My Bad Girl Ways

By Giavannih

301K 8.6K 721

"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion a... More

MY BAD GIRL WAYS...chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
List of my stories

Chapter 89

2.3K 60 3
By Giavannih

"Good morning sleepy head", Eli says stepping out of the restroom a towel hanging seductively on his waist showing his 8 pack and V cut line.

"Good morning", I smile rubbing my eyes to fully awake.

"I keep on knocking you out huh?", Eli smirks changing into his suit.

"Shut up", I throw him a mean glare getting out of the bed picking up my dress to cover myself.

"Stay naked", Eli says intently gazing at my body.

"Fine", I slump my shoulders dropping my dress on the floor walking seductively into the restroom peeking at Eli who eyes looks like they're about to bulge out of their sockets causing me to giggle.


"Have a good day at work", I say pecking Eli's lips.

"Thanks for breakfast", he winks at me standing up from the chair grabbing his car keys.

How I missed those winks

Eli comes over to me pecking my lips which I gladly receive. Once he leaves I grab my keys to make my way to work as well.



"We're getting married!", Davina says excitedly looking at her ring.

"So soon though! How are you suppose to plan a year worth of wedding planning into only a week?", I furrow my brows.

"You under estimate me", she chuckles.

"Well I'm bringing the bottles", I squeak.

"What have you been up to huh?", Davina narrows her eyes at me.

I can already feel my palms becoming sweaty as she peers at me.

"N-nothing why?", I mumble.

"Girl you seem incredibly happy like I've seen you happy, but now it's like your eyes have so much life to them it's hard to explain.. your just different", Davina smiles.

"It's Eli", I confess.

"Whhhhat! Nathan? Wait! I'm lost!", Davina eyes widen from how taken back she got from my response.

Davina is my second best friend behind Lulu. She knows the history between Eli and I from when I was locked up with her. During my time of heartbreak I wrote her everything that happened as well, so she knows everything.

"I've been unfaithful Davina please don't tell a soul not even your soon to be husband!", I warn whispering.

"I promise your my best friend dude", she replies.

"Turns out I still love him even after all this time and he explained everything of what happened that day he broke my heart and I was so wrong about him. If only he would of just been straight up with me. I would of never gotten with Nathan now I'm stuck between the both of them", my voice cracks.

"He's your first love you never forget your first love I understand"

"It's not fair to Nathan having his fiancé going behind his back sleeping with her ex from high school and it isn't fair to Eli either having the girl he loves sleeping with him behind her fiancé's back all because she's stuck between the two", I sigh feeling a huge headache approaching.

"Who do you love?"


"Who are you in love with?"

"I don't know.. b-both", I croak.

"There's no such thing Gia.. you really need to think this question again", Davina firmly says.

Our clients for the day barge in into our offices and we drop the conversation to work.

However her question replays in my head.

"Who are you in love with?"


I'm currently making my way to Eli's company to drop him off some dinner since he mentioned yesterday he's been working a lot of overtime lately.

I picked up his favorite food in the entire world pizza. Crazy how you remember every single detail about the person no matter how many years pass.

Once I park my car in front of his huge company, Gold Industry Enterprise. I make my way inside searching for his office.

A nice receptionist gives me directions to his office which helped a lot since this place is insanely huge.

The smile that was formed on my lips quickly falters as my eyes beams at Eli who's sitting in his desk writing on a piece of paper while a tall slim caramel hair woman wearing a button up shirt that shows a bit of cleavage and a black short skirt that if she bends a bit more down she'll be showing her ass cheeks leaning on his desk very flirtatiously.

I feel my stomach become into a knot making me feel ill quickly losing my appetite. I come to a halt just beaming at these two waiting to see what else happens next.

Don't lose your shit Gia

It's only work related

I say to myself trying my hardest to not jump into conclusions.

Then I feel my blood boil and anger quickly erupting inside of me as I see Eli hand her the piece of paper he was writing on and this woman giggles cuffing his cheek which Eli quickly swatted away.

Without hesitation I burst into his office causing Eli and the slut to snap their heads at me.

"I fucking seen that!", I hiss giving this caramel head chick a death glare.

"Excuse me who are you?", she asks with such sass.

Eli was about to say something, but I quickly talk over him.

"Why are you throwing yourself at him and touching him?!"

"Gia stop", Eli chirps in standing up from his seat.

"And you! How dare you come sleep with me when at work your most likely fooling around with this bitch!", I grumble.

Okay okay I might of overreacted with him fooling around with this cunt. I mean I did see him swat her hand away, but he didn't say anything to her when she was leaning all slutty in his desk.

"What the fuck Gia you got all of this wrong", Eli huffs frustrated.

"Wow! Aren't you single Mr. Gold? I mean not to long ago you slept with the receptionist which is my friend by the way when you first started here", the caramel cunt splutters.

It's like she literally punched my stomach without her physically doing it.

"Olivia what the fuck!", Eli roars.

"Fuck you both!", I shout opening the pizza box throwing the pizza towards Eli which let me tell you my aim was on point and let's just say his shirt might need extra scrubbing.

I turn my heel running out of his office as fast as I could not wanting anything to do with him anymore. How dare he bang someone else when he's over here trying to get me back making me cheat on my fiancé.

