Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanf...

By TheWinterSawsbuck

158K 6.1K 2.4K

For Rona, making it into the highest level dance class offered was her most prized honor. It stayed that way... More

--тωєиту σиє--
--тωєиту тωσ--
--тωєиту тняєє--
--тωєиту fσυя--
--тωєиту fινє--
--тωєиту ѕιχ--
--тωєиту ѕєνєи--
--тωєиту єιgнт--
--тнιяту σиє--
--тнιяту тωσ--
--тнιяту тняєє--
--тнιяту fσυя--
[6K SPECIAL] ¢нαяα¢тєя q&α (closed)
¢нαяα¢тєя q&α αиѕωєяѕ
--тнιяту fινє--
--тнιяту ѕιχ--
--тнιяту ѕєνєи--
--тнιяту єιgнт--
--тнιяту иιиє--
--fσяту σиє--
--fσяту тωσ--
--fσяту тняєє--
--fσяту fσυя--
--fσяту fινє--
--fσяту ѕιχ--
--forty seven--
--forty eight--
--fσяту иιиє--
--fιfту σиє--
--fιfту тωσ--
--fιfту тняєє--
--fιfту fσυя--
--fιfту fινє--
--fιfту ѕιχ--
¡ hiatus alert (again) !
--fιfту ѕєνєи--
--fιfту єιgнт--
--fιfту иιиє--
--ѕιχту σиє--
--ѕιχту тωσ--
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 1)
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 2)
--ѕιχту fσυя--
--ѕιχту fινє--
--ѕιχту ѕιχ--
--ѕιχту ѕєνєи--
--ѕιχту єιgнт--
--ѕιχту иιиє--
--ѕєνєиту σиє--

--тωєиту иιиє--

2.2K 86 32
By TheWinterSawsbuck

The loud bell rang as a sound of freedom for the class, causing Jungkook to stand up with authority, shouting, "E flat, peace!"

The people around him, including me, laughed a little, followed by Dean playfully hitting the back of his head. "There you go Mr. Cheerful," He chuckled as we left the room.

When we had walked far enough from Mrs. Ray's room Jungkook whispered, "That happened, right?" He looked so suspicious of the event, from getting the point in the review game to receiving praise from his rival. Maybe not "rival", since that would imply Jungkook was at a equal level, and Jungkook seemed more like a jealous child.

"Yeah, it did." I confirmed, followed by his sigh of relief.

"Why did it happen?" He asked, looking at me.

"How should I know? I barely know you two." I said simply, turning a corner towards Mrs. Carter's room. Jungkook gave a shrug, muttering out a soft "See you later," before heading down the other hall. I stopped myself and turned around, following his tracks to catch up to him.

"Don't worry about it." I told him simply, followed by the sound of the minute bell. I gave him a little pat on the back, causing to make a little smile.

"Alright, I'll try." He grinned, quickly heading to his class down the hall. I watched for a few seconds, suddenly realizing I had to get to class too. Did the minute bell ring? I stressed as I walked, just a few steps before the door. The final bell rang as I walked in and I was about to scramble to my seat until I realized it was Mrs. Carter's class - no one was in their seat anyway.

I walked around the side of the room to get to the back of the classroom since most people were standing around and blocking the aisles to the back. I passed Ivy quickly, only to be stopped a few seconds by the same blond girl from the hall. She was near the back getting a tissue from the side counter, suddenly turning around as I walked by.

"Sorry, sorry," [A/N: sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo] she apologized when she hit my arm as she spun around. When she glanced up and realized who I was, her expression stiffened once again, leaving me confused. She bowed her head a little, then quickly scooting past me back to Ivy and the girl she was talking to.

What's with her? I wondered, not in an angry way, more curious than anything. Once I sat down in my seat, binder neatly on my desk, I looked up to see Jin in front of my desk. He set a piece of gum on my desk, then pointing at it with a smile.

"World's most premium gum, 100% natural with artificial flavors." He said with his marketing voice, showing off the small package with eyebrows raised. I picked it up with a smile, replying, "I'm convinced, does it cure fear of death glares?"

