two across the room. "Don't be weird-" 

Grace made a large gesture towards Isabella and Chanyeol with her arm, nearly smacking someone in the face, and Lyra squinted her eyes at the girl with a concerned, judgmental look. I tried to hold in a laugh as Lyra rebutted, "That's the only one, Grace." 

Grace then rotated her arm back in front of her, pointing at Lyra and Hoseok, who was approaching the group from the direction of Mrs. Minji's desk. 

"I'm all types of  concerned right now," Lyra said, likely jokingly but her eyes were focused on Grace. 

"Hey Lyra," Hoseok said, stopping himself when he realized Lyra's immense concentration. He glanced past Grace towards me, and I made a little laugh. 

"What about them?" Lyra asked suddenly, pointing towards me and someone behind me. Suho, who had just arrived towards the group, stopped in his tracks. I glanced back at him, hearing him quickly whisper, "What did I just get into?" 

Lyra and Grace continued their random argument, and I ended up looking towards Jimin and Sana. Jimin ended the conversation with a thumbs up, Sana giving him a thumbs up as well a tap on the back as she walked past him towards the door rather quickly. 

"Thanks Jimin!" she called from a few feet away, Jimin replying back a bit softer, "Good luck!" 

Suho bent his knees a bit to lower himself a little closer to my level, speaking softly several inches away from my ear but close enough to hear. "Are they talking about Jimin and Sana?" 

I gave a little nod, opening my mouth to ask him what he thought about the two, however he continued bluntly, "Doesn't she gave a boyfriend though?" 

"She does?" I asked a bit too loud, Suho glancing around to see if anyone had heard. No one seemed to make a reaction to my surprised question so he continued, "I'm pretty sure. I mean, even if she doesn't, it's kind of obvious she doesn't like Jimin like that." 

I raised my eyebrows in curiosity, Suho just making an indifferent smile and picking up his bag. 

"It's not really my business," he said, suddenly dropping his voice a lot softer, "And I really don't care enough to ask, honestly. If you wanted to know you could probably just ask - you're closer to them than some of the others." He took out his phone from a pocket of his back, clicking it on and glancing at the screen for a few seconds.

"I've gotta go," he said quickly, looking at the group in front of him that Jimin had just joined. "Y'all are gonna go get food now, right? Have fun," he smiled, shouting a goodbye over the chatter that then paused to say goodbye to him back. 

"Oh, wait," I began suddenly, glancing back towards the group before following Suho out towards the door. "I'm not going with them for after rehearsal stuff." 

He waved his arm for me to come over, gesturing me to come with him. I grabbed my stuff, saying goodbye to the group of commotion as well. 

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked, stepping aside from the group for a moment. I used my thumb to point back at the door, Jimin quickly asking, "Suho?" 

"Not really, I'm gonna go home and work on some stuff." I said, the excuse unfortunately being only partially true. Lyra waved me another goodbye and mentioning something about the meal being less fun with less people. "Do you need something?" I asked Jimin quickly. I could feel the presence of Suho still at the door, but he'd leave if he had anything important to do. 

"Um," he began, turning towards the group and pointing at Hoseok, which got the older's attention. "I'm gonna head out now," he said, gesturing towards the door as well. Hoseok nodded, Lyra proceeding to complain some more about the lack of people getting pizza with her. She made some comment about her paying for us all, but a made a quick apology and headed out. 

Suho held the door open for Jimin and I, the taller boy looking at the other in interest. "You're not gonna get pizza with them?" Suho asked as we headed down the hall. Jimin just shook his head. 

"You?" he asked me, probably to continue a conversation. Jimin changed his gaze from the ground towards me as I answered, "My mom already made dinner plans. Wouldn't want to mess up the schedule."

"That's sweet of you," he commented, Jimin looking towards Suho again. 

"Where are you headed?" he asked, Suho making a little smile. "Registering for the festival." 

I glanced back at the dance classroom, beginning, "They haven't already done that?" 

