Don't Chase The Truth

By Indian_army_once

21.9K 880 239

Starring : Park Jihyo (TWICE), Min Yoongi (BTS) and Kang Daniel (Former WannaOne now soloist ) Cover : TWICE... More

The breaking news
Moji Time
The summon to the king's office
Away from the world
An unexpected gift
Authour's note
An unexpected gift part 2
Battery dead
The long phone call
The shower of questions
Time travel
Jin + nayeon = Jinayeon ?
Let's skip some time
Author's Note
Heart Talk
Under The Starry Night
Book Of Questions
My Energy Booster
Welcome Back To Reality
Preparing to meet ( TWICE version )
Preparing To Meet ( BTS version )
Who are you guys ?
We Are Gonna Have A Blast!!?!!
How do you know them?
Friends Or Enemies?
Somethings cooking
A Dream As Sweet As Cream
Back To My Idol Life
It feels good.
Its The Beginning.
Someone New?
Will You Wait?
I Can't !
The Prince and His Angel
My Daily Dose Of Happiness
Let me go... please
Things are always against me....
We Came So Close to The End
What did I do to loose you?
What happened?
My World Is A Whirlpool
The Most Unexpected Events
Letting You Hate Me
Yeah, You Were Never Mine To Loose You
Where Do We Go From Here?
Everything Is The Same?
Get Hurt For Of Me
A Date Or A Hang Out?
Makeover ( ain't a update on Chapter )
A New Start
The Half Fake Half True Smile
Will You let me?
Things Are About To Change
Ruined Reputation
I realized I was Being A Jerk
Walking Down The Memory Lane
A Lifeless Human
A Good Fight
Parting Ways For Good
Loosing Everything
Friend in Need Who? It should be Friend in Drunk
Soju, My Best Friend.
A New Start
" Its A Promise "
Senorita, Melodrama and #FriendshipGoals
She's a Charmer
Jealousy, Date.
Something more than likeness
The Wind Goddess
Up No More
Be My Familiar Stranger
It's A Good Kind Of Change
Momentary Happiness
Little Do I Know
Forgive You?

Meant to be apart

163 7 3
By Indian_army_once

Jungkook's Point Of View :-

Later that day I woke up in Yoongi Hyung's room, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully so I decided not to disturb him. I made my way towards my room to take a quick shower and stuff myself with something good enough to be called as breakfast.

It feels a lot lighter that I finally spoke to someone about the things troubling me, though I know I stood start fixing everything from the start and start by apologizing to Jihyo I am still half relieved that I spoke to Suga hyung and he didn't react negatively.

While I was heating up the take out food which Jin hyung had ordered and pouring myself some banana milk I saw everyone start to wake up one by one and make their way to the kitchen. The first one to come was Jimin, then Joon hyung followed by Jin hyung, Hobi Hyung and Tae, the last to arrive was as usual Yoongi Hyung.

Everyone threw a good morning greeting at each other and started to find something for breakfast too. Once we had all settled down on the table eating silently a thought- or more like a question came into my mind and I couldn't but ask it out loud

Jungkook : " So Hyung, what are you and Jihyo now? are you speaking to her? will you go after her or will you stop? "

My question was directed to Suga Hyung but everyone in the table turned towards him for answers as though they have been waiting for someone to speak about it to him and see what he reacts like.

He just shrugged.

Namjoon : " You don't know? he's already after her, poor girl with his stalking abilities I will not be surprised if he scares her away. "

He said as though matter of a fact and earned himself a glare from grumpy Yoongi Hyung who was not a morning person. The rest of the Hyung line snorted at Namjoon hyung's words and us maknae line sat confused.

Jimin : " Wait, you are stalking her??!! Hyung! how can you do such bizarre things? "

He said with a feeling of offence, oh that, he kind of might have adopted Jihyo as his sister. They have been pretty close since trainee days and not to mention their bro-sis bond grew stronger when we visited all TWICE at that mansion that day.

Yoongi : " Oh shut up, I didn't do any such thing "

He growled at how they were all ruining his morning. Hobi Hyung scoffed which gained the attention of everyone

Hoseok : " Yeah right, messaging her each passing minute, asking her manager about her every schedule and also somehow getting info on with whom she is speaking is not 'stalking' "

He scowled and received a bunch of unique responses

" Heol "

" Daebak "

" Eh, that's so creepy Hyung "

" Ha! I expected you to do something like that "

" Totally head over heels aren't we "

Suga : " Oh shut up! I just wanted to make sure she was alright "

He defended himself and his pale cheeks got covered with a slight pink color. We all grinned on seeing him so embarrassed and gave him a look that said 'Ain't no way we buying that lie'

Jin : " So, is it working? you think she will like you back and will tell you the truth of what she is hiding? "

He asked curiously but before Yoongi hyung could respond Tae bet him into it

Taehyung : " Isn't it obvious she likes him? like look at how they look at each other. "

He said and from the corner of my eyes I saw Suga hyung smiling like an idiot from ear to ear while stuffing his mouth with his cereal.

