Chapter 30: Spiral

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After Kirishima's quarter final match with Bakugou (which of course, Bakugou won), the awkwardness settled over Kirishima and I as we sat in the stands to watch the rest of the matches.

 I tried to focus on the games because honestly, the battles were jaw droppingly amazing to watch, but my mind kept floating back to his lips on mine... his hands on my back... his adorable smile- wait a minute I can't get distracted by a boy right now! I've gotta work harder, become a hero... And, even though he did kiss me, it was a spur of the moment thing, right? Just from the adrenaline rush! It doesn't automatically mean we're dating or anything... does it?

I shook my head, trying to put those thoughts aside as the crowd erupted in cheers over Todoroki and Bakugou's final match. When the awards ceremony started, Bakugou was chained up like a wild animal on his No.1 platform, and I rolled my eyes.

  Sheesh dude, contain yourself at least a little! I thought watching him struggle towards Todoroki. Man, he's never going to get over that...

After the games were over I hurried out of the locker room and sped home, hoping a certain red haired boy wouldn't catch me.

I need a little while to think about these feelings... I feel like I'm getting into things so fast and I'm not sure if I should? I've never dated anyone before, how the fuck am I even supposed to act around him now? I want to be around him all the time but I don't wanna come off as clingy... oh god, and what if I'm THAT GIRL who gets a boyfriend her first year and grosses everyone out with the PDA and loses track of her goals?! I don't wanna lose friends over this...

My thoughts were racing in a jumbled mix of confusion and longing, and I was so caught up in them I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and tripped over a rock in the road.

My hands shot out to catch my fall and slammed against the concrete.

OUCH! I thought, pulling myself back up.

"Great, that's gonna sting tomorrow" I mumbled, examining my palms and picking a piece of gravel out of my road rash, which was turning redder by the second. I stood up and continued on my way home, just as confused but now also slightly grumpy with myself for being so clumsy.

That night as I was laying in bed, still spiraling about the kiss, my phone buzzed on the nightstand. I picked it up to see a text from Kirishima

Kiri: Missed walking you home today.

I typed out a response.

Y/n: Yeah sorry

Three dots popped up on the screen to show he was typing.

Kiri: You ok?

I sighed... I don't know... Yes? That kiss was awesome but... No? I don't know how I should feel or act around you? I thought. Better just not tell him anything until I've sorted it out.

Y/n: Yeah, I just scraped my hands when I fell walking home

10 seconds later I got his reply

Kiri: You see, I woulda caught ya if you didn't ditch me XD

Oh shit he thinks I ditched him! I mean... I kinda did... Ugh, why am I the worst...

I thought as I turned my phone off and rolled over, hoping sleep would reset my mood. 

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