Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanf...

By TheWinterSawsbuck

158K 6.1K 2.4K

For Rona, making it into the highest level dance class offered was her most prized honor. It stayed that way... More

--тωєиту σиє--
--тωєиту тωσ--
--тωєиту тняєє--
--тωєиту fσυя--
--тωєиту fινє--
--тωєиту ѕιχ--
--тωєиту ѕєνєи--
--тωєиту єιgнт--
--тωєиту иιиє--
--тнιяту σиє--
--тнιяту тωσ--
--тнιяту тняєє--
--тнιяту fσυя--
[6K SPECIAL] ¢нαяα¢тєя q&α (closed)
¢нαяα¢тєя q&α αиѕωєяѕ
--тнιяту fινє--
--тнιяту ѕιχ--
--тнιяту ѕєνєи--
--тнιяту єιgнт--
--тнιяту иιиє--
--fσяту σиє--
--fσяту тωσ--
--fσяту тняєє--
--fσяту fσυя--
--fσяту fινє--
--fσяту ѕιχ--
--forty seven--
--forty eight--
--fσяту иιиє--
--fιfту σиє--
--fιfту тωσ--
--fιfту тняєє--
--fιfту fσυя--
--fιfту fινє--
--fιfту ѕιχ--
¡ hiatus alert (again) !
--fιfту ѕєνєи--
--fιfту єιgнт--
--fιfту иιиє--
--ѕιχту σиє--
--ѕιχту тωσ--
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 1)
ѕιχту тняєє (ρт 2)
--ѕιχту fσυя--
--ѕιχту fινє--
--ѕιχту ѕιχ--
--ѕιχту ѕєνєи--
--ѕιχту єιgнт--
--ѕιχту иιиє--
--ѕєνєиту σиє--


3.1K 123 33
By TheWinterSawsbuck

[somewhat edited]

"Hey Jungkook," I said as tapped him on the back. He turned around and smiled, beginning, "Welcome to chorus."

Right behind me was J-Hope, also assigned to come to chorus since his last name was Jung. He greeted Jungkook as well and soon after the bell rang. Jungkook made his way to a seat and the dance students stood in a little group by the door. There were only 4 of us, the other two girls I didn't know, so the rest of the class must be scarcely spread across the classes nearby.

"Please have a seat somewhere in the back," the teacher asked politely, pointing towards some empty chairs. This chorus class seemed pretty small, but I soon realized it was compiled of the best singers in the school - obviously the highest level class. They sang a song I couldn't quite understand or pinpoint a name onto, but it was soothing with the mixture of the different voices.

One of the alto singers, the teacher called her Miyuki, stood out in her section. She had completely dyed light blue hair that swayed around a little when she sang, her voice both standing out and blending with the group. When the teacher called on her, I realized how tomboyish her voice sounded. However, as soon as she had answered whatever question the teacher asked, she stayed quiet, separate from most of the people in the class. Near the end of class the teacher allowed the class to have a break and get water, most taking the opportunity to leave the crowded classroom for a while. I saw Jungkook stay in the class along with Miyuki, both of them talking as the room cleared out.

Turning towards J-Hope he began, "That's Miyuki. She's one of the best singers in school, but is really shy. Sucks she doesn't perform solo. It'd be cool to see her on stage at FMF."

I watched them whisper to each other, smiling. Good thing Jungkook is social. If she's as shy as she seems, it's sweet Jungkook is reaching out to her.


"Your class is amazing!" I exclaimed as we left the room. I continued my excitement as we made our way towards 'town square'. I saw Miyuki as we exited, and I turned around to face her with a smile. "Good job! Y'all are great!" I complimented. She stood frozen for a few seconds, then looked down and walked the other way. Awfully shy...

"Ah, don't take it personally," Jungkook explained as I rejoined them. "She's not very open about much."

I nodded, replying, "You talk to her, right?"

"Yeah, but only in chorus. She seems to ignore everyone else." He sighed. "Wish she'd be more open. She has the voice to be on the big stage of FMF."

I turned towards J-Hope, who had said the same earlier, nod in agreement. J-Hope rushed off in the other direction as we neared 'town square'.

"Ah, can't be late! See ya!" He shouted, finding his way through the crowd.

I felt a sudden hug from behind and quickly froze in place. The arms around my waist must've felt the sudden tension and they quickly relaxed and I saw Jimin swing to the opposite side of me from Jungkook. The little breeze created by his sudden movement made me realize he smelled a lot like flowers - is that weird to notice?

