Chapter 61 - Visit from the old mentor

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Varykino, Naboo:

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Varykino, Naboo:

It was the end of the week. Everything was going well in the Lake Retreat. Yolla visited Ines every day, checking on her, seeing if mother and child were fine, and according to the midwife, they were perfectly fine. The milk that Ines had was very good, which was visible on little Ben. The baby was growing healthy. Right now what he only did was, poop, eat and sleep, but the few times he was awake, it was a joy for Ines and Luke. One thing they loved is when they were closer to him, he focus on them with his little eyes, making some baby noises that melt their hearts. They loved to spend time watching their baby, even when he was asleep, watching his little mouth pout in his sleep. They were in love with their baby.

At this moment Luke was outside, of his bedroom veranda, meditate, with R2 rolling around. He was sitting, with his eyes close, feeling the force flowing through him. Just like in Dagobah, things started to floating around him, including R2, that was having a dejá vu for sure.

Luke started to have visions, just like in Dagobah.

- He started to see his childhood back in the farm with his Uncle and Aunt, and the adventures he had with Biggs.

- The day he met Ben and he gave his father lightsaber and the day he kissed Ines back in Hoth.

- The moments he had with master Yoda.

Then the vision stopped being for the past. The next one, he gasped about what he saw:

He saw a young woman, around her 20's with long blonde hair and blue eyes, sitting on a golden throne. On her right was another younger woman that was the mirror image of the one that was on the throne, while on her left was young man, almost two years older, with brown hair and blue eyes, just like the eyes of the young girls. The three had lightsabers on their waist. He looked around and saw that in the room were all the senators of the galaxy, bowing to the young woman, as a sign of respect. Also the Jedi were around the room with their lightsabers up the air. Then he noticed that on the side there was him and Ines with a young boy 10 next to them with blond hair and blue eyes. They looked around their 40's and next to them was Han and Leia, with two young men around 19 years old, both with their lightsabers also in the air and young woman wearing Senator clothes and she was bowing as well.

Luke opened his eyes and everything around him got back into the floor, including R2, that beeped once he reached the floor, making Luke looked at him

"This time I didn't drop you all of the sudden like last time" he told to the droid who beeped again. Smiling, Luke stood up and reached the railway and looked at the sun. He knew who those young girls and boy were. Now he knew why his father told him months ago, why he and Ines had to so a decision and conceived the twins and he found out that they would have another boy. Now he knew why his kids would be important for the galaxy.

He entered in the bedroom and smiled watching Ines, supporting herself on her right elbow, watching Ben, who was awake at the time, moving his little legs and hands.

"Who is mama's little boy?" she asked rubbing her nose on his little one, kissing his little cheek, making the baby looking at her. "I love you" she smiled at him

"Hey, I'm starting to get jealous" Luke laughed, as he lay next to them, and play with Ben's little feet, smiling when he kick them.

"You know I love you both" Ines said smiling when Luke leaning forward and kissed her and then looking down he kissed his son cheek.

"And I love you both too" he smiled when looking at his baby he remembered how a handsome young man he will become. "He will have your hair but my eyes"

Ines looked at him with a questionable look on her face

"How do you know? Normally only around 6 months old they will get their definitive color"

Luke looked at her

"Cause I saw, minutes ago"

"You had a vision of the future?" Ines asked making Luke nod, and looking down she stroke gently her baby's little hair. "Tell me"

"How about you take a little walk. You can get out of bed now, and it is a really nice afternoon"

"I will like that" Ines smiled.


Luke and Ines were walking slowly around the square, watching the water in front of them. Luke was holding their son on his arms, while Ines has her left arm, around Luke's right one. Since her belly was still a little swell yet, Ines wore a dress.

"Are you feeling okay babe?" Luke asked her

"Yes. It nice to get out of our bedroom and the baby need to get some fresh air" she said looking at him, sleeping on Luke's arms. Ines looked at him. "I still can't believe the vision you saw. One of our twins will rule the galaxy. What does that mean?"

"It means that having a Jedi ruling the galaxy, it will make the future Sith out of it" a male voice appeared and Luke and Ines looked to the side and they smile when they saw the old Jedi

"Ben" Ines smiled. It was the first time she saw his force ghost.

Obi Wan walked towards them and smiled when he saw the baby on Luke's arms.

"I feel honor that you named your son after me" Ben said

"It was thanks to you that we met and you were our mentor" Luke replied to his old mentor

"That was why Luke's father told him when the time comes we need to make a decision to have the twins?"

"Yes, young Ines. You know having one of your daughters as the ruler of the Galaxy as Empress, the other as chancellor, and your son as future grand master of Jedi Order, you know they will be a target. Besides your younger son will be the best Pilot of the Galaxy. So it will be up to you to go for it knowing that the moment you conceived them, a lot of enemies will try to make sure they will not born."

Luke and Ines looked at each other

"I guess by the vision, we made that decision already" Luke said smiling at his wife, who smiled back at him.

"And we will have another boy!" Ines smiled at Luke who smiled back at her. Than Luke looked at Ben "Thank you for everything"

Ben knew what he was telling but let Luke continue

"For being there for my mother at the end"

"Padmé was a great friend. I felt sorry for her death. It was as a debt to her that I decided to look after you all that time. The moment you and Ines met, I knew my work in a way was done and that is why I did what I did in the Death Star. Your destinies were intertwine all along" the old Jedi said.

Luke smile at Ben

Ben looked at them and then to little Ben and smiling he told them

"May the force be with both of you, always"

"May the force be with you too" Luke told to Obi Wan before he gave a last look to the baby and disappeared, leaving him alone with Ines.

Ines looked at him and running her hand on his blond hair she said smiling

"I will have as many as children with you Luke, not because they will be powerful but because they are yours"

Luke smiled and looking at his baby, he raised him upon his face and said

"You will be a great Jedi Master, not only because you are my son. The force is strong in your family: your grandfather had it, your father, your mother, and your aunt have it and you have that power too." he hold back his baby on his chest, supporting his little head that he kissed it.

Old Ben Kenobi appeared for Luke and Ines and saw little Ben for the first time. What did you guys thought of their talk and the vision Luke had?

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