Jin hyung rolled his eyes and got ready to answer

Jin : " Yeah she might have looked at him as if she liked him but after what and all this Mr. I-will-overreact-at-everything did and said to her I doubt she will still like him "

He said without realising that all 7 of us are here and it instantly put a deep frown on Yoongi hyung's face and he mercilessly started attacking his cereal

Poor cereal, having to put up with his tantrums

Everyone looked at him to see his aggressive reaction and Jin hyung immediately cleared his throat due to the awkwardness

Namjoon : " I still think she likes him, she's a very selfless and forgiving girl and I think she will understand him if he mans up and tries to speak with her about all this. "

He gave in his opinion which made everyone silent and ponder about it for a while. I sighed softly not wanting to gain the attention of others.

That's the whole problem, sometimes I hope Jihyo wasn't as selfless and understanding as she is now. Don't get me wrong I am happy that she is such a pure hearted person, in this world its very very rare to find anyone like her.

Sometimes I wish she will- like other people let out her anger, will try to place her points and not just worry about what other's opinion would be said. She needs to learn to not bottle up things and just say it in the face at that exact moment.

Yoongi : " Its not that I am not manning up, she doesn't give me a chance! I tried so much but she just wants to shut me off and stay away. "

He defends himself which momentarily breaks the silence that had filled in.

Jimin : " After all you said and did to her you expect her to come running into your arms when you finally realize you were being a jerk? what did you think? after a 2 month or so of hating her immensely without a reason you go say 'Hey Ji, sorry for being a a**hole I realized it wasn't your fault and it was mine please forgive me' then she will jump into your arms 'Its okay oppa, I understand' and then you two hug and live happily every after? "

He scoffed which made everyone except Yoongi Hyung snicker, he put on a deep frown

Yoongi : " Yeah I know it isn't that simple and I should do something more to gain her trust back. That's why I am trying hard okay?! "

He snapped causing us to shut up.

Taehyung : " What are you planning to do Hyung? "

He asked voicing out my thought.

Yoongi : " I don't know man, for now I am just messaging her in hopes she will reply soon but I need to do something faster. "

He sighed and we all fell in deep thought about what idea we can come up with.

Jin : " For now, lets not stress over it. We have our overseas schedules starting from tomorrow remember? We will be away for a month or so. Yoongi lets give Jihyo some space, make sure to message her your apology and keep it sincere. Let her take the time to think about it while we are away "

Dang I almost forgot we will be away for 1 whole month!

Everyone nodded in agreement to Jin hyung's advice and Yoongi Hyung didn't seem as happy to be reminded that we will have to be away. Maybe he was planning to do something in a few days to get back Jihyo but now he has to halt it all.

I empathize him, hopefully these two have a talk and sort it out slowly but surely.


Jihyo's side in Jihyo's Point of view :-

After that night having a sleepover with my two best friends, Enwoo had to wake up early to leave for his next schedule. I walked him off to his car and after exchanging a few words he left making sure I was okay. He was hesitant but finally got worry-free, or so I assume.

That morning was also the day I would move in to my new apartment. Before when I moved in to Sejeong's I had dragged Enwoo along to hunt down a good place and with Peniel's suggestions I finally found a nice little apartment which was at a good distance from the Company (JYPE) to Sejeong's house.

I found its location impressive too, aside the fact its situated near the company it was also in a seemingly quiet neighborhood and with very few people around. It was also a place where most celebrities had a private apartment so I guess it naturally was in an isolated area and people didn't tend to notice it more. My apartment was on the 21st floor with a balcony that gave me quiet a view of the city from above. The terrace was even much better. Though I think its a large apartment just for a single person its okay cause in the short amount of time I don't have the right to complain.

I was currently making lunch- yeah me and the kitchen are a not so good pair but you have to do what you gotta do- then my phone buzzed, When I took it from the counter I was surprised to see I had messages from 4 people. All sent at different time but maybe I was too busy making up how I can put the ruined foods to use -you guessed it right, I burnt the chicken and the rice too was overcooked- so maybe I didn't notice the buzz of my phone.

Messages were from different people whom I did and didn't expect from.

From JYP PD-nim which was unexpected :

JYP PD-nim : Jihyo I hope you are settled well in the apartment, though I would have been happy if you chose another one. I hope you are finding it comfortable. If you have anything else you need feel free to contact or ask me or your managers.

A smirk made it to my face, at first I was the one going to pay for a different flat but then suddenly when the time to pay the rent arrived I got a message from PD-nim telling me to forward him the cost and it would be paid by the company. I was reluctant and said I would pay for it myself but he didn't agree so purposely to piss him off I brought this apartment which was slightly over the company budget. I expected him to cancel it, and heck I even had the money ready to pay for myself cause in no way I was changing my choice again cause I was too lazy.

But surprise PD-nim's ego came in the way and in the end the company did pay for the flat. I felt a bit guilty, I didn't knew he would take it seriously and I was very ready to pay for myself but oh well the guilt soon faded when I remembered all the horrible hell he has put me through.

