Star Wars: Cross Paths

By ElsaCaramelo

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Ines Talia is a close friend of Princess Leia and from Alderaan. When she got a message from her friend, tell... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting Obi Wan Kenobi
Chapter 2 - Death Start
Chapter 3 - The Rescue Plan
Chapter 4 - Princess Leia
Chapter 5 - Escaping the Death Star
Chapter 6 - Yavin 4
Chapter 7 - Preparing everything
Chapter 8 - The Attack
Chapter 9 - Celebration
Chapter 10 - Hoth
Chapter 11 - Finding Luke
Chapter 12 - Recovering
Chapter 13 - "I love you"
Chapter 14 - Evacuating
Chapter 15 - Dagobah
Chapter 16 - Master Yoda
Chapter 17 - The Cave
Chapter 18 - Meant to be together
Chapter 19 - Lando Calrissian
Chapter 20 - Caught
Chapter 21 - Together again
Chapter 22 - The Revelation
Chapter 23 - Rebel Rendezvous Point
Chapter 24 - First night together
Chapter 25 - Tatooine
Chapter 26 - Jabba, the Hutt
Chapter 27 - Sarlaac Pit
Chapter 28 - Twin Sister
Chapter 29 - Going to be a Father!
Chapter 30 - Ewoks
Chapter 31 - New Allies
Chapter 32 - A Surprise from the Emperor
Chapter 33 - The Emperor
Chapter 34 - Luke vs Vader
Chapter 35 - A question from the sky
Chapter 36 - Han and Luke
Chapter 37 - Ewok Wedding
Chapter 38 - Coruscant
Chapter 39 - A special date
Chapter 40 - The dress
Chapter 41 - Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
Chapter 42 - The Big Day
Chapter 43 - The Party
Chapter 44 - Listen the Force
Chapter 45 - Reriokawa
Chapter 46 - Thank the Force
Chapter 47 - Info from Wedge
Chapter 48 - The bartender
Chapter 49 - Back home
Chapter 50 - Luke and Ines Skywalker
Chapter 51 - Finding Order 66
Chapter 52 - A father's message
Chapter 53 - Father and Son
Chapter 54 - Luke and Leia
Chapter 55 - Telling Han!
Chapter 56 - First Fight
Chapter 57 - Naboo
Chapter 58 - The Naberries
Chapter 59 - Life and death
Chapter 60 - Baby Ben
Chapter 61 - Visit from the old mentor
Chapter 62 - Old Memories
Chapter 63 - Sisters fight
Chapter 64 - More students
Chapter 65 - New Ideas
Chapter 66 - Old friends
Chapter 67 - Best friends
Chapter 68 - The Ring
Chapter 69 - Smooching in the Falcon
Chapter 70 - The Surprise
Chapter 71 - Anuska Ywely
Chapter 72 - Family time
Chapter 73 - Birthday Lunch
Chapter 74 - Birthday Proposal
Chapter 75 - Hot Birthday Night
Chapter 76 - The Next Day
Chapter 77 - Compromise
Chapter 78 - Shira
Chapter 79 - Senate Meeting
Chapter 80 - Teaching Han
Chapter 81 - Freedom Day
Chapter 82 - Night Celebration
Chapter 83 - The Party Goes On
Chapter 84 - Arrested for treason?
Chapter 85 - The Trial
Chapter 86 - 5 years ago Flashback
Chapter 87 - End of the day
Chapter 88 - Ines birthday
Chapter 89 - A Sick Baby
Chapter 90 - Wrein Spink
Chapter 91 - Man to Man Conversation
Chapter 92 - Old Master
Chapter 93 - The Arrival of the Students
Chapter 94 - Inauguration Ceremony
Chapter 95 - First day of training
Chapter 96 - Life Day
Chapter 97 - Uncle Ha!
Chapter 98 - Old Rival
Chapter 99 - The Dresses
Chapter 100 - Ben's First Birthday
Chapter 101 - Ben's Party
Chapter 102 - Learning with Han
Chapter 103 - Girls night
Chapter 104 - Guys night
Chapter 105 - Kijo Training
Chapter 106 - The Day Before
Chapter 107 - The Day
Chapter 108 - A Father's Visit
Chapter 109 - The Wedding Reception
Chapter 110 - Edmar Talia
Chapter 111 - Old Memories Part 2
Chapter 112 - Built Lightsabers
Chapter 113 - Call from Coruscant
Chapter 114 - Convergence
Chapter 115 - Watching over
Chapter 116 - Exploring
Chapter 117 - Remembering
Chapter 118 - Leia's pregnancy checkup
Chapter 119 - Ines's Pregnancy Checkup
Chapter 120 - Taken
Chapter 121 - Go in peace
Chapter 122 - Padmé & Alli Skywalker
Chapter 123 - Grandfather's visit
Chapter 124 - Queen's Naluma visit
Chapter 125- Going to Lah'mu System
Chapter 126 - Dan, Gracy and Ken Talia
Chapter 127 - Returning to Varykino
Chapter 128 - Meeting the family
Chapter 129 - All Together Again
Chapter 130 - Sister and Brother in law
Chapter 131 - Back in Coruscant
Chapter 132 - Spying
Chapter 133 - Kidnapped
Chapter 134 - Finding Alli
Chapter 135 - Rescuing Alli
Chapter 136 - Make Amends
Chapter 137 - Taking Alli home
Chapter 138 - Leaving A Message
Chapter 139 - Planning the trip
Chapter 140 - Going to Kamino
Chapter 141 - Kamino
Chapter 142 - Leaving Kamino
Chapter 143 - Arriving
Chapter 144 - Still Alive
Chapter 145 - Dinner with friends
Chapter 146 - A talk with an old friend
Chapter 147 - Dex Diner
Chapter 148 - Training Scores
Chapter 149 - It Begins
Chapter 150 - An Unforgettable Life Day
Chapter 151 - In Labor
Chapter 152 - Clone Luke
Chapter 153 - Trouble on the way?
Chapter 155 - Recovering
Chapter 156 - Iris Solo
Chapter 157 - Finding out the truth
Chapter 158 - What now?
Chapter 159 - Emergency meeting
Chapter 160 - Mother & daughter
Chapter 161 - An Attack
Chapter 162 - Strategy
Chapter 163 - Darksaber
Chapter 164 - In Danger
Chapter 165 - Idda
Chapter 166 - Feeling Guilty
Chapter 167 - Doubts
Chapter 168 - The women of his life
Chapter 169 - Visiting Idda
Chapter 170 - Serious information
Chapter 171 - The Virus
Chapter 172 - Was it worthy?
Chapter 173 - Bad news
Chapter 174 - The Duel
Chapter 175 - Afraid to lose her
Chapter 176 - Meeting an old Senator
Chapter 177 - Finally in prison
Chapter 178 - A weird proposition
Chapter 179 - You're the only one I want
Chapter 180 - Mos Espa
Chapter 181 - New Ally in the Future