Eli is such a whore!


A week later

I've ignored all of Eli's calls, texts, and his constant visits at my apartment. I would watch tv eating popcorn hearing Eli knock on the door until he was tired and eventually leave.

Of course there was many times I just wanted to open the fucking door, but I had to keep strong after all I'm engaged might as well end this "thing" Eli and I had going on.

Today is Davina's and Gabriel's wedding. We are all dressed nicely for the beautiful occasion.

The wedding is taking place at the beach nothing big just a wedding with close family and friends.

As I make way towards the beach to take my seat before the wedding starts I spot the person I have no desire in even dealing with today.

There he was just sitting in a log on the sand beaming at me like if he was waiting for me this entire time.

I can feel my heart jump all crazy by his presence and the butterflies in my stomach making me ticklish.

I avert my eyes straight ahead making it seem like I didn't see him even though I know damn well he knows I saw him. I proceed walking straight to the ceremony.

On my way I feel a tight firm grip on my arm bringing me into a halt. I look back locking eyes with his emerald green eyes.

"Stop avoiding me it's been a fucking week", he grumbles.

"It's over Eli", I spat trying to free my arm from his grip which was a complete fail.

"What's over? We're not together", he raises a brow.

"Us having sex", I splutter.

"Gia let me fucking explain for gods sake!", he shakes his head.

"I have a wedding to attend to and I'm sure so do you"

"If you just shut up we'll get this over with before the wedding", he groans.

"Hurry explain", I swat his grip away crossing my arms across my chest.

"Look I did sleep with a receptionist at my company, but I was fucking drunk. It was a few days after you fucking slept with me and threw me away like trash not contacting me nor anything you just left me like if you just hit it and quit it", Eli explains truth behind his eyes.

"Look I know I fucked up okay, but I was just so confused by it all I already told you and that shouldn't of made you go have sex with someone else who isn't me!", I scold.

"Really Gia? How the fuck do you think I feel knowing you fucking let Nathan touch you huh?", Eli mutters his fists clenching.

My lips parted stunned by what he said. I've never really thought about that, but anger quickly makes its presence since I know I haven't slept with Nathan since sleeping with Eli. Anything before that was way before Eli and I started messing around.

"FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAVEN'T SLEPT WITH MY FIANCÉ", I roar completely losing my shit.

"Stop calling him that!", Eli shouts.

"That's what he is Eli!"

"Whatever!", Eli rolls his eyes.

"Ask me why I haven't slept with him?", I demand my hands flying all over the place.

"Why?!", he hisses.


Eli's face is stunned at first then a smirk forms on his face.

I turn my heel walking away from him to attend the wedding just in time.


The wedding was beautiful everything was completely beautiful. The happiness in Davina and Gabriel's eyes was so noticeable. These two really love each other and I'm so happy they're married ready to start their new life as husband and wife.

We are now partying celebrating their marriage. I've been avoiding Eli since our argument earlier today.

However I won't lie the entire time the wedding was in process I imagined myself on how my wedding day would be like.

I saw myself at the altar in front of the priest and all of my family and friends were there supporting me on my big day.

Happiness and love was all I was feeling in my little day dream. I turn to my right to see my groom a huge smile forming on my lips.

His emerald green eyes were sparkling with admiration and happiness as he beamed at me.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife Elias and Gia Gold", the priest says as everyone cheers and claps.

"Earth to Gia!", Lulu nudges me snapping me out of my daydream.


"Let's go skinny dip!", Lulu excitedly says.

"W-what are you crazy there's people here!"

"Dude everyone is doing it!", Lulu points towards the beach and yup everyone was drunk out of their minds.

I then spot Eli coming out of the water most likely naked. Without thinking I run towards him.

Eli leans on one of the guys for support indicating he's buzzed.

"Eli!", I shout causing him to give me one of his teasing face expressions as he peers at me.

I can feel my legs wanting to give out on me by the way Eli is looking at me. His mouth partly opened so teasingly.

"Let's go now!", I hiss pulling him by the arm putting myself in front of him covering his package.

Eli wraps his arms around me kissing my cheek.

"You don't want no one to see Jr or what?", he whispers biting my earlobe.

I feel electricity run through my spine by his soft bite on my earlobe quickly turning me on.

"Would you want others to see me naked? If you do I'll strip down right now"

"NO! You better not dare!", he grumbles.

"Then let's go"


We are now at my hotel room I rented for the night.

"I've missed you.. this whole week has been torture", Eli sighs.

"Good", I blankly respond changing into my pajamas.

Eli examines my body up and down coming closer to me.

"You know you've missed Jr and I", he whispers wrapping his muscular arms around my waist.

I instantly feel my body heat rise from being in his arms. The butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

"I missed you a lot Eli", I mumble.

"You need to stop that.. you need to learn how to let people explain themselves and not shut them out quickly without giving them a chance to explain", he bluntly says kissing my neck.

"I'm sorry I will work on it", I softly say as his kisses travel down my shoulders.

I turn around facing Eli cuffing his face our lips connecting passionately and eagerly kissing each other. It's been a week and oh boy did we miss each other's touch.

Eli picks me up bridal style taking us to the bedroom where we immediately get busy.

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