Chapter 38: "Hey Kid"

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"Hey, you ok kid?"

I looked up to see a messy haired blonde in a tan jacket and tan pants, his golden eyes peering down at me with curiosity and the most beautiful scarlet wings protruding from his back. He knelt down and reached out a gloved hand to me. I stared back at him, not taking his hand.

"You're... Hawks right?"

"The one and only!" he said, flashing me a closed mouth smile. "Can I help you up?"

"Um, s-sure..." I said slowly, and took his hand. It pulled me up gently, and let go as I found my footing on the roof. The wind blew gently, blowing some cherry blossom petals around in the air, and I tucked some hair behind my ear as it fell in my eyes.

"You're Y/n Hikari, right? I mean, you fit the description." Hawks asked me.

"Yes, but what'd you mean?" I replied, confused.

"Oh the public safety commission, I was briefed on what happened last night..." he told me, his eyes flashing to my neck before reconnecting with mine. I took a slow, deep breath, trying to steady myself emotionally.

"Hey, it's ok. We've got all our eyes searching for Flicker right now, and we'll be beefing up security around your home as well as around your dad's work, so there's no need to be afraid anymore. Oh, also, I was instructed to come find you and give you this." he handed me an envelope, which I took and opened, Hawks peering over my shoulder to see what was inside.

The envelope contained a small chain bracelet, and a note that was folded in half.

"A bracelet?" I asked towards Hawks, wondering if he knew the answer.

"Read the letter silly." was all he said

I unfolded the note which read


I'm sorry about this dear, but with everything that happened, I'll have to be at the office a lot more often for a while. I've asked Hawks to give you this, it's got a hidden panic button in the clasp, so if anything happens with your mother or if you get into any trouble while I'm not home, just rip it off and our best pro heroes at the commission will be notified and rush to your location, ok? I love you so much, please don't worry.


I looked back up at Hawks, who smiled again, saying

"See? Told ya you've got nothing to worry about kid. We'll be right there if anything happens."

I smiled slightly, feeling a little safer. I held up the bracelet and asked

"Can you-?" gesturing to my wrist. Hawks clasped the bracelet on my wrist, and I turned my arm around to gaze at it.

"Looks lovely on you," Hawks said, lifting his eyebrows a little. "And better yet, nobody can tell its a panic button!"

I rolled my eyes and said

"Thanks Hawks... Oh god, I have to get to school..." I looked down at the ground, thinking about how I was going to be able to tell anyone about the break in AGAIN. Hawks seemed to notice my trepidation, because he said

"Hey, want me to take you to school and explain to your teacher?" my eyes widened in surprise and I responded

"Y- you'd do that? Aren't you busy? I'm sure you've got more important things to take care of..."

"Nah, kid. I'm all yours for the time being. I've got ya covered." He winked.

Once we got down from the roof and continued back in the direction of the school, Hawks prodded me a little, but kept his gaze ahead.

"You know, I spotted you before you got to the roof kid... I could tell how upset you are... even though you're pretty good at hiding it. You don't have to push yourself right now... From what I heard, that break in was pretty bad, especially if it was your mother. You don't hafta push everyone away you know, some people can make you stronger..."

I looked over at him in shock. How much did he see? How did he get that spot on?

He chuckled and kept going

"Ah, don't look at me like that kid, I'm just observant. You remind me of myself when I was your age. You're tough as nails, kid, being able to go back to school the day after an attack like that. And judging by the way you ran outta that cafe, either someone really screwed up your coffee order or you were running from someone. Someone I'm guessing was trying to help you?" He finally looked over at me, and I looked away, but nodded... I couldn't help but feel that he was right... But it's still dangerous to be around me...

"So maybe let 'em. Just a suggestion" he held his hands up nonchalantly, and shrugged, closing his eyes as we walked.

When we got to school it was 7:30, which meant we still had some time before students really started showing up.

Hawks gave Aizawa and Principal Nezu the rundown on the events of last night, and Aizawa recommended I see Recovery Girl for the bruises while they talked more about logistics.

While I was in Recovery Girl's office, Aizawa came down to visit me. He spoke a little more softly than normal when he said

"Alright, given the circumstances, there's no need for you to take the final tomorrow. I'm happy to give it to you when this has all cooled down a bit, bu-"

"No!" I cut him off, balling a fist next to me "No, I trained and studied so hard for this, I want to forget what happened last night, I want things to go back to normal..." I trailed off, shifting my gaze from my teacher to the floor. He stepped closer and put a hand on my shoulder to get my attention again.

"Are you absolutely sure?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I need to do this." I responded. I need to prove to myself that I'm strong enough to get past this. I need to get stronger, and be a hero... even if I'll be alone.

"All right." he sighed

"Aizawa, you're not seriously going to give her the final right after something so horrific happened." Recovery Girl scolded, handing me a glass of water.

He was already walking out the door but he turned around to say

"Oh yes I am, she's got this." and with that he turned and walked out of the room, but I could swear I caught a hint of a smile tugging at his mouth as he turned.

Author's note: I'm sorry this chapter sucks, I'll come back and fix it when I think of something better!

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