Chapter 154 - Danger

278 9 15
By ElsaCaramelo

It was the last day of the year and also the wedding day of Sandy. Since Ines saw her on Dex Diner months ago, that they barely saw her. But both of them got an invitation from them with the date, place and hour of the ceremony. Even Dan and Gracy got an invitation too, apparently Sandy wanted to gather everyone from their home planet that she knew as a memory of old times.

Right now they were all gathered in Leia and Han's apartment, where Aurea was there alongside with Chewie.

"Thank you so much for helping Chewie taking care of the kids" Leia told her smiling as she hold Anakin on her chest.

"Hey, you know I love these kids like they were my own grandchildren" she said holding a 6 weeks old Bail, who was sleeping peaceful on her arms. "Besides I have the help of these two, right?" she asked to Ken and Iris

"Yes Aurea," Ken said while he was crouching on the floor, playing with Ben, who already were in his favorite pajama.

"I wish I could go with you," Iris said looking at her parents.

"Well this time it is only for us sweetie. And trust me, I wish I could stay," Han said winking at her making the girl smile at her father.

"We will be home sooner than you think. We only attend the ceremony and stay for a while in the reception. We want to spend the end of the year with you," Ines replied as she caring Alli. "Besides at midnight these two will turn 5 months already." she smile at her daughter, who was focus on her mother's earrings "I know they are shiny. Soon you will have your ears pierced and can wear ones too."

