Chapter 33: Study Study Study!

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Pretty soon it was time for final exams.

Almost every day after class was spent on an hour or two in the gym lifting weights or running sprints and jumps to work on my speed and agility, and after that was at least an hour of studying in the school library before I got to head home.

Thank goodness the days were getting longer, summer was just around the corner, and I really wanted to go to this training camp. I even more so really did NOT want to go to summer school, so I absolutely had to pass this exam, practical and written.

I growled at my notebook and put my pen down to shake my hand, readjusting my earbud with the other. I grabbed my phone from the desk that was strewn with textbooks and papers and checked the time before opening it.


I've been at this for an hour already and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! I groaned and changed the song playing on my earphones. I tipped my chair back on its hind legs and balanced there for a bit, closing my eyes and humming along to the song. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped out of my skin, knocking the chair over and landing on the floor of the library with a yelp.

I opened my eyes to familiar dark red shoes, and my eyes trailed up the school uniform to rest on those beautiful scarlet orbs. I felt my face get hot and looked away from him, my hands searching for my phone that had fallen out of my grip when I fell.

"Haha! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you! Are you ok?" Kirishima asked as he knelt down to grab my phone. Our hands touched over the device and stayed there for just a second before I pulled mine away, grabbing my phone and looking up at him again. He reached another hand out to my free one and I took it, and he hoisted me up off the floor. I brushed off my skirt as he asked me

"Bakugou and I were just about to head to the diner for some dinner before we get back to studying, do you wanna join us?"

I looked over Kirishima's shoulder to see Bakugou sulking at the doorway to the library, growing more impatient by the second but nonetheless waiting. I turned my gaze back on Kirishima.

"Um s-sure!" I stammered, "Let me grab my things real quick" I quickly packed up my books into my bag and slung it over one shoulder, then I jogged to catch up with Kirishima and Bakugou just as the blonde yelled out "hurry up or I'm leaving your ass behind and you can kiss your tutoring goodbye!"

"Tutoring?" I asked, wondering if I could get in on it. I really needed help on Literature and Math.

"Yeah, Bakubro here said he'd tutor me if I bought him dinner every day up till the test." Kirishima responded, gesturing to Bakugou with his thumb as we walked down the street.

"Oh, good deal! Hey Bakugou! I've got a proposition for ya" I started

"Don't even think about it Lamp Girl, I've already gotta tutor this idiot so he doesn't completely flunk out and make me look bad, I don't need another dumbass to add to the pile of stupidity." Bakugou cut me off. I leaned in a little closer as we walked, ignoring Kirishima's mumbling about how he wasn't failing.

"What if I put a new codename for you on the table? It's a really really good one" I said teasingly.

Bakugou's posture never changed, but I could see the curiosity spark in his eyes for a second before the irritation replaced it. He was silent for a second, then responded

"Alright fine, since there's only a week before the test. But it better be an awesome codename and you better also buy my coffee when we study before school in the mornings too!" he growled.

"Wait in the mornings? We're studying before AND after school?" I asked

"It's not good enough if you just pass, if I'm helping you, even if it's just for a week, you'll place in the top half of the class on the written test, so yeah, we study in the coffee shop before class and the diner after." Bakugou said back, his eyes trained ahead. I groaned and turned towards Kirishima as we walked into the diner, the redhead holding the door open for me on our way in.

"How are you still alive?"

"Bakugou is actually a really good teacher! He's smart as a whip, even if he does have some serious anger issues." Kirishima responded as we made our way to our table. I sat next to Kirishima on the window side, and Bakugou sat opposite from us, slumping down on the bench and throwing his elbows on the counter.

"So, tell me this codename"

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now