Chapter 97: Are Hospitals Going to Become a Regular Thing?

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Patrol seemed to take forever to end, but once it finally did, Tokoyami and I rushed to the train to get to the hospital. The ride was mostly silent, but that was ok. Tokoyami wasn't really very talkative to begin with, and all I could think about now was how worried I was about Kirishima and my classmates.

When we got to the hospital, we walked up to the front desk to ask where we could find our classmates, but before we could we heard a familiar voice from the other side of the lobby.

"Tokoyami! Y/n!" I swiveled my head to see Uraraka standing at the entrance to the rest of the hospital, waving for us to join her.

"I'm glad to see you're ok." Tokoyami mentioned as she led us down the hallway.

"Thanks, Tsu and I were actually uninjured, but one of the villains' quirks took away some of our energy, so we both had a good nap." She said as we came up on a door, which she stopped at.

"The others are...worse." She said as she slid the door open. We stepped inside to see two beds, one of which held Amajiki, whose face was half engulfed in gauze. There were bruises over his arms and neck, leading down to his chest.

The other one I recognized immediately, but only by his hair spikes. The rest of his entire body was wrapped in bandages and gauze, his arms were both in slings, and bandaids and gauze enveloped most of his face, leaving only his mouth and eyes exposed. He was laying on the bed like a mummy, his eyes closed in sleep as I approached his side.

"Oh my god... What happened?" I whispered, sitting in the chair next to the bed as my legs failed to keep my standing.

"He'll be ok. It's mostly cuts and bruises. Recovery Girl is on her way." Uraraka said softly.

"Thank goodness, I'm so tired of these slings." His voice said sleepily. I whipped my head towards him.

"Hey, did we wake you? I'm sorry." I said, trying to put my best brave happy face on and resting a hand on his arm. He winced at my touch and I quickly recoiled, horrified that I had just hurt him more.

"No, come back. It's ok" he groaned, and I hesitantly put my hand back on his arm, making sure to be extra gentle.

"What happened?" I asked gently as Uraraka and Tokoyami left.

"Uh, I fought this villain...He had a strength quirk. And he had a friend who had...shields like yours..." he said slowly, as if he was remembering it for the first time too.

"Shields like mine huh? Well that makes sense that you won." I joked a little, and he smiled.

"Oh come on, you know your shields are amazing." He said slowly.

"Yeah but they're nothing compared to your hardening. I mean, come on, you're Red Riot!" I reassured him.

"No, I was weak...I couldn't protect Fatgum... I wasn't strong enough." he said sadly. Almost as if on cue, I heard Fatgum's voice from the doorway

"Now that's not true, you bought me the time I needed to beat that guy. Who, by the way, was a B rank villain. Pretty big guns if I do say so myself. I wouldn't have beat him without you." I turned my head to look at the BMI hero, but was confronted with a figure I didn't quite recognize. He was no longer the giant marshmallow man I had come to recognize. This figure was thin, ripped, and...blonde? I guess I never really noticed since he always had a hood on. He stepped closer to us as he continued.

"You showed amazing bravery out there today, red. Not just anyone could jump back into battle like you did. Even your opponent recognized your chivalrous spirit, and I couldn't be more proud of you." he smiled that big grin that was so telling of his character, and I looked back at Kirishima and nodded.

"Me too. I'm so proud of you." I said, and tears pricked in the bandaged boy's eyes. He smiled and responded with

"Thanks guys."

"You get some rest ok? I'll wake you when Recovery Girl gets here." I told him, and Fatgum and I left him and Amajiki to rest.

Once we were outside of the door, I sank to the floor, my head between my knees. Fatgum knelt beside me

"Whoa! Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm just relieved he's ok." I breathed, the feeling I had just described washing over me in waves. "I couldn't get here sooner and I didn't have much information, so I imagined it to be a lot worse and was so worried about him, about all of you."

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