In the process of spinning to my side he linked arms with me, causing me to be dragged a step forward.

"Aish," we both said in unison, Jimin apologizing while I laughed. He looked up at me and then Jungkook, who was taller than both of us. Jimin bit his lip as he laughed, Jungkook responding with raised eyebrows. Jimin made a pout and Jungkook responded with a slight smile-smirk. Was it fake? I couldn't tell.

They made some more 'eye-talk' until I interrupted, "You're doing the eye thing again,"

"Sorry," Jungkook apologized quickly. We finally arrived at Mrs. Walby's room at the minute bell. Once we sat down though, it seemed everything that had happened in the hall had disappeared.

"Hey y'all wassup?" V asked as he walked in. The obvious greeting took place, the highfives and the chest bumps and the what-have-you, but when he finally came to me he awkwardly held his hand out. It was held horizontally instead of vertically, so I gave a side-high-five with raised eyebrows. He laughed, scratching the back of his head.

"Get to your seats!" Mrs. Walby shouted just as the final bell rang. V quickly sat down like most everyone in the class, but people still talked.


"Are we ever going to go to the next slide?" I muttered, leaning right towards Jungkook. He made a little smile as he shook his head. "Oh, we'll get there by tomorrow."

I sighed in frustration and set my pencil on my desk, looking towards the front of the classroom. Gathered was four students, all surrounding her desk, complaining about a grade or some other problem. It prevented us from actually moving from slide 5, but no one seemed to mind. Jimin was listening to music through the headphones laced through his jacket, through the neck hole, and wrapped around his ear. He looked snug in his large jacket, legs pulled up in front of him as if it was a cold Christmas Day.

Jungkook leaned onto Jimin's shoulder, causing Jimin to look up and hand him the other earbud. Both of them listening to some song, immersed in the music, so I turned towards V. Surprisingly, he was doing math homework. Once he noticed I was watching, he looked up.

"Is that today's homework or yesterday's?" I teased, seeing it only half done. He huffed slightly, replying, "It's today's, thank you very much."

I laughed, replying, "Alrightie," and continued to read over his work. He was near the end of the page when he set his pencil down and sighed, "I'll just do this at home."

As he packed the papers into some binder he turned so that he faced by desk. "What up?"

V asked the question so casually, trying to start the conversation. I smiled and shrugged, glancing back up at Mrs. Walby, who was oblivious to the entire class. V turned around too, watching the teacher's desk.

"Mrs. Walby isn't gonna be doing anything for the rest of class so don't even worry about it." He confirmed, brushing off her yelling since it was so common. I never felt right treating a teacher with such a lack of respect, but it seemed she really didn't want to talk to anyone, at least by the sound of her angry voice towards the kids in front of her.

"Is everything goin' okay?" He asked, gathering my attention back towards him.

"Yeah, of course," I replied. Suddenly the thought of Ivy and the girls in science appeared in my head. I shook my head to clear the thought. I'm not scared of them.

When I looked at V his head was cocked as he observed my expression. "You say yes but you shake your head," he said, then cocking his head the other way as if to get a different angle. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I repeated. "By chance do you know Ivy?"

"Ivy?" He asked with a concerned face, "Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone 'knows' her. What about her?" He seemed to lean into the desk towards me.

"Nothing really," I said nonchalantly, dismissing the topic. He didn't seem to let it go.

"Is she bothering you?" He asked seriously. He seemed like an older brother ready to beat up his little sister's bully - or something along those lines.

"Not yet, she's intimidating though," I said softly. I explained what happened in science and the whole 'new girl got fame' thing Suga said in the hall.

"Hey, I've got a story about someone in our group." V smiled when I finished. He leaned over the desk closer to me, whispering, "But I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to tell you it."

"Who's it about?" I asked quietly.

"Let's just say... Ivy's ex."


OooOoooO~ Cliffhangers!
My friend ThatFigureSkaterGirl actually created the character Miyuki and did an amazing job in designing and equipping her with a load of weapons (XD) and allowed me to use her in this story! All design credit goes to her, and she may write a story (entirely different plot) about Miyuki in the future, so check her out!

Just to break the fourth wall, this chapter was completed on 6/19/16 and was posted 7/19/16 (wow that was not planned lol)


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