"When will you do that?" Gracy asked her

"Ines and I were thinking when they reach 6 months. Maybe before Ben's 2nd birthday, so they could look all pretty that day" he replied smiling at Padmé in his arms. The little girl was sitting on her father's lap and she was focus on his and Ines's lightsabers. "No, this is not a toy." he told her, raising on her little feet on top of his legs, making the little girl rest her little hands on his cheeks, making him smile. "That's right, when you get older you can built one"

"I can't wait for that," Ken said smiling.

"Well you are doing great, so soon you will have yours" Luke smiled at his nephew.

"I think we better go. It is almost time for the ceremony," Dan warned looking at the clock.

Nodding Luke and Ines put their twins on their little pillows on the floor and pulling their son, they kissed his little cheeks, making the little boy smile, but when they pull apart they couldn't help but laugh when he clean his face.

"Thanks a lot," Ines smiled at that.

Leia kissed Anakin and putting him on his crib, while Han kissed Bail on Aurea's arms.

"See you in a few hours my sweet boy," he said smiling at his baby. Pulling Iris he picked his daughter. "Take care of these kids and obey Aurea."

"I will," she said and they say goodbye to her and Dan and Gracy hugged their son.

"Be a good boy," Gracy said kissing her son

"I will mother."

And with a goodbye they left to the Great Western Sea for the wedding.


Great Western Sea:

The moment they arrived at the Great Western Sea, Gracy was speechless by the place.

"Oh my, I never thought this was so beautiful and that Coruscant had an ocean?" she said as they left the transportation ship and were heading to where the ceremony would happen.

"I know right?" Ines said smiling. "I was here on my 24th birthday and it was a place that I always wanted to visit."

"You know that your father had a meditation retreat along the shore here where he come to meditate?" Dan told Luke. When they came to Coruscant, Luke decided to tell him the whole story and who his and Leia's father was. He did that because he and Gracy was part of his family and he never lied to his family. They were shocked and surprised but they understood and didn't judge Luke or Leia for that.

"I knew about that but it was destroyed, so to bring it back I had to find it and restore with the force. Maybe someday I will do that and come here to meditate when our kids drive us crazy," he laughed.

They arrived in at the place where the ceremony would happened and it was in a beautiful place near the shore.

Once they arrived, some of the guests looked at them and started to whispered, since they knew who they were. Not paying attention to that, they went to their seats and sitting down, they looked around.

"This is nice I have to say," Han said.

"Sandy was always very meticulous when the subject was her wedding and apparently she didn't change," Leia agreed looking around.

She remembered when they were young and they had like girls nights in her palace, where they talk about how they imagine their wedding would look like, Sandy always wanted a wedding near the water, with flowers and white chairs and a big wedding dress, and she kept her idea cause that was exactly what she was having.

The music started and they all stood up while the bride arrived with her father. The moment she passed by them she wave smiling. Ines couldn't help but smile too. Sandy did change for the good and she was happy for her. Glare to her right she saw Anuska sitting next to Wrein and clearly she had that fake smile and she knew she was very upset that another friend of hers were getting married before her. Somehow she didn't believe for a second she was in love with Wrein. She simply was with him because she didn't want to be the only one single.

"You are thinking the same right?" Leia whispered to her, making her turn her face to her sister in law.

"You too?" Ines asked making Leia nod.

"Are you talking about the fact that Anuska and Wrein are a couple?" Gracy asked.

"Right. Wrein is not the type of guy she wanted, and I'm not talking about physically, if you know what I mean." Leia said. "I knew Anuska better than anyone and we all know the type of guy she wanted to be with."

"Oh I know, but he is mine," Ines said.

"She was always ambitious and thought that people below her were kind of disgusting. She never did go after you because you and Leia were best friends, but she never liked you because for her our family was a servant" Gracy said glaring at her "And now she is dating Wrein? I don't buy it."

"Neither do I. But if I say something to Wrein, he may think I'm jealous which come on, he is my friend that's all."

"Will you girls stop whispering?" Han told them, making them look at him with a frown, "We are trying to pay attention to the wedding here."

Gracy, Leia and Ines looked at each other.

"Sorry General," Ines said and sat straight but they all smirked.


