Chapter 60!: Visits (another special filler)

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Author's note: This is another adorable filler that I thought of! It has very little to do with the actual plot, but alas, I couldn't get it out of my head! I hope you enjoy :)



The next day Kirishima and the other members of Class 1-A that were either unharmed or already treated came to visit us in the hospital.

"They gave you wheels?!" Kaminari asked, his eyes locked on the wheelchair.

"Yeah, they don't want me walkin' around until Recovery Girl can take another crack at me this evening. Wanna take me for a spin?" I asked, chuckling.

I'm glad they're all here. I don't really like being here alone to be honest. Plus it's a welcome distraction to the whole Bakugou thing.

"You bet your ass we do! Get in here!" Kaminari said, pulling the chair out from the corner and snapping it open. I swung my legs to the edge of the bed and put my hand out to steady myself on the guard rail of the bed, but it connected with another hand instead. I glanced over, and was met with the sharp-toothed goofy smile of Kirishima. He helped me lower myself into the wheelchair, and as soon as my feet were off the floor Kaminari took off with me down the hall. Mina, Uraraka, and Sero quickly caught up to us and I could hear Iida yelling from down the hall

"Hey! No running in the halls! This is a hospital for crying out loud!"

I couldn't help but laugh as we rounded the corner, the right wheel of the chair lifting off the ground with the force of our turn, giggles from all four of us filling the dreary halls of the hospital.

"Hey! Let's see if we can get to the roof!" Mina suggested. She ran ahead to an elevator and frowned at the 'no roof access' sign. We stopped for a minute for Kaminari to catch his breath.

"Aww bummer... we can't get there with you in the wheelchair." Mina said defeatedly.

"Wait a minute, is there a staircase that leads to the roof?" Uraraka asked. The group pushed me around another corner and sure enough, there was a door to the stairs. Uraraka exchanged glances with Kaminari, Mina, and Sero before she took the handles of my wheelchair, a small pink flash emanating from her hands.

"Hold on tight ok? I've got a plan." she instructed, and I gripped my armrests as both myself and the chair began to float off the floor.

It felt amazing, floating around, totally weightless. I flashed her a big grin and said

"Wow this is awesome! Your quirk is amazing Ochako!"

We made our way up the stars, Uraraka guiding my wheelchair around the corners so I wouldn't bump into anything. Once we came upon the highest door, Sero stepped ahead of us and flung it open.

I was confronted with the sweet breeze of summer as it ruffled through the sheets that were strung up to dry all over the roof. The sun was warm and welcoming as Uraraka wheeled me into it, the light felt like a better healing force than any hospital. My wheels touched down as Uraraka released her quirk, and Mina took over, wheeling me around the sheets and towards the railing so I could get a better view.

"Wow, there's actually a pretty good view from up here!" Kaminari said as we gazed over the buildings and streets, watching passersby walking into shops and going to work.

"I bet it's even more beautiful at night" I said to nobody in particular.

"Yes, I agree." a voice said behind us. We turned our attention to find Todoroki, Kirishima and Tsu walking through the door to join us.

"We followed the giggles thinking we'd better make sure they don't accidentally drop you or fling you off the building." Tsu said.

"Hey! We'd never let that happen!" I heard Kaminari whine behind me. I stifled a laugh, knowing Kaminari, out of anyone, would be the one most likely to let that happen.

The other students joined us at the railing to look over the town for a little while, and after a few minutes I broke the silence

"I'm so glad you guys are ok," I started as they turned their attention on me "You guys... fill my life with light and happiness" I looked at the puffy white clouds that lazily rolled by, remembering the way most people treated me until I met class 1-A.

"We're pretty fond of you too you know." Ochako bent down towards me, her hands on her knees, her smile stretching across her adorable mochi-like face. We returned to silence as we watched the clouds for a few more seconds before Todoroki spoke towards me

"Would you like to visit the others that are here with us?"

"I'd love to!" I responded with a smile. Kirishima stepped to take the handles as Uraraka touched the side of my chair to make me float again, and we made our way back down the stairs. 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें