Mr. Brightside || João Félix

By Sapphiresmoon_

79.5K 811 458

Grammy award winner who is also a football star and a football nepo baby falls for a youngster on the rise. W... More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E
T H I R T Y - O N E
T H I R T Y - T W O
T H I R T Y - T H R E E
T H I R T Y - F O U R
T H I R T Y - F I V E
T H I R T Y - S I X
T H I R T Y - S E V E N
T H I R T Y - E I G H T
T H I R T Y - N I N E
F O U R T Y - O N E
F O U R T Y - T W O
F O U R T Y - T H R E E
F O U R T Y - F O U R
F O U R T Y - F I V E
F O U R T Y - S I X
F O U R T Y - S E V E N
F O U R T Y - E I G H T
F O U R T Y - N I N E
F I F T Y . F I V E
F I F T Y - O N E
F I F T Y - T W O
F I F T Y - T W O . F I V E
F I F T Y - T H R E E
F I F T Y - F O U R
F I F T Y - F O U R . F I V E
F I F T Y - F I V E
F I F T Y - S I X
F I F T Y - S E V E N
F I F T Y - S E V E N . F I V E
F I F T Y - E I G H T
F I F T Y - N I N E
S I X T Y . F I V E
S I X T Y - O N E
S I X T Y - T W O
S I X T Y - T H R E E
S I X T Y - F O U R
S I X T Y - F I V E
S I X T Y - S I X
S I X T Y - S E V E N
S I X T Y - E I G H T
S I X T Y - N I N E
S E V E N T Y - T W O
S E V E N T Y - T H R E E
S E V E N T Y - F O U R
S E V E N T Y - F I V E
S E V E N T Y - S I X
S E V E N T Y - S E V E N
S E V E N T Y - E I G H T
S E V E N T Y - N I N E
S E V E N T Y - N I N E . F I V E
E I G H T Y - O N E
E I G H T Y - T W O
E I G H T Y - T H R E E
E I G H T Y - F O U R
E I G H T Y - F I V E
E I G H T Y - F I V E . F I V E
E I G H T Y - S I X
E I G H T Y - S I X . F I V E
A U T H O R ' S N O T E

S E V E N T Y - O N E

393 6 3
By Sapphiresmoon_

Hugo <3

Me: I've just landed
You better be awake or I'm waking up your brother.

Hugo: Relaaaaaxxxxx
I'm at the airport waiting for you 🤗

Got us a table at this cafe :)

(A N || While on the subject of coffee, I'd like to remind you all that Starbucks supports genocide, I do not. Palestine deserves to be free. Y'all better be boycotting Starbucks !! )

Me: It's too early for coffee
Get me a galão

Hugo: Yes ma'am 🫡

Me: See you soon :)

I bring my phone out as I hop off the plane and dial Gio.

"I've just landed," I say as she answers the phone, "I'm gonna go look for my luggage and then Hugo."

"Keep me updated, baby, be safe," she whispers.

"Will do, I'll text you," I say.

"Okay, I love you," she whispers again.

"I love you too," I say hanging up.

I walk over to baggage claims and look for my suitcases. Once I find them, I grab them and walk around looking for Hugo and the cafe.

"Jesus Christ, Sof, do you think maybe you've under packed ?" Hugo asks sarcastically.

"I packed for England," I informed him.

"You could've just sent it all directly to England," he says in a duh tone pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm calling your brother," I warn as we pull away.

"You wouldn't dare," he says.

"Try me," I warn.

"Okay, okay," he says putting his hands up in surrender.

We made small talk which mainly consisted of him filling me in on what's going on with him and Nessa. He said she's flying out to Lisboa to see him play when he gets back from injury. I know it's hard to dream of a them because their lives couldn't be more different and they've got different priorities, but it's nice to dream.

We decided to head to his house because while we sat and conversed, we were interrupted a total of eight times by fans wanting to take photos.

"Why wasn't this an issue in Funchal ?" He groans as he loads my luggage into the car.

"It's small," I shrug, "I'm around often, so if I'm stopped when with family, it's probably a tourist, everyone else waits til I'm alone, or hopes they'll see me around again."

He nods, "let's get you home to rest," he says hopping in the car. "Okay, so as far as sleeping arrangements go, I've got you in the guest room if you're up for a nap and tonight you can sleep with João."

"Okay, so what's the plan for later ?" I ask.

"João has errands to run," he's said, "I just gotta hope he doesn't ask me to tag along," he laugh. "What do you want to do ?"

"I'd love a tour from a local," I laugh, "you know, show me your favorite places and whatnot, however I do not feel like being eyed like I'm some animal in a cage; I've gotten used to it over time, but I'd like to have some peace and quiet," I sigh. I take my phone out of my pocket taking a picture of him.

"No flash photography," he jokes. "The media will be shit but we can deal with it and it won't be a problem if we can somehow get João off his phone," he laughs as we arrive.

"It's for my mom," I laugh, "and there was no flash. How do we keep João off his phone if you won't be with him ?" I ask.

"I can get our friend to do it," Hugo shrugs.

I nod, "alright."