At least Jin took it as a good joke, laughing as he replied, "Sure, if you believe it does."

"Hey, do you know that girl's name? The one in the denim jacket." I asked, subtly pointing towards the blonde girl with my pinky finger. Jin gave a little nod. "That's Julie. And the other girl, the one talking to Ivy, that's Cadence."

"Pretty name," I said quietly, but still heard by Jin.

"I mean, it's kinda average," He said slowly, carefully placing his words. "I'd like to say Seokjin is prettier than a song."

"Blunt and confident, sure Seokjin." I said, drawing out his name. The more I thought about the sound of it, the cooler it seemed. "Seokjin," I said a little softer, replied by Jin's shake of head.

"That's Oppa to you, honey." He smiled, patting my head and messing up my hair. I tried to flatten the little ruffles that had come out of my pony tail, but ended up just redoing my hair and taking the hairband.

"Well thanks for screwing up my hair, oppa." I started, combing my hair a little with my fingers. When I started putting it all together, then tying the hair band around the bunch of hair, Jin made a little puff.

"I mean it looks like you messed it up too," He said sassily. I let go of the bunch of hair dropping my hands and giving him an annoyed stare. He let out a breath with a laugh mixed in. "Leave it down, it looks better that way." He smiled, then tapping his head. "I know style, don't worry."


Being the chicken I am, it was the end of class and I still had the gum in my pocket, the minty candy still wrapped and untouched. It was a science classroom, specifically a room never to eat in since there are labs often. The bell rang and I quickly made my way out the door to catch up with the guys.

"Wait up," I huffed as I approached the trio who stood around the corner, trying to stay out of the way of the traffic in the hallways. Jin gave a little pat on the back as I walked forwards, putting me in front of him and next to the other two.

"Mmm," RapMon hummed, tapping his finger lightly on his pile of folders. "Important question for you, Rona." I turned towards him with a curious expression, yet he didn't get to continue due to Suga's dangerously strong hit on his own friend's shoulder blade. Jin and I made little gasps in surprise while RapMon sucked in a breath of air, then rolling his shoulder back a little. "W-what's the issue Min?"

Suga glanced at me for a moment, but after noticing my oblivious expression he shook his head. "Nevermind."

RapMon didn't take it too seriously, replying, "You were working on that song way too late last night. Is it your new catchphrase?"

"Nevermind, nevermind," Suga said, waving his hand around to dismiss the attention he had drawn to himself. When his excuse was only replied to by a laugh, Suga continued. "Budijhil geot gateumyeon deo sege barba imma (If you feel like you're going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot.)"

Jin quickly added, "But don't speed because then you'll get a ticket. And don't crash because that's dangerous, plus you'd ruin your car. In general, don't be an idiot."

"It's an idiotic move to call me an idiot." Suga stated slyly, not even turning around to address the older who made a little sigh. When there was a little silence, Suga nudged RapMon again. "Joon, don't you have an important question?"

RapMon quickly shook his head to clear his thinking, then letting out a quick, "Right."

"We're planning to practice at J-Hope's house this weekend. It's usually a vocal thing, we just practice the songs or record, but if you want to come for part of it we can do some dance practice stuff too. We'll need to get that stuff done eventually, so it'd be nice to get a head start." RapMon explained. I saw Suga nod in agreement, adding, "And J-Hope has this big fancy room with a big mirror that he usually practices dance in that he said would be large enough to fit everyone."

I felt a little pat on my back from Jin and turned around, seeing him wave back as he headed back the other directions towards his class. After a little more talk-walking, Suga and RapMon went towards their classrooms and I arrived at the dance classroom. Everyone was gathered around Ms. Minji, except this time in the middle of the classroom rather than at the desk.

"Good morning," she greeted as I walked in, simultaneously keeping an eye on the bickering students to her left and the laughing ones on her right.

"Good morning," I said back with a smile. Seeing some of the girls already changed I pointed towards the girl's locker room. "Should we go ahead and change?"

With a distracted nod she looked back at the locker room too, giving me a smile. "Go ahead."

I made my way over towards the door to the locker room, seeing J-Hope and Jimin exit the boys' locker room door just as I passed. I gave them a little "Good morning" as I passed, replied by their own "How are you awake?" and yawns. Shaking my head to myself, I quickly got changed and made my way out to the dance room again. The bell rang, causing some girls who hadn't changed to rush into the locker room as I exited. While we waited for them, Ms. Minji gathered us around.

"Listen up everyone!" She began, which caused everyone to stop their whispering. "Liz will be back on Monday and she told me to hold off on anything super drastic with the festival dance. Today we'll be practicing a few songs she sent me, she says you should know them already. Looking forward to seeing that." She winked, causing a few students to nervously laugh. "Tomorrow we'll be doing the same unless I get further instruction. Monday you'll show Mrs. Minji the chorus and probably learn the partner dance. Make sure you come prepared if you're performing!"

There was a little eruption of soft cheering that I joined, followed by a group laugh. Ms. Minji gave a little nod, walking over to the stereo while staring at her clipboard. "Let's take attendance and get started."


After dancing to a few songs that the girls had taught me the other day, class ended early and Ms. Minji let us go change. She stood in between the two doors to the locker rooms and held her hands out for us to high-five as we passed, causing a little train into the locker room. When I finally got in, most girls were already getting changed, some leaving the room.

I scrapped my shorts for my comfy pair of jeans and my shirt for a new one, then throwing a jacket on even though it wasn't that cold. It wasn't until just then when I realized I still had Suga's sweater. It sat well folded at the bottom of my bag. I picked it up slowly, it unfolding as gravity pulled the well packaged sweater out of its rectangular shape. I looked at it for a while as I held it in front of me for a few seconds, again noticing the line "IN BLOOM" on the arm.

"Rona," someone called, causing me to quickly stuff the sweater back in my bag. I picked up all my stuff and quickly walked over towards Lyra and the other girls.

"What's up?" I asked, glancing at each of them to determine who had called me over. Lyra started talking first, so I assumed it was her.

"So we've all agreed on partners, right?" she asked. I glanced around at the girls, not even noticing until now that it was the five of us participating in the Fall Music Festival - Lyra, Isabella, Sana, Grace and I.

"Yeah, I think so," I nodded, looking around. Everyone nodded with us, including Grace who let out a breath.

"Why am I here again? I'm not even dancing the partner thing." she sighed, glancing down at the phone in her hand. She tapped a few things and looked up at Isabella as she began, "Because you're in the performance. You get to go relay information to Ms. and Mrs. Minji."

"I'm pretty sure that's the leader's job," Grace said playfully, pointing towards Lyra. Lyra threw her arms in the air in defense, beginning, "No one told me to do anything,"

"Well it's true, I'm in charge of relaying this information to Mrs. Minji, and we've gotta get everyone decided by Monday. At least I want to, it'll make us look way more prepared if anything." Lyra explained, admitting the truth. It was continued by Isabella, who nodded as she spoke. "So Hoseok already took the part of Kasper, Lyra is Taeyeon, I talked to Chanyeol-"

"If we know everything aren't we good?" Grace asked sassily, giving a look as she glanced up from her phone. I couldn't help but agree with Grace, but I didn't say anything out loud.

"Yeah, Rona's with Suho and I'm with Jimin. No need to keep repeating the pairings and make it awkward." Sana butted in, gathering her things and getting ready to leave the room as soon as possible. I felt the need to do the same, even though I hadn't said anything yet. I quickly added a "Yeah" of agreement and was ready to follow her out.

"Alright, alright," Isabella sighed, "I was just making sure everything was okay before Lyra went and told the world."

"Thanks everyone," Lyra dismissed us graciously. I followed Sana out, hearing Lyra's whisper behind us, "I told you they already agreed. Now it's just awkward."

As soon as Sana took a step out of the room, she let out the loudest breath - whether it was of relief or annoyance I wasn't sure.

enJOYY also Grant leave my fanfic alone rip me -1P

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