Chapter 105: The Forest

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Moonlight dappled through the canopy as we made our way into the forest, all the while my mother hissing insults at me. I had blocked them out at this point, I knew the message. I was useless, ungrateful, a sad excuse for a daughter, my dreams of being a hero were useless.

My mind was, instead, focused on how I could get away from her, away from this situation without endangering anyone else. I heard a BOOM in the distance, which could only have come from Bakugou.

"Why are you doing this? What do you want? Why me?" I asked, trying to get more information out of her.

She just sneered and jabbed me in the back with the knife.

Another few seconds passed before another BOOM rang across the forest, this time more drawn out and closer.

They must be fighting with everything they've got.

It was at that moment that my mother tripped slightly behind me. It must've been on a little root or some uneven ground, and it wasn't a large trip, just enough to throw her off balance for a split second. But a split second was all I needed. I dropped my body down into a crouch and quickly pushed back up, shoving into her now off balance stance with everything I had, making sure to avoid the knife as best I could.

It worked. She tumbled backwards, and I took off to the left, running as fast as I could to try to get away from her.

I made zig zags through the forest, turning in a circle to run back towards the dorms, back towards the people that could help me, towards any light I could use. My breaths were coming ragged and shallow, my hands were shaking, but I kept running through the moonlit forest.

"Y/N!!!!" I heard her screech somewhere behind me, and I knew she was going to come for me. I could see the building of Heights Alliance beyond the trees now, and I opened my mouth to scream for help when a beam of light hit me square in the back, searing through my shirt and burning my skin. My cry for help turned into a quiet cry of pain as I fell forwards, my momentum knocked off balance.

She was on top of me before I could get up, her boot firmly planted on my wound, twisting into it, causing the burn to be more painful.

"Clearly you're more trouble than you're worth, you little bitch. If you won't come with me, maybe your body will send the same message I've been trying to get across to your class and your father!" she said lowly, and I could feel her rage emanate off of her in waves.

My body? She'd really kill me to prove a point? I thought. This woman was not my mother, she was a villain. An assassin, doing what she knew how to do best. She didn't care about me as a human or as her daughter. In this moment, I wasn't sure if she ever cared about me.

Suddenly a rustling sound came from behind us and before I could blink, my vision was filled with flashes of a grey scarf before I knew what was going on.

I landed hard on my ass, my teacher stepping in front of me protectively.

"Don't you DARE take my kids." he snarled, his hair defying gravity. My mother, who had now registered that he had whipped me out of the way, screeched in anger and lunged. 

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