Suho glanced back as well, followed by Jimin trying to keep track of the conversation. "Oh, I don't know about them. I meant for something else." 

"You're in another group?" I asked, Suho seeming distracted as he checked his phone. He made a nod in response to my question, typing something on his phone. Jimin seemed interested in his text, but Suho made a sigh as he picked up an incoming call. 

"Yeah, I'm on my way. Chill out, Jongin. Yes, I brought the track. Chill, I'll be there in like ten minutes. Chanyeol's not coming." Suho said, seeming a bit annoyed at the person on the other end. He hung up, catching up with Jimin and I.

"Have you guys signed up your group yet?" he asked, looking towards Jimin. The shorter just glanced back at me. 

"Uh, for the Fall Music Festival?" he asked, Suho giving a quick nod as we continued walking. Jimin slowed down and asked for an answer from me. I shrugged, asking, "Want me to ask?" 

Jimin made a thankful nod as I pulled out my phone, texting the group chat to ask if anyone had registered them for the festival. Almost instantly I got a reply back from Suga. 

"Suga said he was gonna go at five o'clock." I said, looking up at the two boys. Jimin made a very small, understanding nod while Suho glanced at his phone for the time. 

"It'll probably be really busy now, and it'll only get busier after that. He should probably try to get there earlier." Suho suggested. I gave a nod and texted back, letting Suga know. When we arrived at the door and exited the building, Suho pointed toward a car parked in the lot. "You guys want a ride there? It's several blocks up the street, but it's only a few minutes of a drive." 

"Suga says fine, and that he's on his way there now. He'll be there in like ten minutes." I read from my phone, looking towards Jimin. "I'm fine with meeting him there, wanna go?" I asked. 

Suho looked towards Jimin as well awaiting an answer. It was a few moments of silence, as well as glancing at Suho and the car he had offered to drive us in, for Jimin to make a thankful nod. "Sure, thanks so much for offering to take us there." 

"No problem, it's my plan to go there anyways." Suho smiled, grabbing his keys and unlocking the door from a few feet away. "Whoever wants to sit in the front is welcome." 

I glanced at Jimin, the boy opening the back seat door already. He sat down, scooting over a seat and leaning over to look out of the car. "You coming?" he asked.

I glanced at the front seat, smiling a bit as I sat in the backseat with Jimin, closing the door next to me. 

"Y'all can move your bags and stuff up here if you want." Suho said quickly, putting his own bag on the seat next to him. I opened my mouth to say something, Suho's phone ringing once again. He picked it up, putting it on speaker. 

"Hyung, you've got the USB right?"  the phone asked, seeming in a rush.  Suho let out a sigh, replying, "Yeah, of course. Chill out, I'm on my way." 

"What's taking you so long?"

"I'm bringing some people with me who need to register also - seriously, calm down. I didn't loose the instrumental." Suho replied, quickly saying goodbye and hanging up. "Kids don't know how to be patient." he commented, Jimin and I laughing awkwardly.

It only took a few minutes to get to the festival site, the same place the fair (as well as the festival) was held every year according to Jimin. Suho quickly parked his car, receiving another call but this time ignoring it. "This kid..." he whispered, pulling a small item from his bag before locking the car and sticking his keys in his pocket. 

"So you said Suga's coming?" Suho asked, swinging the small USB around his finger as we walked towards the entrance of a large, amphitheater-like building. 

"He should be on his way..." Jimin trailed off, looking around. I kept my mouth shut as I looked around as well, seeing Suga getting out of his car. We made eyecontact, the boy putting his finger to his lips and carefully closing the door to his car. I quickly concluded, "He's probably on his way, don't worry."

We kept walking until the small ticket booth area near the door where several people were lined up. I nearly jumped when a boy with mid-length, somewhat ruffled brown hair appeared in front of us. 

"You're finally here? I've been waiting for like twenty-" the boy began, Suho shoving his hand out with the USB in it.

