Christmas Special

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A/N: Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to put out a little Christmas special for Y/N and Kiri (as promised) but I'm still taking a break from writing this story (at least until season 5 is released), so I'm sorry if it's not great. I'm also trying to get a big girl job, but it feels like I'm throwing my resume into the void haha. Does anyone else feel like that? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!

P.S. I don't know anything about Japanese christmas traditions, so this will feel very American probably, as that's where I'm from. If you know any special traditions please feel free to message me or comment and let me know! 



It wasn't a white Christmas. There was snow on the ground, but no flurries falling from the sky. In fact, it was clear and sunny on Christmas eve. 

My father had called me saying he had to work on Christmas eve, but that he should be done by Christmas Day sometime in the afternoon, so I was left by myself in my dorm on the day of Christmas eve.  

I had cleaned my room to the point where it barely looked like anyone lived there, hung some decorations, finished my winter homework, and was about to put my coat on and go practice using my quirk in the quad when my phone started ringing. 


"Hey cutie." It was my boyfriend's voice on the other line. I couldn't help but crack a smile. 

"Hi! How's Christmas with your family?" I asked

"It's going well, but my siblings are kind of annoying haha. They keep asking about you." 

I couldn't even respond before I heard two other voices asking question after question in the background, both female, both younger sounding. 

"Ei, who's on the phone?"

"Is it your girlllfrrrieeennd?" 

"Sh- yes, now go-" he responded but was cut off 

"Can't wait to see youuuu!!!"

"Yeah, and bring chocolate!" 

"Hey! I hadn't gotten..." he must've covered the phone with his hand because his yelling became muffled. After a minute his voice came back.

"Ha... Sorry about that. Uh, anyways--"

"What's this about seeing me?" I asked proddingly.

"Well-I-about that... My moms wanted to see if you' to come over for dinner- uh- tonight."

"Tonight? Wait- your moms want me to come over for Christmas Eve dinner?!" I responded, shocked. 

"Uh- yeah. They kinda want to meet you-"

"They DO?! Oh my gosh, I'd love to! I'll be there at 5!" I basically screamed, which was met with a laugh on the other end of the phone. 

"I shoulda expected you to react like that! Um- you don't have to bring anything, Mayumi and Ima were just being-"

"Oh no, I can't show up empty handed! I gotta make a good first impression!" 

We said our goodbyes and I immediately changed direction to the nearest convenience store. I bought some chocolates for the sisters and the best bouquet of flowers I could find for his moms. 


5pm rolled around faster than I expected, and I stood on the front steps of his house with my flowers and gift in the cold with my nerves wracking my body. My hands were shaking as I rung the doorbell with my free hand. 

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