We get out of the car and he helps me bring my bags down. I text Gio to let her know we've arrived.

Mother <3

Me: Motherrrrr, I've arrived 😚

Getting a tour from the local in a few hours :)
Text you when I wake up 😚

"Where are you taking my bags ?" I whisper as we step inside.

"To João's room," he shrugs.

"Won't he know I'm here then ?" I ask.

"No, I'll hide them in the closet," he says in a duh tone. "Stay here, we can watch a movie and head to bed if you want a nap," he says.

"I just had a galão, I'm far from tired," I say sitting on the couch.

"I'll be back in a bit," he says.

I sit tight scrolling through my phone. It's 6:57AM and I'm far from tired considering I've just had a latte and I slept on the plane.

"What do you want to watch ?" Hugo asks as he comes back, "be warned I'm not watching all Harry Potter movies with you today."

"Boooo," I say, "let's watch the vampire diaries."

"Ewww, absolutely not," he says.

"I'm gonna go sleep with your brother then," I say getting up.

"You're so annoying," he says turning on the vampire diaries, "c'mon, let's go raid my pantry for snacks."

"Don't be an ass," I whine, "I'm back on my normal diet and can't have junk."

"You can have a protein bar," he says tossing it to me as he looks for unhealthy snacks that I so badly want to indulge in.

"I hate you," I sigh opening the bar and taking a bite. "Shouldn't you be getting ready to hit the field soon ?" I ask, "lay off the junk.

"We can go to the gym later," he shrugs.

"The gym ?" I ask in disbelief, "worst vacation ever."

He grabs what he deems appropriate snacks, giving me another protein bar and a water bottle. I swear I'll strangle this man. We walk back to the couch and begin watching the show.

"Did you turn off your location ?" He asks.

"Why should I ?" I ask confused.

"Because my brother has your location," he says in a duh tone "and if he happens to check, he'll take my best friend from me."

"Awww, Hugo," I smile, "I'm your best friend ?"

"Well, no, it's Cris, he says, "but you're right behind... well behind Cooper."

"Your best friend is a thirteen year old ?" I raise a brow turning my location off.

"Your best friend is a thirteen year old," he says.

"Yeah, but he's my brother," I laugh.

We watch a few episodes of the vampire diaries while Hugo asks questions. I answer several questions often telling him to shut up right after and he complies. We're on the third episode and halfway through, he's shoving me into a hallway closet.

"What are you doing up already ?" I hear João asks through the door.

"I uh fell asleep on the couch watching tv," Hugo says.

"The vampire diaries ?" João says in an amused tone.

"I lost a bet to your girlfriend," Hugo lies.

"Speaking of," João says, "have you talked to her, I haven't talked to her since last night, I texted her a few minutes ago, but no reply."

I tap my sweat pants looking for my phone but I can't find it. Fuck, I must've left it out on the couch.

"She's probably still sleeping, or at breakfast, you know how her dad is, no phones on table and what not," Hugo tells him. Thank you Hugo for the save, hopefully he's found my phone.

"Do you wanna catch breakfast with Neves and I ?" João asks. "Or I'll be back later to pick up mom, you can hang with us."

"Sounds fun, big bro, but I've got a date with the gym," Hugo says.

"That explains the protein bars," João says, "not really the rest of this junk though, odd combo. I'll be back around two to get mom."

"See you at two," Hugo says as I assume João walks out because I just heard the door close.

"Are you stupid ?" Hugo asks.

"Are you ?" I ask coming out of my hiding spot, "he's still outside, he'll hear you."

"Text him back," he says handing me my phone.

"I can't right now, he just whined because I hadn't texted him back," I say, "wouldn't it be suspicious."

"How ?" He asks, "you're not supposed to be here, at most it'll look like I asked you to text the big baby."

"By the way," I say taking my phone from him, "I'm not going to the gym."

"If we don't go to the gym he'll know," Hugo argues.

"What do you suggest is worse ?" I ask "your brother didn't show up to the gym like he said he would, he probably just stayed home to continue binging the vampire diaries, or, your brother just showed up to the gym with your girlfriend. I'll stay with your parents if you so badly want to go to the gym."

"First of all, you're making it sound like we're doing something wrong, we're just two friends hanging out," he says, "I just don't want him to hog my friend. You want to stay with my parents... when he just said he'll be back for my mom in a few hours ?"

"Fair points," I huff.

"I'm a good gym partner, trust," he says as his mom walks down to the living room.

"Sofia," she smiles at me, "how are you ?"

"I was doing great," I smile at her, "until your son told me he wanted to take me to the gym," I groan. "Why can't we just tell him I'm here ?"

"I know my boy," she comes to hug me, "second he knows you're here he'll drop everything for you, he's too in love with you not to."

I laugh, "do you need help with breakfast ?" I ask as we pull apart.

"No," she shakes her head, "you go on and get ready."

"Do you want to shower ?" Hugo asks me.

"After the gym," I nod, "right now, we can continue watching the show and then breakfast, then we get dressed for the gym, then we go, and then come back and shower."

"What other plans do you guys have for the day ?" His mom asks.

