VIXX Imagines -Discontinued-

By ChloeCookie165

190K 6.1K 1.2K

Cute,fluffy, and sometimes angsty oneshots, short imagines,text conversations and fanfictions between you and... More

Captured // N
New student // Ravi
Music School // Leo
Teacher // Hongbin
Art // Ken
Amusement Park // Hyuk
Boyfriend // N
Manager // VIXX
Make-up // Leo
Teacher // Ken
Music // Hongbin
Bad boy // Ravi
Basketball // Hongbin
Father // N
Eternity // Hyuk
Slaves // Leo
Slaves // Leo // Pt. 3
Slaves // Leo // pt. 4
Slaves // Leo // End
Preview:Voodoo Doll
Voodoo Doll // N
Voodoo Doll part 2
Crush // Hyuk
Flirt // Hongbin
Bad boy // Leo
Brother // Hyuk
The cover-up
N(the cover-up)
Leo(The cover-up)
Ken(The cover-up)
Ravi(The cover-up)
Hongbin (The cover-up)
Hyuk(The cover-up)
The trainee // N
Make-up // Ken
VIXX as pets
Vixx as your brother
VIXX as your best friend
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as a stalker
Cafe // Leo
VIXX in kindergarten
VIXX as your son
VIXX as boyfriend
VIXX as younger brothers
VIXX: Drunk
Vampire // VIXX
VIXX as boyfriends
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 2
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 3
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as younger brothers
Servant // Hongbin
Twins // Hongbin × Ravi
Vampire // VIXX // End
VIXX as brothers(Hyung line)
Car ride // Leo
Sleeping // Ken
Drunk // VIXX
Lost // VIXX
Lost // VIXX // Pt. 2
Memory // Leo
Drabble: Hakyeon
Drabble: Taekwoon
Drabble: Jaehwan
Drabble: Wonshik
Drabble: Hongbin
Drabble: Sanghyuk
Short Imagines
Buddies // Hongbin
Senior // Leo
President // N
Silence // Neo
Lies // Hyukbin
Cheater // Raken
Couples // VIXX
Blood // Hongbin
Blind // Hakyeon
Winter // VIXX (A/N)
VIXX as brothers
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Arranged Marriage // Jungkook
The End
Volleyball // Hongbin
Dare // Wonshik
Heart break // Jaehwan
Revenge // Hongbin
Poison // Taekwoon
Shadow Puppets // Hakyeon × Hongbin
Valentines // Ravi
Wizard // Sanghyuk
VIXX as vampires
VIXX as Dragons
Guardian Demon // Sanghyuk
Heist // VIXX
Fake Date // Hakyeon // GA

Slaves // Leo // pt. 2

2.3K 65 10
By ChloeCookie165

Chloe's POV:

I felt an evil presence and shudder. It was raining and I forgot my umbrella,great. I felt my ear twitch at heavy breathing and I notice the faint smell of blood. I walk closer the scent and see a body laying on the ground. Right then a car zooms past me and it was clear that the evil presence was from there. I tap him but he seems to have lost consciousness. I frown slightly as I decide to bring him home. I create a force field around us so he doesn't get drenched. I place him on my back and walk back home.

I opened the door to see that it was empty. Great, she left. I place the guy on my bed before I removed his shirt. Wow, he has a nice body. I shake my head at the weird thought before I took out the needle. I took the medication out and injected into his arm. This will make sure he doesn't jolt awake and prohibit the medicine to work. I injected him with another medication before I went into the store room and grab a pair briefs,sweatpants and a oversized shirt that my brother left behind. I make sure to grab a towel and a pail of warm water before I go back into my room and sit down next to the guy. I slowly unbuckle his belt before pulling down his pants. I quickly wipe his legs to ensure he was no longer wet. I try not to look, to respect his privacy, as I pull down his briefs as well. I blush a deep red as I quickly put on my brother's briefs and pants on him. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

Be professional.

I touch his forehead and notice it was quite hot I wipe his body with some of the warm water before I dried him off again. I put on the shirt for him and pulled his hair up before I placed the warm,damp towel on his forehead. I sighed as I unconsciously traced a finger across his arm. I go into his memories and try to figure out what happened to him.

~Mind reading taking place~

Shit. A lot of shit happened to him and his brothers. I close my eyes for a few seconds before I went outside to grab something to eat. Every few hours I would go and check on him as well as to ensure that he wasn't burning up and recovering well. At the 15th hour, I removed his shirt so that I could freshen him up a bit. I put the shirt back on before I went to do my homework. By the 22nd hour, he was sweating profusely but his temperature was normal. I removed his shirt so he wasn't too hot before I went out. I haven't slept at all. I'm not a human but I still need my sleep. I yawn as I continued with my work.

~2 hours later~

I felt a presence awakening and I walked into my room. I noticed his eyes were open and decide to address him.

"You're awake."

His head snaps to me as I walk towards him. He shakes in head in fear and I read his thoughts.

I can't move,she must've done something to me.

I open my mouth to explain myself if not I'll seem like a crazy psychopath.

"Yes I did do something to you. I gave you some medication that paralyses your body to ensure it's fully rested and allows the other components to heal your body."

He seems unsure but I just pick up the towel and dip it in the warm water again. I wiped his sweat away and tried to make him feel safer.

"You'll be fine. I'll make sure your brothers are fine too."

He seems to trust me and I give him a small smile. I figure he should be allowed to move now. I drag my hand across his abs, trying to find the pressure point. I stop when I find it and apply pressure. I could feel his muscles relax and I relax too. Hmmm, he needs to hydrate himself but I can't force water down his throat.