In the Solo's apartment the twins were sleeping, while Ben was watching his cousins playing Dejarik, holding his X-Wing on his left hand and sucking his pacifier, trying to grabbed the creatures but couldn't because they were holograms, being watched closer by 3PO and R2

"Ben, don't touch it," Iris said as she press a button and her player moved a few steps. "Now let's see how you handle that," she said looking at Ken.

R2 beeped making Ben laughed.

"R2 don't say that. Let them play on their own way," 3PO said.

Ken looked for a while and pressed his button, his creature came forward and crushed Iris's one.

"Haha what were you saying?" Ken said.

"You used the force to winning?" Iris replied.

"No I didn't. You just can't stand losing," he said laughing when Iris throwing a pillow at him laughing too.

There was a sound from the door communicator and 3PO walked towards and after a few minutes he came with a small box.

"What's that 3PO?" Iris asked.

"Oh miss Iris I don't know. Someone said that was for a present for the family," the protocol replied the moment Aurea came from inside holding an awake Alli.

"What is this?" she asked.

"We don't know. 3PO said it was for us," Ken replied. Standing up, Iris took the little box from the droid's hand and opening she gasped.

"Look Ben it is your favorite cookies," she said sitting on the floor, making the kid smiled and walked towards her, "That must be from Dex."

Ken looked at the box and taking from Iris hand he examined it.

"That doesn't seem a box from Dex and by the way Dex always send cookies to Ben when Aunt Ines or Uncle Luke goes there, not like this," he looked at her.

"Who cares." She said grabbing one and eating, "They are delicious."

"Iris, you didn't have dinner yet." Aurea told her.

"Only one Aurea," she said looking at her. "Besides Chewie didn't arrive yet with the burgers and I'm hungry."

"Only that one," the old lady said smiling at Alli. "Don't want to sleep anymore sweetie. Let me guess you want your dada and mama," she said kissing her forehead.

"Here," Iris said to Ben, laughing when the little boy took his pacifier and put it on the table and before she could give it to him, the blue cookie on her hand flew towards his "Nice kid," she said, when all of the sudden, her face change and dropping the box on the floor she grabbed her stomach. "I don't feel so good."

"Iris?" Ken asked to his friend and he realized was happening. Looking at his cousin, he raised his hand and made the cookie flew from the toddlers hand before he could eat it, making Ben pout and started to cry.

"Ken why did you do that to your cousin?" Aurea said walking towards the kid, but before Ken could answered, Iris fell on the floor convulsing "Oh my goodness"

"Aurea we need to take her to the hospital." Ken yelled.

Chewie entered in that exact moment and growled when he saw the scene.

"Chewie!" Ken said. "This cookies are poisonous. We need to take her to the hospital right now."

Nodding and growling, Chewie grabbed the now unconscious girl and ran, being followed by Ken, that grabbing the box of cookies, he decided to bring it back with them, while Aurea try to contact the Solos in the Great Western Sea.


In the Great Western Sea, everyone was waiting to talk to bride and groom. The Solos, Skywalkers and Talias were in the line. When their turned arrived they hugged Sandy and shook hand with her now husband.

"I'm so glad you came," she told them. "This is my husband Keaton."

"Nice to meet you. And the ceremony was beautiful and you look stunning." Leia told her hugging her.

"Thank you" Sandy said with a smile as she hugged Ines and Gracy.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Your names are legendary," Keaton said shaking Han's and Luke's hands.

"We know," Han said with an awkward smile. He never liked this things.

"You will stay for the reception right?" Sandy asked, but before they could answer Leia's face changed and she looked at Luke and Ines, who felt it too.

Knowing them well enough, Han looked concerned

"What happened?" he asked but before they could answered him, the communicator on his writs beeped. Pressing the buttons he spoke. "Han Solo here."

On the other end a very worried Aurea was heard.

"Han, Leia please you need to come quickly."

"What happened, Aurea?" Leia asked.

"It is Iris, she ate a poisonous cookie. We are heading to the hospital right now." she said and before she could end the transmission, they were already heading back.

"I'm sorry Sandy we need to go," Ines said.

"Of course. Please tell what happened?" Sandy asked with a worried face ad she saw they running towards the Senate Hospital, hoping they would arrive in time.

Who do you think sent this poisonous cookies and to whom it was? Will Iris be okay?

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