"Sofia wants a tour, but there's cameras everywhere, you think you can keep João off his phone for a few hours ?" Hugo asks.

"For what we're doing today," she says, "should be no problem."

"What are you guys doing today ?" I ask.

She gives me a little smile "it's a secret."

"You're just as bad as my family," I laugh, "but I won't pry and ruin the surprise."

"Smart girl," she laughs.

I end up helping her with breakfast and Hugo's dad comes down to eat with us as well. We had a nice morning. Hugo and I helped clean and I headed up to João's room to get dressed for the gym. I decide to ring João and it doesn't take long for him to answer.

"Hi baby," his voice sounds through the phone.

"Hi, my love," I smile although he can't see me.

"You didn't FaceTime," he says.

"Yeah, I'm looking a little rough this morning, I just got to the gym," I say mostly lying because I did not look rough at all and I was not at the gym, but I'm going to go.

"Your location is off," he says.

"Yeah, like I said, I'm at the gym, if my dad knows, he'd immediately be here and the last thing I need is to overwork my leg again," I laugh.

"Makes sense," he laughs.

"Are you picking me up ?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be there, I know what time you're meant to land so I'll be there earlier," he says.

"Cool," I say, "what plans do you have today ?"

"Kill time until you arrive," he laughs.

"João, get off the phone man," I hear in the back ground.

"Are you busy ?" I ask, "we can talk later."

"No, I'm not, just out with some friends," he says, "but I'll let you go get started on your workout, I love you."

"Bye, I love you," I say hanging up.

"Lover girl, are you ready ?" Hugo asks knocking on the door.

"Yeah," I say stepping out.

We get into the car and Hugo drives off to the gym. His phone begins to ring loudly as it's connected to the speaker.

"Hello," he says taking the call.

"Bro, your brother just got off the phone with his girl and he swears she's back on the island still, but she was spotted a few hours ago here," the voice whispers into the phone.

"Fuck, I knew this was a bad idea, this looks shady, Hugo," I say.

"You're with her ?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're hanging out," Hugo says, "you've seen him the past few days, if he knows she's in town, he'll ditch you for her, let me enjoy my friend for a few hours, you can have him. Keep him off his phone."

"I'm just relieved there's a good reason she lied," his friend says, "considering-"

"Shut it," Hugo warns. "First of all, she's not Magui, and second of all, don't ruin the surprise."

"I'm nothing like her," I laugh, "lying to him is literally killing me."

"Bye Neves, remember, keep him off the phone," Hugo says hanging up.

Hugo and I work out together at the gym for like an hour before we decide to head out. I convinced him to take us to the local grocery store because although I'm supposed to be back on my normal diet, I'm craving this one dessert I absolutely love and want to make it. Before we drive home, he gives me a quick drive by tour of all his and João's favorite places as we make conversation pertaining to their childhood.

After the tour, Hugo drives home. When we arrive, we split, he goes to his room, and I head up to João's bathroom to shower and get out of the dirty gym clothes I was wearing. When I get out, I get ready to receive my boyfriend since we'd be seeing each other after. When I finished getting ready, I met Hugo downstairs and we got to making the dessert; I made it, Hugo messed around making more of a mess than we should've. To his credit, he helped me clean and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch to continue our vampire diaries binge.

João's POV

"Okay, but do you think she'll like it ?" I ask referring to the engagement ring I bought Sofia. I'm not gonna give it to her now, of course not, we just started dating like a month ago, but sometime in the near future. For now though, I have got her a promise ring that I plan to give her when I take her out to dinner the night after the bonfire.

"She'll love it," my mom reassures me. "Gio said she's more simple and doesn't swoon over big flashy diamonds, and you did say she wanted a sapphire stone."

"I'm so nervous to see her again," I confess.

"It's not like you'll propose now," she says.

"Well no, but I have the ring, I could do it at any moment, and it's just, seeing her again and knowing I have the ring will drive me mad, plus what if when I decide to she says no ?" I ask.

"Why would she say no ?" My mom asks.

"I don't know, what if she thinks we're moving too fast," I sigh.

"I don't think she'll feel that way, you're both setting the pace here, besides, I feel like you two have known each other for months because you've spent so much time together and you've been through more than the average couple in the first month," my mom says. "Do you plan on proposing soon ?" She asks.

"No, like in a year maybe, we'll see," I say, "I think it'll definitely be after the year mark."

"See, you've got time, don't stress, don't overthink," my mom tells me, "you'll see her soon, live in the moment."

I nod as we step out of my car. We walk up to the front of the house, my mom unlocks the front door as I admire the promise ring I've got for my girlfriend. When we walk in, I'm shocked at the sight: Hugo is sitting on the couch on the side closest to the door and next to him seems to be a pillow barrier with the couch cushions as he watches the vampire diaries.

"Shut up," Hugo says, "Damon is cool, I know he gets with Elena at some point and I think they'll be so much better together than Stefan and Elena. Oh, João, great, you're home," he says turning his attention to me, "are you aware you're dating a child ?"

My eyes dart to the head that's rising on the other side of the pillow wall.

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