Just ask him stupid........ I roll my eyes at my own thoughts and asked him if he wanted water. He nods his head and I pass him a glass. As he sipped on the water, I felt myself growing sleepy. Damn, am I that glad that he's fine? Fine as in health and feeling not looks or body............. Ugh whatever. The next thing I know, I lay my head on his stomach and fall asleep.

This sure is comfortable.

I felt him pet my head and I smile slightly, enjoying the sensation. Lost in the pleasant sensation I mutter something unconsciously.

"I'll save your me. Okay?"

He nods his head and I scold myself. What have I gotten myself into?

Leo's POV:

Much to my disappointment, she woke up 3 hours later. She grins at me before tossing me a shirt.

"Wear that first. Come down when you're done so you can eat."

She leaves the room and I'm left alone with my thoughts. What is she? She can't be a vampire or werewolf. A fairy? I mean she's super kind and pretty. I blush at my own thoughts before I put on the shirt. I kept trying to think of possibilities for a few minutes until I decide to just ask her. I walk outside and notice a faint smell of bacon and eggs. I sit down at the table and she places a plate filled with bacon,scrambled eggs and toast. I gulp at the amount of food but she just smiles at me.

"Eat, you'll need energy to fully recover."

I began tucking in and discovered that I was starving. I manged to finish the whole plate of food and felt extremely full. She begins a conversation and introduces herself as Chloe. What a nice name. I introduce myself as Leo and she grins at me. I read her thoughts and found out that she was happy to learn something about me. I felt my heart melt at her innocence. She goes to wash the dishes and I move to the couch. I pull my legs to my chest, feeling slightly cold. I felt something placed on me and I notice that it was a blanket.

"Sorry~ my house is a bit cold right?"

She giggled as she sat beside me. I simply nod my head,blushing at our close proximity. She turned on the television and soon becomes engrossed in the show. I slowly felt myself enjoying the show when I suddenly felt something furry brush against my leg. I look down and notice........

A TAIL?!!?!!

I look at Chloe and noticed that her eyes were no longer purple but rather a light orange. There were two cat-like ears on top her head but it was pressed down slightly against her head. Her giant fluffly tail was curled up and she looked so cute.

I wanted her. But that'll be rude right?

"Ummm Chloe?"

She seemed slightly startled as she snapped her head to face me. Her round orange eyes made me want to curl up into a ball and melt into a puddle but I shook the thought away.

"Yes Leo~?"

There was a slightly purr to her voice and I gulped. I bite lip at the way my name rolled off her tongue. It just made me feel hot and flustered. I took a deep breath and licked my lips nervously

"Ca.....can.....I.....I you?"

Damn it why did I stutter? Where did the strong and forceful Leo go?

Her head tilted in confusion as she stuck her bottom lip out. I clenched my fist in frustration.

"Pet me?"

She uttered in confusion but then she looked down and noticed her own tail. She let out a small noise before grabbing her own tail.

"Omg I'm sorry! I let myself relax too much and my guard was down so my true form was shown and omg I can't believe I was that comfortable. I must've scared you!"

She blabbered on and for some reason, I smiled. I can't remember the last time I smiled. I noticed that she was smiling too.

"You're so cute when you smile. You should smile more."

My eyes widened at that and I began blushing. I blinked a few times and realised that we went off track.

"You didn't answer my question."

I said, my voice stable and demanding.

She seemed slightly surprised at my tone and I immediately regretted using that tone. She probably hates me now for being so rude. She saved me yet I'm demanding such a thing?

I felt something soft against my neck and I shifted my eyes down to see that it was her ear. She let out a small laugh, her hot breath against my neck.

"Of course. I mean it feels good for me anyways."

I grin at her answer as I began scratching in between her ears. With my other free hand, I began stroking her tail. She purred and I smiled yet again. After a few more minutes of petting her, I realised how close and intimate we were. She was basically sitting on my lap as I pet her. I decide to ask her a question to distract myself from this position.

"What.....what are you?"

"A fox spirit."

"Fox spirit?"

"Yup but not like those in the stories. I don't seduce guys and eat their hearts or livers but rather I just try to blend in with the humans and other creatures."

"Why aren't with your other fox spirits?"

"I........I'm different. You see how my tail and ears are black right? Normally it's Orange yet mine is black and they think, I'm strange,evil,not part of them. They left me out and abused me. I got sick of it so, I left. The other creatures always seemed evil and greedy for power. But, some of them just need love."

"Well.......I think you're beautiful."

The moment those words left my mouth, I felt like crawling into a hole and dying. I just met her and I said that? She fiddles with her fingers and laughs.

"You're unusual........I like that. I know you were created for the purpose of serving your master right?"

I nod my head at her question when I realised she said she liked me. I blush as I hide my face in her soft hair.

"Well, do you mind being my slave?"

I look up, slightly confused at what she said. She gives me a small smile before shaking her head slightly.

"That's a stupid question. I shouldn't have aske-"

"I accept."

She looks up at me with her doe eyes glistening.



For some reason, it just felt right. The other masters may have treated me badly but this.........this might be the one.

She jumps up and takes my hands in hers. My hand seemed to fit just right in her hands.

"Well, we'll need to get that contract from your previous master then don't we?"

I nod my head as she drags me up. I have never felt more at home.

WAIT! Before you go!

This is not the end! As much as I would love to end it there, the others must be saved for Leo to be truly happy. A jealous Leo will be coming up and won't that be fun? Leo will belong to only Chloe and vice versa but we need some spice so the other members will help me with that. It won't be too long though maybe 3 more chapters? If you have suggestions about my imagines or feel like it's too short/long please do say so I can improve. If you're curious about me or how I come up with these then go ahead and ask! No need to be shy, I don't bite.......hard. Just kidding!
For now, peace out!

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