"Thanks for waiting, Jongin. Sorry about it." Suho said calmly, the younger picking up the USB with a nod. "Thanks for coming." the boy replied, just as calm and appreciatively as he headed back into the line. 

"That's Jongin?" I asked, Suho nodding a bit. "I think I know him." I mentioned. 

"How so?" Suho asked, Jimin seeming curious as well. I leaned forward a bit, looking at the boy as he talked to the person at the ticket booth. He handed the woman the USB, the woman, clicking on a few things and then handing it back. She made a gesture for him to go inside the building. 

"Hyung!" the boy shouted, Suho glancing towards him. When he didn't immediately come over towards the door, he ran up towards us again, stopping for a moment. He was mainly looked at Suho for some sort of response, then glancing towards Jimin and I. 

"Are these the people you brought?" he asked, Suho making a small nod. "Are you two registering too?" 

I pointed towards Jimin with my thumb, beginning, "We're waiting for someone to come so we can register his group." It took a moment for Jongin to respond as he was observing me for a few more seconds. Jimin gave me a light push back, making the new boy's attention turn towards him. 

"There an issue?" Jimin asked suddenly, making me glance around. Jongin blinked a few times, shaking his head with a smile.

"No, I just recognize you from somewhere. Have we met?" he asked. I opened my mouth to respond, only to be stopped a sudden shout from Jimin. 

"Ai-" Jimin nearly screamed, everyone nearby glancing towards him and Suga, who had poked him from both sides of his stomach. 

Suga was laughing, causing me to let out a burst of laughter myself. I gave Suga an impressed look, Jimin still holding his abdomen out of surprise as he breathed somewhat heavily. Suga held up his hand for a high five and I gave it a light tap, strength gone from the energy exerted from laughing. 

I quickly calmed my laughter, clearing my throat quickly. "Jongin," I said, somewhat weakly. I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and continued, "I think I met you at Ms. Minji's dance studio." 

"Oh?" Jongin began, Suho interested in his surprised expression. "Right, you were with Hoseok and Yugyeom's friend... Jinyoung?" 

I made a nod, explaining how Jinyoung was my cousin and Hoseok was also in Jimin and Suga's group.

"You probably want to get in the line before it gets too crowded," Suho said, Suga making a careful nod. He pulled out something from his pocket, beginning, "And you are?" 

"Suho," he replied simply, "Nice to meet you. You're Suga, right?" 

Suga made a nod in reply, pointing towards the line he had been recommended to go to. "I'm gonna go take care of this." 

Suho nodded again, the conversation seeming awkward. It seemed like Jimin wanted to say something, but Suho's sudden movement seemed to stop him. The boy turned around, following Suga towards the ticket booth with a quick, "You know Namjoon, right?" 

Jimin raised his eyebrows at Suho's action, looking at me with curiosity as if I'd know what Suho was thinking. I gave a shrug, Jongin stepping in a little closer. Jimin took a small step back. 

"Namjoon is that 'Rap Monster' guy, right?" he whispered, Jimin seeming suspicious while I nodded. "Hyung has wanted to meet that dude for so long - apparently he's super smart and can compose really well." 

Jimin stood up a bit taller, replying, "He is, he's also the leader of our group." 

"Oh, then you guys must be really good." Jongin said a bit louder, looking back towards Suga and Suho. "Hyung won't stop talking about Rap Monster and that other composer... his name started with a Y-" 

"Yoongi? That's him." Jimin said, pointing towards the line where Suga was now talking to the woman behind the counter. Jongin seemed surprised, whispering, "I've heard some of his works. They're so good. It's crazy, he doesn't look like the composing type." 

Jimin looked slightly off by the statement, which I assumed was his form of being secretly offended. I gave Jongin a quick thank you, Suho and Suga gesturing us towards them. 

"We can go test the sound stuff now," Suho called, Jongin seeming excited and rushing over. He stopped himself after a few steps, looking back towards us. 

"Wanna come hear our song?" 

a/n: Please read the announcement in the next chapter for information regarding future updates.

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