Next message was from our Manager Unnie, expected :

Manager Unnie : Jihyo, your schedules will be starting from tomorrow. I am sorry I couldn't come in to help with your apartment move in. I have sent the remaining of your things from the dorm to your flat, it will be on the way. Call me if you need anything.

Jihyo : Got it unnie.

It was the most expected message I got, its like I had imagined the exact same words and she exactly read my mind. I typed in that message and sent it not too eagerly looking forward for tomorrow

So I have to face them all again tomorrow huh? Hell, its not that I was the one who started it or it wasn't my fault either so why am I the one feeling like a villain right now?

Sighing I went on to read the other messages

It was from Daniel-ssi, expected :-

Daniel- ssi : Hi, Jihyo. I know we had to postpone our meet due to your move out but can we meet tomorrow? Also sorry I couldn't make it to help you move in, hope you are settled in well. Is tomorrow okay?

It was sent a few minutes ago and it was expected cause when I called him to call off the meeting due to my move in he told me he would call or text in few hours.

I am not actually excited to go on to meet him but yeah sure what right do I have to decline when I don't have a solid reason and he seems to be looking forward to it?

Jihyo : Okay. Just let me know when and where?

I typed in and sent, almost after a few minutes I got his reply. Its as if he was waiting for me to reply

Daniel : Cool, Tomorrow at 6 pm in Sugar Shake? I can pick you up.

Jihyo : Oh okay, but no need to pick me up its actually pretty close from here.

Daniel : Okay, its a date then ;)

Umm..... awkward.

Instead of trying to say anything else I just sent him a okay emoji and exited his chat.

Hopefully tomorrow evening our place gets attacked by a meteorite or something, or better it gets declared as a emergency and we need to stay locked up in our houses and never get out in any cause.

I was half joking before when I said I was not eager for tomorrow but now I am 100% positive that I need something to happen so I don't have to leave my flat and no one can enter to disturb me either.

Sighing I looked at the last un read message I had. It had a green circle with number 4 engraved in white inside it.

No one sends me 4 messages all at a same time, everyone who chats are always people who write paragraphs in one message and its annoying sometimes too. Well its not exactly bad or anything but I simply don't like it when there are huge paras written in one message.

My eyes dropped to the right to see whose contact it belonged to and my eyes widened for a while then dilated to its normal size.

Of course its Yoongi oppa, do I even have to think? he breaks his messages into different parts and lately he has found some humor in messaging me as if nothing happened.

I should there for a good minute contemplating whether I should open the messages or not, should I? once I start I won't be able to stop... but maybe I can just read and not reply? its always been this way.

Breathing out a sigh I clicked on the name "Suga Sunbae" which was screaming for my attention. Yeah I had changed back his contact name to what it was the first day we exchanged numbers. I even wanted to delete and block it but... but I just couldn't. Its not always that you have to delete the number of the person who was your whole world for over 3 years you know.

Suga Sunbae : Hey baby girl!

Suga Sunbae : Just wanted to tell you that I want to speak to you, I miss you a lot. I feel so bad at the fact that I can't even receive your texts what more your calls or face time

Suga Sunbae : We will be heading to USA for a month or so, will miss you a lot

Suga Sunbae : Won't disturb you, will be sending updates every day. Have a good day today and good night tonight, make sure to dream of me and only me ;)




He called you... ba- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Breath Jihyo Breath

How can he?? who does he think he is!! one day he's mad, one day he's soft, one day he's guilty, one day he's angry and one day he's flirty-

Wait a damn minute! did I say flirty? Oh please don't tell me I just said that!

Gosh women get a hold of yourself he did not flirt with you

But he called you 'baby girl' and said he misses you and also to dream of him only

No, nope, no, never! Stupid brain you better shut up! he didn't say any of this, he just... he was just...

Yeah he was just flirting with you.

NO! He was just being goofy that's all, he just wanted to play around and make a fool of me that's all!

After an internal battle with me and my brain I managed to calm down, he just messaged me as usual and said he missed me, and informed me that he will be out of country for a month. That's all no biggy.

Wait, Out of country... and that too for more than a month..

Something inside me sank, its not like we are on talking terms and we see each other but still I don't know why but I heart feels heavy on knowing the distance between us will be increased a lot physically.

Great, first the mental distance and now physical, guess we really are meant to stay apart.

With a sigh I managed to exit the chat and shut my phone down.

It concerns me that he still has so much effect on me, we broke apart several days ago, it seems like its been ages but still a single message from him can make me blush and frown at the same time.

Uff, stupid heart learn from the brain and shut him and these feelings out. He will only be hurt by me and I don't want to do that again.


Also, what's with these guys and wink emoji?








Thank you for reading! hope you guys enjoyed!

Guess who finally got the time to update? Me! your long lost author, HAHAHAH *guilty laugh*. Seriously I am surprised how I am still not passed out by the amount of work I had this whole week.

Anyways, who's excited for BTS x Coldplay ? ME!! and I know YOU too! I am sure it will be a banger as always. Excited to see what new surprise we will get this time

Will keep it short and sweet today, so see ya next time!

Stay safe, take care


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